
I heard the door open but didn't bother to turn back.

As always the flames had captured me in their beauty.

"Was that really necessary.?" I could make out the sadness in her weak voice.

"Yes,it was."I mumbled to myself more than her.

"Zairi..you broke her heart today.Elder Kurona has locked herself in her room.She's not talking to anyone.Is that what you wanted.?" She paused."Because if you really wanted to kill her.I think this is the closest you could get."

I kept mum."Elder Kurona's pride of her clan meant everything to her.She had seen this clan grow from ground.She prided herself in it's upbringing.Today that pride was shattered in more than enough pieces.Are you really happy now.?"

She waited for a response.But I had none.I didn't want to give none.

After a while she left.

I laid back down and continued to stare at the fiery flames.

My eyes closed of their own accord.


"Ma..why do you cry in my stead.?"

"Because my sweet Zairi cannot cry.If she cannot cry then her beautiful eyes would be all puffed up.And then her prince charming would run away." Ma laughed as she saw the true horror on my face.

"Zairi..I am just joking with you ,my child." Rubbing my head she cradled my face and smiled."Zairi ,tears are just a way to let the pain and anger inside flee out of your soul.If you don't let it out...it will keep on accumulating inside and will start to corrode .Now since my Zairi is special,Mother Nature asked me to cry in her stead so that little Zairi feels no pain."

I thought over it for a while."Hmm..Then Ma I promise not to cry ever. Because I don't want your eyes to be all puffed up as well."


"Ah My little Zairi is all grown up.But what will happen when your Prince charming comes riding on a horse.You will have to leave your Ma then."

"No,Ma.I won't ever leave you.I'll request him to take you as well along with me.You will come right ,Ma..?"

I could see a sad smile etched on her face."Ma..?You will come right..?"

Her face started fading and I clutched her hand tightly"Ma..?What is happening..?"

In no time I was all alone.There was no sign of Ma anymore.Everything disappeared.

The darkness changed in to a bright light suddenly.I shielded my face and turned back to run from it.

I wasn't allowed to run.

My instincts screamed at me to run but I was frozen to where He wanted me.

I could feel him getting closer to me.So close.

I was no longer free as He enfolded me in his arms.Cold.He was so cold.His arms tightened around me as he buried his face in my neck.Taking in everything I am.

Even though his hold was tight,there was tenderness behind it all.All my fear evaporated.A new sense of calmness and relaxation started invading my senses.My rigid body loosened in his hold.And I lay my head back down letting him embrace me as he wanted.It felt right to let him.My eyes closed and my hands lifted up to try to touch his hands on my waist.It had been a very long time since I last felt something like this.

Safe.So safe.

His iciness started to be replaced with something warm.And I relaxed back further more into him.We fit as if made for each other.And I didn't want to leave.Ever.From this place.From Him.


I was happy.Finally happy.

Happy from my soul.

"I am coming for you." His deep timbered voice whispered in my ears sending a tingle down my whole body.

"Yes." My subdued lips replied of their own accord.I had no complain.He was coming.For me.

At last.

He let go of his hold on me, to turn me back to him and I was more than happy.I wanted to know who He was.How He could induce so much peace and warmth in me.How He could so easily enter my being.?!

I felt a strange wetness on my cheeks.I was crying.Everything inside was so full of him that it could not be contained inside.This overwhelming happiness.This sense of completeness.Everything was finally making sense.As if I was meant to be here.With him.The other part of my soul.

My only one.


I jerked awake as a hand shook me up.

"Zairi.?What's wrong.?You are crying.?" I got up and shook away his hands from me.I looked at Aeran gingerly as his concerned face loomed over at me."You were crying."

I touched my cheek to know the truth in his words.

My fingers came away red.

"You were dreaming about something."

I looked at him again.And then away.

Yes I was.I was dreaming about something.

But what.?



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