
Pushing back the memories down,I glared at the perpetrators who were responsible for this state of mine.

"You wanted to know why I can't forget it Elder Kurona. May be I should enlighten you a bit.What happened right under your nose when you were enjoying your blissful ignorance."

"No..Please don't say anything." A shout from him had me turning to him.

His face was pale.His movements frantic as he came towards me.He stopped a feet away from me,gazing in my eyes,pleading me.Waiting for me to acquiesce to his request.

I smirked at the pained expression on his face.Stepping to the side I moved a step ,his hand encircled my arm to stop me.Without further ado I jerked my hand away.My eyes sharing the animosity I held for him and his kind.

"You are disgusting,Alpha Aeran Kranis and I regret the day I first saw you." I said loudly for all ears.He seemed shaken.

I moved to the dining table where my dearest Leann and her family sat.

Putting my hands on her chair I said very loudly."You want to share the stories with Elder Kurona,Leann or do you want Ravine to do the honors." I saw her thin frame shivering as my hand slid to her shoulder.

"Remove your hand away from her this instant."

I raised my eyes to Rave sitting opposite her.""His eyes clearly showing the evil he hid inside."" I whispered in a deep voice as the red waited to be let out.

Not yet ready to hold my gaze,he averted those eyes.That was all it took to shut him up.

"So as I was saying.Elder Kurona. You never did stop boasting about this pack,this generous and fair family of yours.And foolish as I was,I did believe all your stories of valor and courage and respect that formed your Pack.Let me add a few stories myself."I started moving when a hand firmly grasped mine.I didn't need to turn who it was.


"I beg you,please don't."

It was just that single thought that freed me instantly.I heard the loud crashing as he was thrown away from me violently.


A single command and everyone was plastered to their seats before they could help their future Alpha or may be take that chance to threaten me again.

Their shocked eyes met mine as they experienced the reality of the situation.A lot of emotions filled the now small dining area.Some were shocked over their inability to get out.Some scared to know that they were rendered useless by my single command.Some were in awe of the power that pulsed around them.

"Do you know Elder Kurona. The same dining hall that I am more than welcomed to today, was once forbidden for me to enter.I couldn't even enter this huge kitchen to even fetch myself some water to drink. Isn't it right dear Martha,.?" I taunted looking at her standing pale near the kitchen door.Her eyes met the ground as soon.

"You know about the burnt garden but may be you don't know about the beatings I got every other day by our very Ravine here,the beloved of the famous Alpha,who never once let me forget my true place."

I pointed my thumb behind me.He still hadn't gotten up.Still on the ground.Unable to face anyone."You never stopped praising your grandson and his various qualities.You taught him well Elder Kurona."

My voice deepened more as I remembered that day."."

Elder Kurona's eyes widened at this last piece of truth I had kept hidden to protect her from her own idolized version of her clan.

I returned to that same spot I had fell and humiliated in the most inhumane way.


I turned to him and pointed my finger at him.His eyes looked back at me empty,with no emotion

"" I walked to his fallen figure on ground.Bending down I lifted his face with my finger."I met his empty eyes.Seeing the same pain I had felt all those times.The broken Alpha was helpless at last.

I heard her gasp and turned to herShe fell down heavily on the chair.Her eyes moving from me to him.Her head shaking.Unable to believe it.

I asked scornfully looking down at the pathetic body by my feet.


His blank stare was focused on me.I turned back to Elder Kurona to see the insane level of shock and pain on her old shriveled face.She had aged in that small time frame.I could see it.Her eyes begged me to refute all I just claimed.I stared back without any mercy letting her see the truth at last.

"I said pointedly.""I glared at her and then at them ,still in their various states of confusion and fear.


I turned around and left them .

The sound of his breaking heart clear to my ears.

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