
I walked through the main door still engrossed in my thoughts.

He slept right there on the ground.A few feet away from me.It still confused me.I burned that bed right in front of his eyes.He didn't stop me.Was not even a bit angry.Why.?

And then this morning.That rose .I was surprised to find it sitting near my head.So close.What was that about ..?What is he planning with this.?I didn't let it's delicate beauty touch me this time.I didn't touch it and left it as it is.

One thing is for sure.I cannot trust him or anyone else here.So what is with this sudden change in his attitude towards me.

It cannot be because of his change of heart.

It is not possible.I stopped and looked around.These people.

No.They are not humane enough to feel.How can I even let such absurd thoughts enter my head.I cannot let them fool me this time around.Look where the first time got me.I lost Ma because of them.

I cannot afford to make that mistake again.

And that husband of mine.Oh, I will make him feel every bit of pain I felt.And that lover of his.A cruel smile twisted my lips.Just let me get my hands on her..

A body collided into mine and I stumbled back.I saw as he fell down.With anger clouding my vision I turned those red eyes on the one who dared push me.

"How.." I stopped.My eyes widened as he looked up.

The anger subsided and I crouched down to his level."Dane.?" I touched his face which was bruised and rapidly changing color."What is this.?What has happened.?"


He shied away from my touch and avoided my gaze."I-It's nothing." He tried standing,stumbled and fell back again,."I have to go."He gasped as I forcefully took hold of his face and looked at it all.His face was covered with dark yellow and purple color.His lips were cut.

"Who did it.?" I asked as my anger returned with full force.My vision turned red.

He cringed as I touched the biggest bruise on his cheek."I-I fell."

Not believing him for one second.I left his face and cruelly pulled his arm up,despite his protests.Yanking the full sleeve shirt back I found what I was looking for.Deep red slashes marked his pale arms.I knew what a beating looked like.

My eyes found his again.There were tears in them.I lost it then.The same treatment was being dished out to him that I was apparently subjected to."Dane,I won't ask again.Who did this..?"

He kept mum over the topic,trying unsuccessfully to pull his arm back.I sympathized with this broken boy.He didn't even had the strength to pull his arms from the light hold I held.The anger inside started escalating.Ready to leak out and burn the ones responsible for all this hurt.

Always the same tricks.Bullying the weaker.Why.?

Because they won't fight back and fall into the same level as you.

"Dane.?" My fingertips started to have red tendrils.It must be fear I saw in those eyes because he quickly supplied what I wanted to know.

"Rave." He quickly scrambled back as the red hue started to shine brightly."Z-Zairi..wait..It's not..He and ..You shou.."

One word and a happiness I never felt bloomed.The red inside shaking with eagerness to explode.No more need to find excuses .Not waiting for one more second I got up stealthily. Determined to find the next prey.


I Looked down once more at the sweet boy whom I found a friend in.I patted his head as I made my way past him."Thank you Dane."

"W-Wait,Z-Zairi. He's not alone.Don't g-go.He's.."

I tuned him out after that.No need to hear anything more.I got what I wanted and now if I could just find my sweet prey.

My eyes narrowed.I heard them before I saw them.

And there they were.Playing hoops in the basket ball court.Two or three girls sat and watched them make a fool out of themselves.Cheering and flashing at the guys who scored.

I marched towards them with all the time in world.The noise stopped as I was noticed.Rave in the middle.His eyes flashing dangerously at me.Really.?

"What the fuck are you doing here.?"He growled from his position in the midst of his gang.Two of the guys shielded him and stood closer to him.You'll need more than two to deal with me.

"Did you hit Dane.?" I asked as the one nearest to me staggered at my red eyes and stepped further back.Smart.

Rave stood still for a minute but finding courage form his lackeys straightened and smirked at me."Oh you here to avenge him.?The Angel of Justice.?" He laughed slapping his thighs.

The others followed his example and finding all their useless prides chuckled at my expense.The girls snickered and closed around the guys.Not yet ready to come near me.

I chuckled."Aww..now you'll hurt my feelings.How can you call me an angel..?Huh..?"

His smile dropped as he saw my face.

I stepped towards him until he was inches from me.No one stopped me.Not daring enough.

"You'll regret this,you bitch."

My smile evaporated slowly.Letting them see the hatred.The anger.I looked at the others and brought my eyes back to him.

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