《The Godfather {Being Edited}》¤Chapter Three¤


"How is she?" Tasha spoke to the doctor as soon as she left the room.

"She's fine. She just needs to take it easy and needs to keep her hearing aid on." The doctor, Dr. Rizzo, said as she sighed and scratched her brows.

"And" Tasha urged her seeing as something was bothering her.

"Well I spoke to the doctor who had prescribed her, her hearing aid and had said that he had made it very much clear that she shouldn't remove her hearing aid unless it's for short periods of time like showering and sleeping. So I can't seem to understand as to why she would do it, consecutively at that, if it had been made clear to her. Even after when she had a similar incident in high school."

"Yes I do wonder why?" Tasha quirked a brow looking at Annabel who stood in the corner.

Everybody was in the back room where Euphoria was placed on the couch that was in the break room. When she had fallen to the ground Tasha screamed bloody murder and tried to get help. What she didn't expect to happen was for Demetrius D'Agostino himself to turn around and come check what was going on. Demetrius demanded that club be closed early as soon as Jamal and Annabel came downstairs. She watched Demetrius bark orders and to get his family doctor before lifting Euphoria in his arms as the club was being evacuated.

Tasha had led him to the break room and forced the dancers who were on the couch off of it. She watched him places her there gently. Once that happened she was forced out leaving Demetrius alone with Euphoria. Tasha was shocked as ever can be. He stayed in there until the doctor came in and now the doctor came out alone.

"I told her it was perfectly fine to wear her hearing aid." Jamal frowned at the new revelation. Jamal had hired her because he found her to be a pure beauty and knew that it would attract many customers. He's sales had increased and without a doubt he knew it was her. He was ready to promote her once she completed a full on month at the club. He wanted her to serve the VIP section. He knew the higher paying customers would appreciate the new found beauty.


"Where's the manager." A deep smooth voice had Tasha clenching her thighs and bulging her eyes as she watched Demetrius emerge from the back room.

"There." Tasha snitched immediately. "It was that bitčh that forced bambina to removing her hearing aid. I tried to tell Euphoria that she should just keep it on but she was scared of loosing her job she listened to that cagna." Tasha spat.

Tasha watched as Demetrius snapped his fingers and a gaurd immediately gripped onto Annabel. "You're from Mexico, yes?" Tasha watched the exchange happen and slightly fell backwards towards Jamal as Demetrius stepped forward. "Deport her back to Mexico and make sure she has no way of leaving Mexico ever again." He spoke without waiting for an explanation.

Annabel screamed and cried as she begged for forgiveness. Her cries could be heard as they dragged her out. Tasha noticed a few of the strippers running away from the door. Messy ašs bitčhes.

"Can I see her please?" Tasha spoke as she turned around pleading with everyone.

"When will she wake up?" Demetrius asked the doctor.

"Not for a couple of hours by the looks of it. Maybe around mid afternoon. She is completely worn out and isn't eating well." Dr.Rizzo explained.

"I'll take her home and her friend will watch after her." Demetrius laid out the arrangements. "Medication?"

"Some pain killers for the headache, ear drops of her ear and much need rest is all." Dr. Rizzo shook hands with Demetrius.

"Wait Dr. Rizzo can she get a sick note." Tasha stopped the doctor.

"I'm sure Mr. Alfonsi understands." She glanced at Jamal.

"Oh not for him. You see Euphoria goes to university and she never misses any of her classes unless she has a valid reason that she couldn't make it. She told me that." Tasha smiled at her. "So, can I get that note for her please. And can you make it like three days because the girl over worked herself." Tasha sighed and began to ramble."I mean straight after she gets of from work she attends all of her classes and I mean all of them. Then she sleeps for about three hours before coming here and doing her homeworkwork then starting her shift." She said in a breath.


Dr. Rozzi looked to Jamal and to Demetrius waiting for their approval for what she asked. "Give them both the rest of the week off." Demetrius said to Jamal. "And ensure that she gets today and tomorrow off from school." Demetrius.

Tasha squealed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you sir." She grinned widely at him.

He gave a stiff nod before returning to the break room while Dr. Rizzo gave her the medication then left. Tasha turned around and have Jamal a hug. "Thank you papi." She smirked at him.

"You're welcome. You better come back home to me at night alright? After she starts going back her classes you must come home to me. Other than that you should go and attend to your friend." He gave her a loving peck on her forehead.

"Ok I'll get her things since Mr. D'Agostino is getting her. Can you help me please? She carries bricks for books."


Tasha sat besides Mr. D'Agostino in the large SUV. Euphoria sat in his lap still out of it and her legs stretched out onto her one leg. A gaurd sat up front with a driver and two SUV's escorted them to Euphoria's apartment.

"You really care for her." Tasha spoke as she watched him stare down at Euphoria. She didn't receive nor expect a response from him. All he did was stare at her. "I really care for her too despite knowing her for a short period of time." Tasha smiled down at her friend sadly. "I don't know how you guys met or how you've come to know her but please just don't... don't hurt her."

"That's the last thing I intend to do." His gruff voice spoke as he tightened his hold around her slightly. "Keep looking out for her like you do. She needs it."

Tasha nodded slowly before a smirk lingered on her lips. "I see you Mr. D'Agostino. You've got one or two of your little foot soldiers looking out for her, don't You?" She giggled. "Don't worry I won't tell her." She smiled.

Once they reached her apartment building he helped carry her upstairs. The building was slightly run down without a working elevator. It didn't seem as though the railing was safe to hold onto either. The halls were decked in a vomit green paint as it chipped. The old cracked tiled floor was a chocolate brown with some missing tiles and it had dim lighting. "This is it. Oh and Euphoria has this no shoes rule in her apartment so leave your shoes by the door." Tasha explained as she entered the beautiful apartment.

"It's homey." Demetrius noted aloud as he kicked of his shoes respecting the rule and checking that the gaurds that followed with their belongings did the same.

"I know right." Tasha spoke over her shoulder as she led him to her bedroom. "She said it took her two whole years to do it. She did everything by herself and never once hired anyone. She said that she worked odd jobs to just afford all of this. Right now she's working at the club to remain as stable as she can be." Tasha shrugged as she pushed back the covers on the bed. "She even painted all the walls herself. She didn't like the the tiles but she made it work for her." She said as she help Demetrius remove her shoes. She then unclipped her bra.

"You grew quiet close with her."

"Mhm." Tasha nodded. "She's really special and I haven't made a friend like her in so long. I'm glad I met her. So will you make a move on her already and then fučk some sense into her. She's too serious for her age." Tasha frowned as she walked him to the door.

"Here." He pulled out all the hundreds from his wallet. They were chum change in his eyes. "Make sure she stocks up her fridge and gets whatever else she needs."

"Wait you're not staying? What if she wants to meet you?"

"I can't, business calls. In all due time I will introduce myself to her." Demetrius said as he put on his shoes.

"I can respect that. I'll make sure she's all taken care of."

He give a stiff nod. "Goodbye Tasha."

"Bye Mr. D'Agostino." She waved at him.

"Be sure to lock the door."

And she did just that.

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