

"Are you just going to let her mock us like that,mother..?"

My eyes stayed on Granna as I heard Ma's question to her.I saw as her eyes dipped low to ground.She was hurt.Her eyes were misty.May be that's why she didn't raise her head,not wanting anyone to realize the extent of her hurt emotions.I focused on Granna not letting my mind care about the pain that was ripping me inside.With just a few words she had shredded any hope I held.And can I really blame her.?

"Elder Kurona,you need to throw her out.You saw what she did today.?! She never wanted to be part of our family.She has come back with the intent to ruin us all,can't you see it..?" This from down the table.

Today's incident had shocked everyone.I wasn't surprised and I guess neither were they.After today news will travel faster than light.The uproar caused will be harder to contain.There was silence from dad's side and I knew he was in deep thought considering all possibilities.The dam that held the witch's power was broken and now no one knew what to make of it.Her power was more than what we had estimated.I knew dad was trying to make sense of that new information.She had easily subdued the Elder with just a flick of her fingers.Oh how easily.Despite the deep rooted sadness inside,a new sense of pride engulfed me.I was proud of her.Her resilience always impressed me but today I was really in awe of her.How beautifully she glowed basking in that power.I couldn't take my eyes away from her.When I tried to go near her,to try to talk to her ,a hand had clamped down on mine.I took my gaze away from Granna and looked at the wrinkled hand which covered mine. Granna had stopped me again.


My eyes found Granna's bowed head.Why did you do that Granna..?

"Elder Kurona,we cannot let what happened today pass.We need to contain her.We shoul.."

"Aeran,take me to my room." Granna small voice rang clearly.Without further ado I got up to assist as she stood on her wobbled legs.Taking her hand in mine I helped her as she made her way back to her room.Still silent.Still lost.Still hurt.

I didn't knew how to break in her thoughts and thus stayed quiet by her side.She didn't say another word and I respected her wishes.Lost, too, in my thoughts.

After tucking her in her bed.I stood there and watched as a lone tear fell from her eyes.Bending forward I wiped it away as quickly.

"Everything will be alright, Granna."

Her melancholic eyes found mine again with hope alight."Will it Aeran..?"

I couldn't crush her so did the only thing I could.I nodded my head not really trusting myself to be able to right the wrongs I had done.What was I supposed to say to her..?How could I comfort her when the harsh reality had knocked me down more than I was ready to admit.

I left her then.Not withstanding the sincerity and the blooming love she still held for the witch.I rubbed my chest as pain assaulted me again.The thread of the bond pair was thinning.It won't be long when it will be finally torn apart.I held on to it with my whole might.I wasn't ready to be ripped apart from her yet.

I had another stop to make.

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