
I had long since freshened from the dinner and was preparing for bed when the knock sounded.

Not really in the mood to engage with anyone,I ignored it.Prepping my bed sheet once more.The knock sounded again.More louder than the last time.I ignored it again.They'll leave on their own when no one answers.I didn't need any more bullshit.

The hard raps turned into punches.The door creaked from the onslaught.I stopped what I had been doing and just stared at the door.The pounding didn't stop.After several more moments I just gave up.Let's see what's so urgent.

I banged the door open.My eyes widened and the shock reverberated through my system.Deep hazel eyes stared back at me.The once ever present malice was absent from that gaze.A small shadow of a smile bloomed on his face.My mouth hung open as that smile blossomed full on.

His smile illuminated his whole face and I couldn't rivet my gaze.His presence made it that way.For me to focus on him.For my entire being to attune to his.I was once again that old Zairi. Ready to do anything to see that smile directed towards me.

Ma's lifeless form came before me and I blanched at myself.

Don't get sucked in him again.Remember what he did.

My eyes narrowed.My face hardened.My blood boiling at his mere sight.Could that smile make everything right..?Could it bring back my Ma.?Could it..?

No it didn't change any freaking thing.My vein started throbbing with the need to let him taste the fire that burned inside.The power playing inside ,trying to flow out.Red tendrils started dancing around my fingers.But I tamed them down.This need to hurt him.So bad.


My stiffened form must have conveyed my hateful feelings.Because he straightened immediately.The smile lost on his face.His eyes averted from my face.His muscular frame tensed.

With gritted teeth I forced the words out."Can I help you with something.?"It was a miracle I had still not com-busted him on the spot.

That confident stance trembled and finally left his being.

I saw as he struggled to say something.It must have thrown him off.My hatred.And that satisfied me in someway.What did he expect.?The same Zairi who drooled at his sight.?!


After much internal debate I saw as he finally decided to speak something.Oh I was all ears to what he had to say.

"I don't know what you are going through now and I don't want to imagine it.I just can't..Losing someone who meant the world to you..it is horrible.It is apparent that you hate us all and in a way that hatred is justified.I don't blame you for that.We have done everything in our power to make you despise us from the core of your heart.And we deserve it after the way we treated you. And I am not here to make any excuses."

I raised a brow at that.

"You can think whatever you want but that is the truth.You can dish out anything you want to us and I promise I'll take it all.All your hate, I'll take it." His eyes bored in mine and I could detect the sincerity in them,his earnestness in making up to me."The only thing I care about is Granna. Please don't hurt her.She didn't do anything wrong.Everything is on me.On my family,on my pack.And I'll receive any punishment you want to dump on us.But Granna...She loves you more than you think.And it really affects her when you treat her like an outsider.Please just don't hurt her.She means everything to me and I just want you to forgive her.Please."


I continued staring at him.

Did he offer the same compassion for your Ma.?Don't let him play with you again.He doesn't deserve anything from you.Except your anger.Your rage.

"Was that all.?" I saw as his red face loomed before me.My vision had turned red.I must remove him from my sight before I lose hold on my anger.I won't end it that easily for him,for them.They have not suffered enough yet.

I turned to go back inside when a vice grip took hold of my hand."Please,just listen to.."

I turned back swiftly and my hand made contact with his face.The anger won."How dare you even lay a finger on me..?"

My being emitted the red aura and I barely concealed the urge to slap him again.Such was the loathing I held for him.

His face revealed his surprise.The widened hazel eyes taking in the extreme abhorrence I harbored where he was concerned.His vulnerability showed in his demeanor.But I didn't let it stop me.I wanted him to feel the same pain I had felt.I wanted to repay him the hurt he caused me.I wanted to crush him like he crushed me all those times.

"I am warning you,never ever touch me again or I won't be responsible for the consequences." I breathed heavily. No,calm down.He isn't worth it.Don't lose your cool.

Closing my eyes I brought myself under control.

Opening my eyes I saw as he still stood there with that upset face.The sadness looming in those eyes.Ready to face my wrath once again.The hope in his eyes was gone.Finally.He needs to understand where he stands.Or in this case falls.

"You asked for forgiveness. Well,this is my answer ." I reared back and slapped him again.Hard this time.He didn't fight back. Didn't flinch from my attack.My finger must have caught his lower lip because a trickle of blood flowed down from his mouth towards his chin.I waited for his anger to crawl out.The future Alpha won't tolerate this direct hit to his pride will he..? Come on fight me.Try attacking me.I waited as nothing happened.He stood still as a statue.

Hmph. Coward."I don't forgive you.Now you can leave."

His eyes still burned at me.Looking for any shred of mercy and hope.I had none left.Thanks to you all.I didn't miss the resigned look on his face as I banged my door shut.Neither the imprint of my fingers on his chiseled face.

I locked the door with good measure.You can never trust these sneaky,honor-less people.

I moved to my bed.My hand stinging.I shook it to dispel the pain and crawled into bed.

Deal with what you have created.

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