
I looked at the large crowd once again that the Ceremony had brought together.All the neighboring packs were invited for the grand function.I saw many unfamiliar faces in the sea of familiar ones.This was the first time I had been privy to such a monumental and awe inspiring event.I took everything in with great eagerness.

The whole pack vibrated with renewed energy and happiness of the members.There were so many people.All adorned in their pretty attires.Women were flaunting their mates and their expensive jewelries to each other. Comparing and contrasting.Some gossiping.Some milling and trying to find their soulmates.

He carried me with him and all stopped to look at him.I was astonished and surprised to see some even bowing their heads to us showing their respects.I was amazed to say the least.

The old Zairi would have basked in the admiration and acceptance she seemed to be getting from the Pack members.This new one ,she threw their acceptance back at their faces.

The tender moment in the room with him was over.I had allowed that one last moment.I needed that in some way.The dream that I had envisioned was playing before my eyes and I couldn't resist participating in it with him.I allowed this small weakness .For him.For me.To be kept locked away in my heart for all those times in the past.

Now it was time to search for the one I desperately sought.

I looked around and saw some of the Elders with their brooches shining brightly on their chests.Some flaunted it with pride.I snorted.Typical.

We finally reached the front where the main members of the Pack were standing. Granna stood with her cane in hand away from others.Alpha Zed and Sarah stood a little away in a group with other elders.I diligently checked their brooches ,everyone had them.Instead of going to his parents. Aeran went to Granna who stood alone lost in her thoughts.

Sensing our presence she looked at us.Me in particular and smiled warmly.

"Granna." Aeran bowed his head to her.Ignoring him completely she hobbled to me and took both my hands in her.

Kissing them she straightened.Her eyes shined with un-shed tears ."Thank you,my child.Thank you for wearing this dress.You cannot imagine the happiness you have given me.Bless you."


I couldn't keep mum at her gratitude and flow of generosity.I removed her hands from mine."It is a wonderful dress.Thank you,Elder Kurona."

"It was your mother's." She dropped the bomb out of nowhere and I stumbled.I looked down at the dress immediately and then looked back at her in shock.She smiled affectionately.

"Yes, it was Trina's.She loved it.Always wore it for the functions.I kept it.Knowing that one day her daughter would want it.Would want to know what her mother was like.And you look just like her.A perfect spitting image."

I looked down at the dress in new light.My mother once wore this.Some part of her.I have it now.Unable to keep my emotions in check ,I smiled in gratitude at the older woman."Thank you for giving me a piece of her."

Her bony arms wrapped around me and I knew in that moment, I had forgiven her.May be I was never really angry at her, the one who was my only ally in this foreign world.

She let go and framed my face with her hands ,smiling wearily."Come now,don't make me cry,young lady."

With the forgiveness,Granna's strength visibly drew up.I noticed the change.She barked orders at the others with much more life in her than I had seen in a while.Our reunion was interrupted as Granna was called over by someone. Aeran probably forgotten by her as she ambled over to others.

With Granna I moved away from the silent figure by my side.Giving his emotions and hurt , a back seat ,for once in my life.

I looked at the brooches worn by all.Inspecting the familiar faces for their rank symbols.Almost every Elder had the brooch.

My eyes then landed on Ravine.She looked pretty in her black gown but the glow that once adorned her face was not there today.Her face was vacant,cold.Her eyes empty hollows leading to her sad soul.Ravine looked older in the shining lights.Her demeanor defeated and slumped.The dejected melancholic girl stood in a group with others but still seemed so lonely.Her miserable eyes doting on the only one .Without following her gaze I already knew who they were trained on.The ache of longing and craving burning in them,albeit hidden and visible only to those who looked deeper than her surface.


I recognized the same pain in her that I had once felt.And any lingering doubts about her affections were as easily diminished from my mind.

She didn't deserve my pity.I had something more important to do.

I moved along from her.The announcement and the ceremony rituals will start soon.I have to find him/her before that.My heart started beating faster.My pulse quickened.I looked and looked.

But there was nothing out of place.every Elder seemed to have their brooches on.I clutched the Blue brooch tightly in my hand until it's edges carved themselves into my skin.I needed to feel that blood to feel alive.All my hopes depended on this one thing.I cannot fail.I just cannot.

I tried harder,moved my feet faster,let my eyes linger longer,scanning each and every face and the attached brooch to it.


No, you cannot stop.Think.Look more.Find.Find.Find.

My head started throbbing .My body exerted with my efforts.I cannot give up.

"I would like to welcome you all in the midst of our Pack to join in the celebrations..."


I looked at the front again to see Granna inspecting the crowd. Aeran already moving into the throngs of the people to look for me.I looked at the other pack members moving forward and standing in their designated places. Almost all the members of the pack crowded the front part.I stayed back hidden, searching still to find the one.I stopped and looked back at the Elders standing in a perfect semicircle in the front behind Granna.

Who is missing..?

A name appeared in my head.I frantically searched for her.Where is she..?

She's supposed to be here.And if she's not here then..?

My instincts screamed at me.I knew where I'll find her. I turned back and rushed out from between the huge crowd of people to the Great Hall where I had found the brooch.

I ran in my high heels,stumbling once or twice but not letting up the speed.Adrenaline pumping my veins.Red swirling inside ready to be unleashed.My anger escalating with every breath I took.

I have you now.

You bitch.You'll regret it.I'll make you wish you had died before I got my hands on you.

I reached my destination.My breath coming in gasps.My anger at an all time high.My vision turned red as I saw her .

She was crouched on the ground.I knew what she was trying to find.Not waiting I marched to her.

""I asked darkly stopping behind her.

My red simmering in me to kill her this instant.The red flowed out without warning.I saw Leann's body lifting up from the ground.The red surrounding her completely.I waited for her shrieks.Waited to see that fear enlarge those guilty eyes.

Her body turned .Her head rolling to her shoulder.Her eyes closed.A white foam dribbling from her blue lips.

My heart stopped.

No.This cannot happen.

The red misted over.

Her body fell to the ground.I pounced on it immediately.


I checked her pulse.Her breathing.I pressed her heart to beat again.Tried everything to give her life.To call back her black soul from underworld and kill it again before I extract the name I wanted.

I looked up at the black sky.You cannot do this to me again.You cannot.


I tried again.Tried everything in my power and failed.

Leann had left this world long before I had found her.

I couldn't do anything.

I had lost once again.

I screamed at the injustice ..I was dealt with again.I shouted at the hypocrisy of the Mother Nature.I wailed against the unfairness of it all.

Didn't I had the right to take my vengeance even..?

My body started shaking with red hot rage.My pupils dilating.The red spreading more.Pulsing out of my body in waves.The ground shaking with the intensity of my rage.

Try to calm this rage now,Holy Mother.

Try stopping me this time.

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