
A euphoric feeling consumed me suddenly.

The anger,the rage fueling my body evaporated as if it wasn't there.

My head turned back around tuning itself to the sound of the soul that called me.My body was no longer mine.I could feel it.

My legs moved by themselves and I was carried to the source of the light that shined for me.Just for me.

Nothing mattered. No one mattered.

Everything felt so light.

And I was drunk on the magic that called me. Drugged in the state of bliss that flowed in my veins.I couldn't resist the pull that drew me in. Didn't want to fight it.

The red electrified inside and a new buzzing resounded in whole of my heart.As if I had been dead all this time .As if my heart truly beat it's rhythm for the first time in forever.

I let myself get carried to the melodic strings of the song.The song that summoned me.That awakened me.That kindled the love inside me.The one I thought I had lost to the darkness.

I was in the garden now,floating to the shining fire that would no doubt burn me.Only then will I be truly alive.

I felt Him before actually seeing Him.

The dream clashed with the reality.

The fuzzy figure started becoming visible bit by bit.My eyes watered and I felt the wetness on my left cheek.The same happiness and delight I had felt back then in my dream bombarded my senses again.I felt a contentment so extreme that I couldn't contain it inside any longer.I couldn't wait.I rushed towards,wanting to feel the same sense of warmth and security I had always felt in my dreams.And then everything was so clear.So bright that I couldn't do anything but shield my eyes to the brilliance that greeted me.


Time stopped.The Earth stopped moving.The very air stilled.The brilliance of the moment far more glittery than those stars itself.Magic resonating in the layers of air.

The spell was cast long before I was even aware of it.

My eyes landed on him at last.I didn't blink because of the fear that he might disappear.

There He stood.

Hair gleaming silver .Face so beautiful that it hurt to look.And those eyes.Glowing red staring at me.Boring in me,trying to find its way inside me.Trying to search for the soul that surely belonged to Him.

A single red tear on his right cheek marred the beauty of his too perfect face that had been sculpted with the finest fingers.

Like a moth is drawn to the flame.I was drawn to his fire that ignited my heart.

Close.More closer to him.I wanted to touch him.Wanted to assure my stupid heart that it was all real.He was there.

He is there.

He has always been here.In me.In my soul.In every single breath I took.

My feet glided over to him.No longer wanting to wait.

I reached him.Finally.

He was silent.Stood serenely waiting.Like always.

His eyes holding the love that was difficult for him to contain inside.It was overflowing.I could sense it.Could feel the tender caress of his invisible love.Of the abundant emotions he held.

He was still,a hint of fear in his eyes.I knew what that fear was.Not letting him suffer any longer I lifted my hand and brought it near his cheek.His gaze didn't leave mine.The red emitting from his body blending with mine.

My fingers itched to feel him.To touch his sparkling skin.



My hand made contact.One more tear slid down his other eye.

It seared me.Scorching me from inside.The pain It was all over.His pain.I felt it.Too much.No,I cannot.

I tried jerking my hand back but his found mine before and captured it.

The sudden assault of memories blinded me.

Memories of people who were mine.Who I belonged to,

I couldn't bear it anymore and let myself be buried under the memories that were mine and His.

They told the story that was supposed to be mine from the very beginning.

The story of us.

Him and Me.


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