
I made my way downstairs to the dining table and plopped down comfortably on the chair.Murmurs rose on my commencement in the living area where several clan members huddled together to whisper and plot new ways to evict me from the house.No doubt.

They can try all they want.My night was spent tossing and turning around in bed.His rattled face didn't leave my mind and I smiled every time I saw that crestfallen mask of his.It was delightful to throw him down a notch.I found I quite enjoyed it.Tormenting him.And that slap,that was just a bonus.

My eyes roamed in the near empty dining area.

Where was everyone.?

A Cheshire cat grin split my lips as I saw someone " dear" coming out the kitchen.Notice the sarcasm.

I leaned back in the chair as she came closer.She still had to notice me.And she was all I saw.

"Martha dear." She stopped in her tracks as my voice rang out clear.Her frozen form turned towards me.Her scared eyes found mine and my grin widened.I am sure she hadn't missed yesterday's display.

"How have you been.?It's been long since I last saw you.?" I asked as I got up and moved towards her.

She paled visibly and I chuckled at the fear radiating from her pores.Good.

The room was silent again.

They wanted a show ,I'll give them.

"I asked you something, did I not..?" I stopped as I reached her.A trembling ensued in her limbs.My gaze roamed over her frozen figure,from head to toe and I smiled at her discomfort.

"Answer me." My tone hardened at her lack of response.And she turned red.

She gasped as her eyes dared to look up at me.At my eyes.I raised my hand.She flinched and took a step back.I moved forward towards her and placed my hand on her shoulder."Don't fear dear.You don't mind do you..?" I indicated my hand on her shoulder.


Her shaking worsened."What..?No more arrogant words to throw.No insults to dish out.Are you perhaps sick..?"

I saw as her eyes started tearing up.Wow.

"I-I am s-sorry.Pl-Please ..forgive me.Wrong..wrong I did." Her chattering teeth made it near impossible to differentiate her words.But I understood her fear.

I contemplated her words.Bringing my finger up to my chin,I thought about it."Hmm,you also want forgiveness.Let me think." I made a show of thinking hard.

Just as easily I turned my narrowed red eyes at her."Kneel and beg.May be I'll forgive you then." Her eyes widened more at my crude comment.It was their pride I wanted to hurt most.I wanted to humiliate her and made my intentions clear.

"Zairi,please don't do this." Aiinata exited the door and stopped just outside taking in the scene before her.I spared her a glance and then focused back on my "dear" one dismissing her instantly.She stayed quiet like the lot of them.Too afraid to make any false move and risk enraging me further.

I could feel many eyes but no one dared raise any objection.Martha glanced back at her kitchen comrades to ask for any kind of help but got no answer.Their eyes stuck to the ground.I smirked at their disgusting behavior.What else did I expect.?

I looked around as they all stared back at me in horror.Not expecting the degradation of one of their own like this.

"What..?Do you have something to say..?"

Typical.They didn't meet my eyes this time.Their heads bowed,their eyes boring in the ground.

"Well.?" I asked as I titled my head at Martha who still had to move and do my bidding.She whimpered and a few tears leaked from those eyes.I didn't let them affect me.No more sympathy for you people.


Martha sniffled and crouched down on the ground on her hands with difficulty.May be due to her age or was there still some resentment left in her.?Was she perhaps rebelling..?

Like I care.!

She brought her hands up to her sides and straightened her form.Her spine rigid.She knelt and sobbed at the humiliation.

"I don't hear any words." I said as she kept on wiping her eyes again and again.

She didn't raise her head and mumbled "Forgive me."

"Hmm,What..?I can't hear you..?Speak up." I yelled at her and she flinched. "Shout in the same manner as you did when ordering me to get out of the kitchen." I won't make it easy for you.

Swallowing audibly she raised her wet eyes at me and her crumpled from said in a louder tone.I didn't see any malice,any hostility in them.No haughtiness this time.Oh how the mighty have fallen.! "Please forgive me." She said in a louder voice.

I snickered despite myself "That wasn't so hard ,now was it.?" I smiled sweetly then "Well you won't stop me from entering your kitchen now,would you..?"

She shook her head before I could even complete my sentence.

Lesson well taught.

Turning around I headed back to my chair and sat back down."Now be a dear and fetch me some coffee."

Martha scrambled to get up hurriedly.Her posture bowed.She seemed to have lost all her pride.I saw as she went back inside with tears still falling from her eyes .The effect of what happened finally making itself known.Hmm.

My eyes roamed at the spectators "The show is over.Or do I need to send written verdicts.Scram off." My red eyes seemed to have done their trick as the activity started again.Several left the area in haste and others went back to doing what they were.Not wanting to be the next.

I sighed as I saw Martha bringing my cup of coffee.I relaxed back in the chair.My eyes not leaving her blotched face.Taking a napkin from the plate I extended it towards her."Here,I guess you need it."

She kept her eyes on the white piece but didn't extend her hand to take the offering.I waited for her .

She looked at my narrowed eyes then and hurriedly accepted the napkin before scrambling back inside her Haven.Not once glancing back.

I smelled the warm coffee and took my first sip,moaning at the taste.Finally satisfied.

I felt sorry for her.

Really,did I..?

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