
I saw Leann excitedly chattering with Sarah as she helped her in carrying bouquet of roses and other flowers to the room upstairs.I quietly sipped my coffee taking all the jubilation in as they ignored me and went about their business.The whole house was in uproar.An excitement was in the air.The lovers were finally uniting.An air of hope carried on in the main hall.No longer was I the main attraction.

I signaled Martha

"Martha dear do bring me more toast and butter.I am famished.And there's a lot to be done today.You won't want me weak for that,now would you.?"She reddened and hurried to fulfill my order.I found certain change in her.No longer did she look at me.Always keeping her eyes down.This morning I found her waiting for me with her head bowed.Very quietly she uttered "Good morning" and then went about doing her things.


Very amiably and hastily she volunteered to complete my orders.Waiting upon me.

"Here." The small voice grabbed my attention and I looked at Martha again."Thank you Martha.You can go now." I dismissed her politely.My gaze again following the chitty chatty pair across from me.Leann was smiling from ear to ear.Even the poker face of Sarah revealed her happiness.Every member was busily preparing the big move of Ravine to Aeran's room.Carrying her personal items and clothes in boxes to be kept in his room.

I knew it already the Great plan of Ravine to fit herself in his room.That's what they were talking about yesterday.Or in this case her begging him and him giving in at last.

My eyes came back to my plate.Very leisurely I picked up the toast and buttered it leisurely.

I took a huge bite and enjoyed the taste.Even this everyday simple breakfast seemed too delicious today.My eyes collided with Aiinata who stood on the far side with Leann and Sarah.She gave me back a confused look.I smirked at her .I knew she wanted to search my eyes for any hint as to what I was planning but I was too guarded about this. Averting my gaze I finished my breakfast and waited patiently for all of them to evacuate the hall and be where I wanted them to be.His room.Upstairs.For the grand welcome.

Slowly the hall emptied of the people.They were all waiting for Ravine and Aeran to surprise them,wanting to show their acceptance and happiness over this huge change.The pair was absent since this morning.I didn't get a single glimpse of them today.May be they were sent away for this surprise.Such a grand plan.

They should return by now.My eyes zoned on the door as it was flung open.Ravine with a glow on her face clutching onto a somber Aeran. There was a bounce in her steps today. Aeran stopped suddenly as he saw me.His eyes didn't waver from me.Looking for the forgiveness he came to ask for before.I let him see it all where he could shove his forgiveness.I moved from him to the blond girl who glared daggers at me.


"Come baby,we should go." She dragged him behind her.His eyes didn't leave mine until he was out of view.

Sighing I got up and started marching up the stairs.Time to get to work.

Humming I gradually climbed up the stairs.I could hear their voices from here.The cheers and the well wishes.

I reached their floor and started moving towards the source of excitement.Shaking my head at their exuberance.It was crowded.It felt as if the whole pack was here to greet the pair.


I shoved the people near me to make my way.They tried arguing but stopped as they saw who it was.They started parting once they knew what was going on.The cheering and shouting subsided slowly and I smirked as I stood at the door to look inside.

"Well well...look who has come to the party.!" The loud cacophony quieted down and everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me.The silence.I was getting used to it.

"What are you doing here..?" I looked at the speaker.Sarah in her elegant clothes trying to be an elegant lady of the house.Ever so sharp.

"What,am I not welcomed here..?" I asked as I entered the room.Every pair of eye was glued on me now. "in my own room..?"I added sarcastically.

"Y-You bitch get out." I turned to Leann who was trying unsuccessfully to shrink behind Sarah.I smirked at the false bravado she depicted.

"Do you care to repeat that.?" I raised a brow at her.She turned her face away not before I saw how pale it had gotten.Ignoring her I kept on moving to the silent pair in the center of the room.My eyes roamed around the room and I saw how it was decorated with flowers and what not.

"Stop creating a scene and get out before I forcefully do it myself."I stopped and turned to the perpetrator this time, furious.

Diverting my steps I moved towards her "What will you do mother in law..?Drag me out.Here try it." I dangled my hand in front of her"Come on do it.At least try." She didn't move.

I waited for it and here it comes.She raised her hand to slap me.Taking her thin wrist in mine I pressed tighter.She exhaled loudly screeching as I increased the pressure."My,my that temper of yours." She thrashed to free her hand but to no use.I narrowed my eyes.She turned red in my vision "..?"

A hand covered my wrist.I looked to my right to see him standing there with my wrist firmly grasped in his.The red disappearing."Let go of her."

I tightened my hold further.Sarah flinched.I kept my eyes on him,seeing what he 'll do.But he did nothing except gently extract his mother's hand from mine with his other hand. It wasn't the demand but the gentle way he disengaged my hold that infuriated me.Shaking of his hold on my hand I took a step back and glared at his mother.


And then him.

How dare he touch me?

Only the thought and suddenly he was crashing to the fireplace.The hand that touched me burning.

"Aeran..!" Sarah ran to her son who didn't try getting up.His head bowed down.

"You whore..I'll.."

I turned swiftly as I saw her rushing towards me.My anger came out full force.I could feel my power gathering and pulsing out.The red tendrils floating around my body.Without much ado I flicked my fingers and saw ,satisfied, as she collided with the door hard.Several people skidded out the way as I marched towards her fallen figure with anger vibrating in me."

I crouched down and grabbing her hair pulled her hair back "" My deep voice shouted down at her.I remembered each moment she had harassed me and my blood boiled.Applying more force I pulled her hair back harder.She cried out.

"Stop it." There he was standing by my side.Again.Protecting her.He tried touching me again but the red hue didn't let him.I saw as he flinched away from me.I turned back to her again.The red vision appearing.

"" I whispered harshly to her.I saw surprise in those eyes.The once formidable face now seemed so small in my eyes.Giving it one last hard pull I let go.Feeling satisfied and calm as several strands pulled out from her scalp.

Dusting my hands I got up with one last glare in her direction and turned to his frozen figure still lurking near me "What..?It wasn't entertaining enough..?You found it quite endearing the last time she did the same to me.I should have made it more entertaining isn't it.?May be slapped her around a few times,punched her ,may be..?" My narrowed eyes found his hazel ones.I saw regret in them.The shame.The helplessness.The hopelessness.

"Pathetic." I murmured and took steps closer to the wardrobe.

I flung open the doors and entered inside.Ravine's clothes hung in neat lines beside Aeran's. I had noticed her personal belongings in various parts of the room. Grabbing a handful of them I exited and raised a brow at the lot of them.

"Fully prepared hunh..?In such a short time too.Impressive."

With as much force I threw them down on the ground near the fireplace,hoping one of them to catch fire.

"W-What are you doing..?" Leann sputtered from her position, crouched beside her daughter.

"Are you blind..?" Going back inside I grabbed several more and threw them out.It took me three more times before all her clothes were lying in various states on the ground.At their feet.No one stopped me.No one said anything.As if they could.

Watching from their safe distance.

"Martha dear,do come in now." I called out.A huddled figure in corner.She straightened as she came inside.In her hands were all of my belongings.

With shaking hands she offered them to me.Taking my time,deliberately I kept my things inside.Shutting it I came out.

I looked at the framed picture of the love birds on the bedside table.Walking towards it I grabbed it.Looking at the smiling Ravine who spoke to the camera of her happiness and an entranced Aeran who had eyes just for her.I smiled cruelly as I looked around at their pale faces.

I threw the picture down purposefully near Ravine and that mute lover of her.The glass broke and the pieces flew in all directions,nicking Ravine on her legs.A line of blood appeared on her right leg and small droplets of blood started merging ready to fallout.

"Ravine.." Leann covered the small line with her fingers trying to stop the flow of blood.Ravine huffed and pushed her mother's hand away glowering at me.

"I didn't see you there." I titled my head and smiled sweetly at her.And that lover boy of her.To see their outrage and shock respectively.

Looking at the deaf and dumb audience I clapped my hands to get their attention."It's over.Get the hell out of my room now.Before I do it myself."

I waved my hand in air dismissively.

"Martha clean every inch of this room."I looked around at the furious gazes of Sarah and Leann and Ravine and ... Oh how long is the list.! "There are some disgusting elements in here.Who knows what they left behind." I made gagging sounds."Eww.." I shuddered visibly.My gaze fell to the clothes strewn around "Oh and burn all these Martha if she doesn't takes them,that is."

I grabbed a glass of water as the crowd started thinning.I drank a bit and strode out the room pushing the people out who were mindful of the still figure on ground.Standing there I looked at the poor girl,tilting my hand.

I threw the water on her face.The glass fell from the force and landed in a crash near her.She shrieked and looked at Aeran,compelling him to restore her fallen pride.

Not in the mood for more bullshit I snapped my fingers in front of her face and pointed a finger out."Continue this staring contest from out this door." I took a step out and said over my shoulder.My vision red "

With that I strode out the room.

"Such a grand welcome indeed." I laughed as it echoed around.

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