《Her Worth| kdg.》|O7.


Kentrell would give me side glances as he controlled the steering wheel while driving, he would catch me staring a bit and chuckle lowly squeezing my thigh a little more. I would blush and look outside the window abashed. He was taking us to his place since I offered to cook us food as I considered him being a public figure and I wasn't ready for all the publications and rumors that would follow if we were seen at any open spot being close enough to spark speculations by the media whatsoever.

Kentrell didn't seem too excited about keeping things 'concealed' because in his words; 'Sooner or later, you gon' have to step outta your comfort zone if you tryna' fuck wimme on a different level'. But he understood regardless.

We eventually got to his house also known as the venue for the 'mass party' we met for the second time. He let me into the house and I properly took in the whole place, it was beyond nice.

"You know, I didn't really get to see much of the house as much last time I was here, did you put it together yourself?" I absentmindedly said as I observed most things that were in high standards all the way to the floor to ceiling windows with panoramic view of the city.

"Nah, I got some interior designers to take care of that. Wassuh, you like it?"

I nodded. Everything was so in order and well put together but I had to think back to who he was and I wasn't surprised at the way or where he lived.

Kentrell brought me to the kitchen and showed me to the refrigerator and pantry where I'd be getting items I need to cook with. "So what you makin'?"

I shrugged looking up at Kentrell, honestly I wasn't sure how I was going to act around him since he was the very first guy for me and it surprised me how I didn't run and hide in my closet when he pulled up but I genuinely felt affectionate towards him and the zeal to keep him interested were mainly why I didn't want whatever was brewing to flop.


"I'm thinking something with chicken? Would you like—"

"Nah, surprise me mama and I don't mean bring down the damn roof on me 'ight." I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes as he chuckled but I giggled when he placed his hand around my neck and leaned down to kiss my cheek— don't ask why I felt wootsy when he did that. "Freak ass I'll be in the living room."

"Bye Ken," I went to the double door refrigerator and took out items to make some well thought out chicken pasta with separate fried chicken and cheesy garlic bread. I added salt and oil to the pot with pasta and let it cook al dente.

I added the thawed out and marinated chicken into the pan of hot oil and other ingredients to sauté then joined pureed tomatoes. I wiped the line of sweat off my temple after adding pasta to the mix and turned down the heat. I checked the garlic bread in the oven and it was almost ready when the doorbell was rang.

"Um, Ken someone's at the door!" I called out since he wasn't answering and the person on the other side seemed pretty irritated. "Hold on, dang!" I rolled my eyes and took off the apron I had on. I fumbled with the knob a bit before it opened and there stood Kayden with a pit bull mug and another boy around his age with a light skin and ponytail next to him, both boys accompanied by a lady who looked nothing like them so I assumed she wasn't their mother.

"Oh hey, I'm Teelee and you must be my brother's flavor of the month, nice to meet you but here, it's his turn to have them imps so here they are. Tell him I said he can thank me later." The lady said with a faux smile before giving both boys kisses on their foreheads and walking out of sight.


I didn't know what to say until Kayden said, "'Scuse me Ms. ma'am," he nudged me and I stepped aside for him and his brother to come in. I shut the door and still no Kentrell in sight so he must be upstairs. "It smells good in here, what are you making us to eat?"

"Pasta and chicken. Do you like it?" I meekly asked him. He nodded and went to sit on one of sofas and changed the channel. "I'll get your Dad and food will be served, okay?" I mostly told the other boy who was smiling at me with his cute gap teeth, whilst he nodded Kayden just sighed.

I went back to the kitchen to turn off the stove and take out the garlic bread when I felt a slap on my derrière as I was bent over, I gasped and spun around to see Kentrell there and Kayden's partner in his arm; giggling, "Why'd you do that and in front of a child."

"My child so he know wassuh, you whipping up a storm, huh," He inhaled and reached for a chicken wing, "You want dis one Tay?" I pinched his hand, "Aye chill."

"Don't try to be slick Ken, go wait in a second I'll set the table."

"Ms. ma'am can you come teach my Momma how to cook?" Kayden blurted out. I raised my brows at him while Kentrell chuckled.

"Draco shut up and eat yo' food, ya mom dumb in the kitchen fo' life can't nobody teach her shit. Stop acting so hungry Tay, chill." I laughed at Taylin, who I learnt was Kentrell's child from his second baby mama and I had to say he made some good babies, regardless of how it looked morally I wasn't going to judge him.

"I know they like the food but do you? You haven't said anything since you started eating." I asked Kentrell with worry that he probably didn't like something in the food.

"Gotta be kiddin' meh, this shit make me wanna say sumptuous but I won't," I still smiled at his own way of compliment, "And Teelee bogus as hell for bringing them kids ova' today cuz I told her I was gon' be home wit' my girl and her head too stuck up Niya ass to let me have some time in peace."

His girl? His girl. "Your girl? Me?"

"Yeah," he confirmed.

"But you didn't ask me,"

"Cuz I wanna take shit your pace, slow and show you I really want you. Honestly, I'm new to this whole feeling I got fo' you but I ain't scared to admit 'em to assure you that you worth it Maeve. Don't think I don't see you when you get embarrassed whenever I touch your thighs, I see all'at and lemme tell you, yo' insecurities are my weakness— mane Draco stop staring at me like that." I couldn't help the laugh that came with the tears I had in my eyes. Kayden was staring at his Dad with squinted eyes and all I just couldn't.

"What you doin' to my pops Ms. ma'am."

I chuckled and bit my lip in contemplation before I leaned across the table to place a lingering peck on Kentrell's lips, Taylin mushed my cheek before I pulled away with reddened cheeks and I mumbled, "Exactly what he's doing to me."



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