
I got up to leave the bed.A hand grabbed mine and I looked back down at the wide eyed Ravine staring up at me.

"Please don't go. Stay here." Her voice was hoarse.She had continued crying clinging onto me.She had thwarted her mother's consolation and all other's,sticking to me like glue.I didn't mind.What had happened in the room earlier had deeply impacted her.Us all.

Despite her protests I sat up in the bed.Turning towards her I cupped her cheeks."Ravine,you need rest.And apparently so do I.I'll go now and let you sleep.Okay."

She shook her head and wound her hands around my neck pulling me to her.I resisted. Taking hold of her hands I extracted myself gently and got up.

"You can sleep here.It's nothing we haven't done before,So why can't you stay.?" Her whining was really getting on my nerves.It has been the same this last week.She was getting too clingy as of late.I don't know where her insecurities are coming from.Did I not agree to all her demands.?

"Ravine I am not in the mood to argue.Just sleep.We'll talk in the morning." I told her in my most stern voice.

She glared at me and pulling the covers over her face turned to her side ,away from me."Fine.Just fucking go.I don't want you here now,anyways."

I stood and stared at her petulant behavior. What has gotten into her.?

Not paying it much heed,I shut the lights and made my way up to my room.I quickened my steps .Standing at the door I inhaled and there it was.The taste my wolf wanted.I opened the door and looked at the familiar surroundings.It was same yet not the same as well.My eyes roamed over to the fireplace which was blazing with flames.I sagged against the door as I saw her sitting there in front of it.Just like always.I rubbed my chest again as it pained,my eyes not leaving her small figure.


I nodded my head absentmindedly.

Automatically my feet started moving towards her.She must have sensed my approach. Why is she not turning then..?


I stood there a few feet away from her staring at her back and waited for her to acknowledge me.Few minutes which seemed like hours to me passed.She never turned back.And it hurt.Painfully.My chest started aching again.

Why is she not saying anything..?Doesn't she has anything to say to me..?I was feeling comfortable even if it was only her anger .That meant she cared at least. Isn't it..?She can keep on hurting me all day long if that satisfies her.If it is able to diminish a bit of that fury.

I cleared my throat to draw her attention.To acknowledge me.She didn't move from her position.Gave nothing that said she had heard me.She continued gazing in those flames.It was frustrating as all hell.

My anger was mounting at her lack of display of emotions towards me.My wolf growling at me to back down.As if I will.

I took a step closer and tried again."It's going to be cold today.You can sleep on the bed.I'll take the couch." Not that she cared where I slept.

It was then her body stiffened as if I said something atrocious to her.I saw as she straightened and got up ,her back still to me.She turned with a sweet smile on her face.The shock on my face couldn't be contained.My eyes widened and my mouth hung open.It changed her.That smile.Those dimples playing a peek a boo.It wasn't like I hadn't seen her smiling before.I remember the smile she gave to Granna or when I spied her working in that little garden of hers.

I looked closely at her.This smile was enough to fool anyone.But I saw the emptiness behind it.It wasn't the same.Her eyes didn't sparkle with happiness anymore.They were hardened.Filled with so much hate I cringed from it.I averted my eyes unable to bear this mockery she presented me with.

"You want me to sleep on that bed.?" Her saccharine voice reached me and I nodded my head to let her know my intentions.My eyes not ready to feed her hatred more.


"Aww you won't even look at me.?"

My nostrils flared at the delicious scent that emanated form her.She was closer now than before.My eyes found hers instantly.

The blues stared at me with malice in them.They changed to red as efficiently.

"Oh I see..you like the new color.I remember your aversion to the blue ones,very clearly."I flinched as her barbs landed directly inside my chest piercing my heart.

I let them.Leaving my heart bleeding.

I couldn't tell her truth.Those blue eyes.Why should I not hate them..?When they reflected me in all my inadequacies and inefficiencies. They showed me the true picture of my beastly self.Of how unworthy I truly was.I couldn't handle the truth in them.So I did what I was best at.I fucked it again by telling her to remove them from me.When I was the one who couldn't handle the honesty I saw in them.

"So that bed is mine now." She brought me back to the present.I looked back at her face.And kept on looking.

She is beautiful.Too pretty for words.

Her skin was smooth.Her eyes shining red with a hint of blue remaining in them.Her lips so soft,so pink.I longed to touch them.

My eyes couldn't resist feasting on the beauty she presented.

My heart warmed at her closeness.A new peace settled inside me.A new calmness ascended my frozen limbs.A happiness bloomed inside and I wanted to smile and laugh and celebrate this existence,basking in her presence.

Why did I insist on missing this feeling before..?

My fingers itched to touch her.I lifted my hands towards her. She looked at me in confusion.I was in a daze.There was this need inside to touch her.Its been so long since I did that.My fingers closed in on her.

She stepped back.Her eyes now glowing in red.No hint of blue in them.

"Don't." Only one word filled with so much animosity.I shook my head as clarity set back in.

My wolf howled in dismay at her command.I soothed my wolf as it continued crying.She doesn't wants your touch.She doesn't wants you.

The truth made me shudder.

I frowned as she looked at the bed and then me.She moved towards the fireplace and then to bed.

I didn't see the burning log in her hand until it was late.

The whole bed caught on fire as the sheets started to lick the flames.I saw as the fire started devouring the whole bed.I was frozen on the spot. Couldn't believe it.But willing to accept it as long as it made her happy.

Coming back to me she glared with those daggers pointed at me "I'd rather sleep on floor than on the same disgusting bed you shared with your vile darling .I'd like it more if it burns."

With that she moved to her accustomed position before the carpet and resumed her position before it like before.Staring in those flames.

The bitterness she carried in her heart steeled her armor.I looked back at the bed which burned.The smell filling the room.I sat back on the ground and watched my world burn.

I missed her glances with so much longing in them for me,those eyes that always seemed to find me,that smile she bestowed on others,on Granna, I wanted it for me.That desperation to hang onto me,to wait for me,to care for me.I wanted it back.That Love she had for me.I wanted it all back.Everything that she was I wanted it back.I wanted her to love me as deeply as she did before.

A drop of water hit my hands and I looked down at it.My wet eyes found the lone tear.

I finally accepted the truth I kept hidden deep inside me.

The witch had succeeded in stealing the heart that belonged to another.And I was only too happy to leave it with her.

I had fallen in love with the witch long before I knew.She ensnared me all along,trapping me in her eyes bit by bit,right from the beginning.And now she wanted to pluck those eyes out than have me in them.

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