
"Aeran,Aeran,listen to me.Please."

I turned as the love birds came to my view.Sipping the coffee I let my eyes wander over to them.

As if sensing my eyes he turned and stopped mid stride to the door.Just gazing back at me with those hazel ones burning.Asking for something I couldn't give.

Everyday I found a rose sitting by my side and everyday I threw it in the fire in front of him.He no longer slept on the bed but by my side, a few feet away from me,on the ground.I still found it puzzling.His behavior. He seemed changed.What brought this sudden transformation was still unknown .I didn't feel any hatred coming from him anymore.But something else entirely and that scared me.I could feel his stare boring into me when I wasn't looking.And not only in the room but outside.It seemed like he was everywhere.Always following me,those eyes always present.I still didn't say a word to him.Even when he tried to make me talk.I remained silent.There really was nothing for me to say to him anymore.It was all done with.I will never travel that same road again.

I left him and looked at her seething figure.She glared back at me . And then back to him.It was apparent the Alpha boy was losing interest in her.That would suck like a bitch.Now won't it.?

I raised a brow at her and smiled.Her lips tightened.I raised my cup as a toast.

She turned at the slam of the door.


The Alpha boy had disappeared and the fuming lady kept on staring at the now closed doors.

"You bitch.It's all your fault." She shouted as she came towards the table.


I kept my eyes on the mug as I sipped again.Very calmly I looked over at her furious stance.The fire burning in those eyes was ready to burn me, if I let it that is.

I shook my head slightly,her stupidity was astonishing and I wanted no part in it.

The cup in my hand went flying before I could grab it.My eyes followed the now spilled coffee on the floor.

"You whore,I'll show you what happens when you mess with me." She screeched.She went on to grab my hair.My hand shot out before she could touch me.

Some people never learn.

Bringing my eyes to her,I tightened my hold on her wrist and added more pressure.A bone cracked.

"Aaahh..Leave it,..Let go of me.." She cried out as I kept my hold on her.Tears sprung from those eyes as instantly as a crunching sound emanated from the now imprisoned hand.I didn't let go even as more bones crunched under my hold.

I got up slowly as she tried backing away.With adrenaline racing anew in her veins she brought her other hand to push me away.My eyes found it.

It froze where it was in midair.I saw as Ravine's eyes widened.

Her loud crying started gathering her supporters but none came forward.I twisted her hand one more time before throwing her away from me.She fell down hard,shrieking.Must be painful.

I looked around at the people gathered.No shame they had.Staring at one of their own's violation and still doing nothing.Cowards .The lot of them.And I wanted their acceptance.?Their love..?

I asked as their eyes turned from the pitiful figure on ground to my malicious one.I could feel their fear .My lips twisted cruelly as I continued.


Bringing my gaze back to the one on ground.I knelt down in front of her.

She cringed as I brought my hand towards her.Grabbing her hair the same manner she once did mine.I brought her face near mine.

Her sniffles quieted down .I inched near to her ear and whispered as coldly as I could.

Letting go of the hard grip on her hair I patted it back to it's place.

I stood and sat back on the chair.

Her gaze didn't falter from mine.I narrowed my eyes more at her.

She sat frozen for a while and then gingerly tried getting up as I snapped my fingers in front of her.

I sat and watched as she struggled to get up.Her other hand delicately holding the broken wrist.

With tears still clouding her vision she hurried behind the kitchen.

I saw sideways as a figure emerged. Leann.

Perfect timing.

"Where's my daughter..? What have you done to her.?" Her voice was not as louder as it used to be earlier where I was concerned.

"The throat still giving you problems.?"She looked away ,not daring to meet my gaze again.The door opened and I smirked as Ravine came out with a steaming cup of coffee.

"Ravine..?" Leann rushed over to her,taking in her daughter's disarrayed state.

With the broken wrist hanging limply on one hand and a tray with a single cup in the other,she walked over to me,ignoring her mother's concerns.

I looked at her.The fire still hadn't subdued from those eyes.The hatred shining brightly.

I smiled as I took the cup of coffee she offered.She turned to go back.But stopped hearing my words.And brought those evil eyes back to me.Her despise and anger radiant.

"Ravine,once upon a time I brought you a cup of coffee as well."I looked from her to her mother's stupefied face.

"You had managed to spill some on yourself.."

Without further ado,I grabbed the cup and threw the hot coffee on her broken hand.She screeched and jumped back as her mother rushed forward to help her.


My lips twisted at the familiar scene.

I saw as the skin on her hand reddened. Her shrieks of pain calmed my darkness a bit.It gave me a sense of peace.Very cruelly I tugged her forward by the same wrist.Leann protested and tried holding her daughter back but one glance of my anger and she was letting her daughter go free.

Dropping her hand as soon as I had grabbed it.I glared at the pair once more letting them see the intensity of hatred that was reflected back in my eyes for them.

With that I turned and made my way up the stairs.Not feeling one ounce of sympathy for them.

I am not at all sorry Ma.

"Martha,bring some ice...water..faster come out." Leann shouted out the orders .

"Mom..it burns..That ..,,.she." The loud wails of cries ignited the darkness inside more and happiness bloomed inside.A pleasure never felt before crowded inside.I realized I was enjoying it.

Their Pain.

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