

"Elder Kurona is asking for you."

I looked up at Rave standing at the main door,barring my entry. Granna..?!

I had talked the entire way but not once did she open that stubborn mouth of hers.I know she has a right to her anger but is it too much to let it go once in a while.I am trying here to mend those fences.Can she not see my efforts..?Or has she become an expert at ignoring..?

I sighed at her willful self.She won't make it easy will she..?

But whatever it's not like I 'll stop trying.I'll make her fall in love with me . Again.

"If you have time for her,that is.?!" His snide remark reached my ears .

I looked at him annoyed.I have been noticing his shit for a week now."What the fuck is that supposed to mean.?"

He smirked and came closer to me."You know it well."

I pushed him back and let him stew in his anger.I didn't have time for his shit today. Granna was finally willing to talk to me.I smiled.After the event that day,she had shut herself in her room.Not talking to anyone but Aiinata. Everyone felt her anger and dejection in the pack.Dad especially.He took it hard.All the pack members felt the loss of their leader and Elder deeply.

But now that she was willing to talk to me again.I'll make it right.I 'll beg for her forgiveness.I know she can't stay mad at me for long.I'll make her see the promise of the future she envisioned. Zairi and me ruling this pack, under her guidance.

"If you are done playing with that bitch.."

Anger like nothing else exploded in my head.Without the slightest hesitation I grabbed Rave by his throat and pinned him to the nearest wall.My wolf growling at the disrespect shown towards his mate and the Luna of the Pack.No doubt my eyes glowed violet.


"Say that again." Rave clawed at my hand but to no use.My Alpha strength far more superior than his.Real fear showed in his eyes then.I increased the pressure of my hold on him.He started changing,using his wolf strength to get out of the hold but a single command from my wolf had him still.His eyes wide with shock and surprise.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that if you want to live.Don't forget she's the Luna of this Pack.And I won't tolerate any disrespect towards her.No matter who it is from." I was losing control of myself.My rage all out.I threw him and turned away.

My body was shaking ,adrenaline pumping my veins,forcing me to do something.My wolf hissing and snarling at me to break something .

I took deep breaths,trying to calm myself from the rage that was engulfing me by the second.

Granna is waiting.

With great deliberation I let go of the anger that shook me and trudged my steps towards Granna's room.

I knocked slightly standing before her door.

"Come in." The weak reply came from within.

"Granna." I went inside.A smile bloomed on my face as I saw her sitting on her rocking chair.Some things never changed.

But that smile couldn't last long.Her face was haggard and weathered.She had aged ,these last days.I sat by her feet and gently started massaging her legs.

She still didn't look at me.Her face turned away from me.It hurt to see her ignoring my presence."Granna,please look at me.I know I did wrong.I know I need to be punished.What I did was un-excusable.You have all right to stay angry at me but please Granna,don't ignore me like this.I won't be able to tolerate it.Don't deny my existence Granna. It'll break me." My voice was thickened with emotions.I was about to cry and not in the least bit ashamed about it.


I laid my head on her knee.Seeking the warmth I had missed for the last few days.Still her hand didn't stroke my head,just like it always did.And I knew I wasn't forgiven. A tear escaped my eyes and I didn't stop it.

"Tomorrow is your Initiation Ceremony.I called you here for that.See to it that all the arrangements are done perfectly.I don't want anyone to point their fingers at the Pack."

I kept mum at her emotionless voice.

"After the ceremony,I want to relocate to the Pack's old house ,far away from this place.I can no longer stomach to stay here.Make all the preparations for me to leave the next day.That's it.You can leave now."

I felt silent at her words.The shock in them too much for me to handle.I lifted my head and looked at her turned away face.Wishing for some emotion to flicker on that cold mask over her face.My spirit broke.Along with my heart.

There was nothing left for me.

I got up and with heavy steps crossed the small distance to the door.

Stopping there, I turned back to her one more time.

Wiping my eyes,I said with as steady voice as I could manage. "I'll do as you wish, Granna. Anything to make you happy."

I crumbled down as soon as the door closed behind me.

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