

"We cannot postpone the ceremony any further." Elder Amarov was right.

I looked at the others to see their silent nods at the topic.The Alpha's Initiation Ceremony.

"Yes it would be wise if we have it sooner than later.Already there are talks among the packs.Everyone is trying to speculate what happened that night.We can not have any more rumors floating around.It would be best to just quieten them down when we can."

Dad agreed with it completely.I could see it.But the final decision was always Granna.I looked at her sitting at the Head Chair.After some initial resistance she agreed and thus the matter was closed.We'll be having the Ceremony .The thought didn't bring as much happiness as I had envisioned.

I had slept right by her side and she didn't even try to acknowledge my presence.I didn't know what else I could do.But to just wait.For her to see me again as she once saw.

"There is this other problem of those robbed beings.Their activities have turned more aggressive than before. There were many incidents last week in the neighboring territories.I think we need to take it more seriously than before."

"Yes we need to be more vigil in that regard as well.It seems they are searching for something."

There she slept so peacefully,so innocently.Her face towards me.She was so close and yet I couldn't bring myself to touch her.I had woken up in the early hours after a restless night.And just laid there to watch her.My eyes couldn't do anything but take her in.All of her.The way she huddled on her side.Her hands resting under cheeks.So sweet.So cute.So pure.So I watched her sleep.Like a creep.I kept my eyes on her the whole time waiting for her to open them and see me with that same trust and love she once had.My selfish request was denied and even then I stayed.Longer than I had intended.Forgoing my normal routine to go for the run.I preferred her than the nature's calming stroke on my fur.My wolf had readily agreed.I wish things could be different.I wish I could turn back time.


"Or may be it was someone.We need to look in to this matter closely.I have a bad feeling regarding this.They had never breached the Pact before so what is different now.?"

When she refused to open them.A plan had formed in my head.I had gotten up quickly and silently and rushed out the same patio,jumping down and running as fast as I could before she woke up.I had ran for the longest time before I saw the red bloom.I had plucked it softly,removing those thorns who had in turn managed to prick my finger for being the cause of their disturbance. And then I had ran back to her,keeping the bloom secured in my hands carefully.I had climbed back in the same manner and with quiet steps reached her side.Keeping the rose near her head ,I had looked down at her sleep prone figure and touched those strands of black fanned around her head,so lightly.Very lightly so as to not wake her up.I rubbed my fingers again,remembering their softness, that same feeling of being so near to her.I smiled at the memory.

"We need to schedule a meeting with the other packs to know about their intentions regarding this new enemy we have on our hands."

"We don't know for sure if they are enemy yet.I don't think what happened all those years ago has anything to do with this.That matter was long forgotten."

"We can never be sure.We need that meeting.I guess we have to find out as much as we could and what plan of action to take."

"Hmm.That is what must be done.What do you think Aeran.?"

I cannot let her run farther from me anymore.I have to do everything in my power to have her look at me again.



I cannot just admit defeat at this stage.I have to try harder.I cannot sit while she keeps on drifting away from me.No.I won't let her go.

"Aeran.?" The loud voice jerked me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see dad looking at me weirdly. I looked away from his probing eyes to see similar faces filled with expressions of confusion towards me.I looked at Granna who had a small smile on her face.I reddened with embarrassment.

This had never happened before.Pack always came first.To see this level of distraction from the Future Alpha didn't bode well for me.

I cleared my throat and nodded my head.Not knowing what discussion was going on.I went with the best line I could think of. "Yes I think what you thought is best." I said as seriously as I could.

Their brows dipped further in confusion.Hmm so much for acting like I know what was being discussed. I hope they don't ask.

"Well that's that then.We need to schedule a meeting with the others to know their thoughts .And start the preparations for the Initiation Ceremony this weekend." Granna's orders finally diverted the attention for me and I sighed in relief thanking Granna for her intrusion.

With that the meeting came to an end.

I got up to help Granna but dad beat me to it and they went their way. Granna's eyes met mine and I couldn't hide the flush that covered my whole face.It felt as if she knew where my mind was engaged during the whole meeting.Patting my cheek she went away with dad.

I shook my head in embarrassment,exasperated at myself. I need to have more control of my thoughts.I cannot let what happen today repeat.I smiled despite myself.The silliness of it all.

I really hoped she would take that rose.A small step but important.I'll gain her acceptance.Her forgiveness.I 'll work as hard she did once, for us all to accept her.

I walked out the door only to be grabbed by Dane.

"Thank God you are out.I was waiting forever for you to come.You have to come fast. She. Zairi..she has.."

My senses alert I pounced on him."What is it..?Where is she.?" The worry in his tone was genuine.What has happened to her..?

"S-she has gone to R-Rave.In the court outside.Y-you have to hurry."

Leaving the thoughts of asking about the marks and bruises covering his face for later, I hurried to the destination.The anger and worry igniting my muscles to rush faster and reach her.

If even a single strand of her hair is touched,I'll...

A body came crashing to my feet out of nowhere.I stopped suddenly and looked down at the battered face of one of my own.

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