
The preparations for the Initiation ceremony had managed to capture the attention of all.It was going to be a "big event" as Aiinata quoted.Everyone in the pack was busy prepping the Pack house for the new visitors who would be arriving from far countries.

The disastrous turn the same event took the last time was still afresh in many a minds, may be that is why there was a hint of caution in the air this time.Each member contributed and took up work for the big day but only after full verification from the main house.No chance was taken for any danger to prevail the Pack's and it's member's security.Everything was double checked personally by the Alpha and the Luna of the Pack.

The Kranis Clan enjoyed its popularity as always.May be much more than the early years.All the neighboring packs were given personal invitation.Many important figures from the werewolf world were supposed to attend the "big event".

Elder Kurona was cleverly tightening her bonds with the others.That old lady was indeed brilliant and astute.

I walked further into the forest.My feet walking towards the one place that had once proved to be my only sanctuary .It had been a while since I visited.May be the first time since it burned down after that night.The horrible sight of that night was captured as clearly in my brain as if it was happening right now.I could see the flames,could still hear my cries of help,could still see the laughing faces mocking me and my efforts.The anger ignited my veins.It flew with an urgency to come out.To have them feel the same pain that I felt.

Burn them the same way.

A dark voice whispered.My eyes widened as I looked down to my hands.The red was turning to black ,oh so slowly.I shook my hand to get rid of it.It melted away in the air.I remained still.It didn't return and I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The red was now being replaced by the black and I didn't knew how to stop it.The only thing I was sure of was that it was more dangerous.More vile.More hateful.More powerful.

I had started practicing meditation and it was helping somewhat in gaining more control of this power .Providing me the focus and the strength to have it under command.But this new development still left me baffled.Yes I was improving but not at the desired pace as I had longed for.I hadn't been able to go to to the library after that day.After the search the first day I had lost motivation and the hope to find anything in them.Those books on the shelf remained unread.


A wolf growling at me brought me out of my thoughts.I looked down at the pair of wolves standing a few feet away from me.Their large eyes were at me.One of them bared its teeth at me.And another one growled again.Advancing towards me slowly.I stilled completely and let them have their fun.My turn will come as well.I could feel their animosity.The air was thick with it.

I smirked at the pair.The snarling brought my notice to the third one who had covered me from behind.I turned back to them as three more surrounded me.Oh a planned attack.Impressive. but futile.

The barking and growling continued as the wolves circled me.Their eyes on my every movement.Their ears up to listen and detect any small change in me.Was that supposed to scare me.?

"Hunting in groups now..?How low will you all fall..?" I eyed the biggest one who seemed to be the leader.The others kept on looking at him for directions.

Suddenly he lunged at me.Only one word passed through my lips.

He froze in mid air.His eyes widened.The others were frozen on the spot too.The red flowed as easily.The tendrils escaping my fingers and now coiling around the now turned preys.I chuckled as their eyes widened with fear.The surprise and terror apparent in them.The tendrils wound around their necks a bit tighter as my eyes narrowed at them.

They tried yet again.I guess it is to be expected when the bullied turns the bully.

I circled around looking at all of them..Their varied states of confusion and fear reached me but did I care.?

" I asked as I took a step forward and lovingly patted the head of the wolf still trying to struggle in mid air.

He yipped at me.Gasping as the tendril further tightened around their necks.

Twist them.Kill them right now.

The darkness whispered and I let it poison my brain.Yes they deserve to be killed. Didn't they kill my Ma.?I should kill them right here.Let them go through the same hell I went through.

The tendrils started wounding around their necks more fiercely.The choking and gasping ensued as I enjoyed the sensation.This feeling of seeing their pain.It was satisfying ,filling this inner emptiness.The joy it was bringing me.I closed my eyes and basked in it.It silenced the darkness inside and calmed me.

Suddenly I was flying back and on the ground.My head fell on the grassy meadows beneath me.I opened my eyes and stared in to the large violet eyes which were trained on me.The big black wolf was holding me down.I was too astonished to even gather what had happened.Too much in shock.The wolf's eyes left me and growled furiously at the others.I turned my head to look at them scurrying away with their tails tucked between their legs.Bastards.


I turned my eyes back to the one still holding me prisoner.His eyes captured mine and I knew who it was instantly.I struggled to get out from his hold.His massive paws were on my hands on either side of me.No matter how hard I tried, he didn't let go and applied more pressure.Not letting me get out.I tried calling in my anger but even that had left me.Something kept it inside.He waited for me to give up.Staring at me with amusement clear in them.I huffed and finally gave up.

"Get off me." I growled as he yipped at me playfully.

His head lowered and I turned my head away.Something wet brushed my cheeks and I stilled.I turned my head back slowly to him.His tongue was out.His muzzle close to me.

Did he just lick my cheek.?

I couldn't even summon a response as he repeated the process once again.My head automatically turning,escaping this playful Aeran.

"Stop it.What are you doing.?" I shouted at him.

Not paying me any heed he continued his assault ."Arghh..let me go you beast.."

"I'll pull that tongue out if you don't stop it.I am not kidding.Hey..stop it.....I know it's you..So you better let go before I lose my temper..."

Nothing was working on him.If this goes on he will not let go at all.


I shouted and this time he stilled completely gazing down at me.His violet eyes stared deep in mine.They seemed happy.A semblance of smile crossed over his face as he bared his teeth at me.I couldn't look away.Something shifted inside.

"Aeran." I whispered and his ears perked at my voice.

His head lowered and he nuzzled his head near my neck.One of his massive paws lifted from my hand. Involuntarily that same hand reached up to touch him.To pat his head.To feel the soft fur in him.He whined and purred as my hand stroked his head,leaning in more to my touch. I liked it.Liked calling his name.Liked touching him.I couldn't before.And the same magic that had once filled me started entering the empty space inside.Passing through the crevices of my broken heart.A tiny ray of the magic called Aeran. I was lost once again in him.

This was much better than the peace that the darkness provided.So much better.

A throat cleared nearby.My eyes opened and I twisted my head to look at Aiinata who was taking in the scene with a soft smile on her face."Please don't stop on my account.I just wanted you to know that Elder Kurona is asking for you."She looked at me and then to him."For both of you.But I can tell her that you are um..occupied." She smiled playfully and rushed away as quickly.

My face reddened in embarrassment.I was too ashamed..The state of my situation finally filtered in. I quickly removed my hand from his head and taking advantage of his lax hold pushed him away from me.I got up quickly and looked around.There was no one to see my embarrassment. A playful whine had me turning back to him.He advanced towards me again.I took a step back."Stop it..." not waiting further I turned and started running back to the house.He saw my weakness again.I cannot let him see his effect on me.

He is dangerous.I have to be as far away from him as I could.

I could hear him running after me.I didn't stop and rushed faster.I hadn't even covered that much distance when I saw him again.Standing before me in all his black glory.His violet eyes taking me in.There was an excitement,a happiness shining in those eyes.

Was he playing with me.?

He stopped a step in front of me.My lips tightened and I stepped sideways to escape his madness.He followed.I tried again.Finally fed up I growled "What is it..?What do you want..?"

His big head tilted and his eyes turned all round.Innocence dripped from him.I suddenly felt bad for shouting.Huh what.?

He took a step towards me and stopped.Nuzzling my hand he titled his head again.And looked at me without any difficulty.I wasn't that tall.

I frowned.He repeated the gesture.It was then realization dawned.

I reached up and patted his head again.He purred like before.Leaning further into my side as I stroked his soft fur.He really enjoyed it.A few moments later I lifted my hand back up before I got engrossed in the force called Aeran. Giving me a sorrowful look with his sad eyes he stepped away and let me pass without further ado.

I walked away.

......And all those who saw it were struck dumb as they saw the real beauty behind that.

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