

I staggered back a step as his face turned towards me.


My patrol buddy.I bend forward and checked his injuries.A groan erupted from deep his body as I touched his arm to rouse him.Nothing happened.

He had passed out cold.

My eyes zeroed on the Court where silence reigned.I took the few steps near it and stopped short.

More bodies lying around the court in varying states.I checked the pulse of the one nearest to me.It was there.Faint but there.

Out cold.

It was then I saw it.

Her with those red flaming shadows.Standing so erectly with her features twisted into something evil.Something cruel.The dark red shadows around her turning brighter as her red eyes flashed at a subdued Rave.Kneeling before her.His head bowed.

I closed the distance to them.

Her red eyes focused on me as she saw me nearing her.The red shining more brighter.She had gone off the far edge.I could see the emptiness in her eyes staring back at me.Those red orbs oozing hatred.So much fury it humbled me.She breathed deep as if the very air was her opponent.

I took a step closer.Her eyes were zeroed on me,taking in my every slight movement I made.Her eyes narrowed as I took another step.I halted my progress.My palms up.To let her know I meant no harm.To calm her.

My eyes drifted to Rave who had since then gotten up.He rushed at her.

"..Fuck..." I shouted running at him with full speed.Ready to tackle him before he hurts what was mine.My wolf growling and snarling at the one who dare try to hurt its mate.

I froze before I could hurl Rave away from her.My eyes widened as my body stuck to the ground.I couldn't move.


I couldn't fucking move my body.Even an inch.


He would hurt her.I tried fighting the control.Nothing.All my efforts seemed to aggravate the force holding me prisoner.I fought harder and it gripped me more tighter.The red tendrils floating around me.


I looked at the scene before me and nothing could have shocked me more.

She had him in a far much harsh grip than mine.Her hand were fastened around his throat.His feet dangling few feet above the ground.I saw as he struggled to free himself.No use.

"." The deep voice emanating from her had me in shivers.

I think it had the same effect on Rave who was visibly trembling in her grip.

"" Her grip tightened around him.He gasped and thrashed about trying uselessly to flung himself away from her.But nothing he did seemed to work.

I stood and watched it all happen.She's going to kill him.

It became clear as I saw her grip tightening further with each second.I cannot let her.She'll lose herself.If she does.No,No.

I fought the control she had me under.More aggressively than before.More.I need more to get out form this.I called in on my wolf's strength.

I am the Alpha of the Pack.

My mate needs me. My family members need me.

I have to stop her.

Everything inside me fought harder against her hold.It started weakening.The tendrils drifting away from me.The Alpha's power coming forth.I could feel the red giving way ,drawing back from me .After several seconds it diminished at last.


I was free.

I didn't waste time and moved towards her.Her face turned towards me.Her red eyes staring at me accusingly as if I betrayed her somehow.


No.I didn't .I never could.

"Let him go." I said softly.

Her eyes turned wilder at that.More anger.Her grip twisted more cruelly around my friend.

"You don't want that.You know it.Please let him go." I tried again taking small steps towards her.

" " Her voice had turned more deeper.I glanced at Rave who was still struggling for breath.

I couldn't stop her like this.I didn't want to hurt her as well.

"Your Ma won't want this." I said the only thing that could stop her.

As if all her energy deflated, she let go.Rave fell down.Coughing and sputtering.Trying to let air enter his lungs.Her red eyes still shone.And I couldn't keep mine away from her.

"Ma..?"Red eyes shone with sadness.

Her eyes fell away from me.

I couldn't hold myself any longer.I rushed towards her to grab her ,to enfold her in my arms.

Before I could reach her,I was flunked back several steps.The red tingling from her fingers.

She looked up at me with empty eyes.

And then glaring at the havoc she had wrecked on many, feeling satisfied she strode away from me.From what I offered.Not even wanting my compassion.

It really hurt.

I kept my eyes on her retreating back as she disappeared behind the trees.

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