
I descended the stairs to the dining room.It took longer than I had thought to get all ready like this.

I turned around the corner and stopped.The whole table was filled.I saw Elder Kurona occupying the Head chair.The Alpha and the other Elders were all present.Even Leann and Sarah.


I moved silently but even then all eyes drifted to me.My eyes capturing Granna's.I bowed stiffly at her "Elder Kurona."

She jerked again at my greetings. I glanced back at the others.My eyes no longer riveting to the ground anymore.I stared them down.

I took the few steps and stood by the chair opposite Elder Kurona's . The other end of the table.A direct show of power and challenge to her authority.

I sat down graciously.I looked up to find the surprise and shock written on their faces.I smiled looking them in eyes one by one until they were forced to look away.My eyes stopped at Leann and I smiled wider at the discomfort on her face.A thick band around her neck.Her wide eyes turned away from me.

So the pain still remains.I avoided looking at the other side of the table.My gaze clashed with Granna's. I could clearly make out the hurt in them.I averted my eyes not withstanding the pain in them.No one said anything.

The kitchen doors opened and Aiinata hustled out with trays of food in her hands.Martha followed out after her.Several others came out as well.Delicious smells emanated from the food.

Such a big feast.For what..?

The hustle bustle quieted down after the food was placed on the table.The wine glasses were then filled up.I didn't move as Aiinata came forward to fill my glass up.


Before the food could be loaded into plates,Granna clinked her glass with a spoon."Well,I am glad everyone could make it today unlike the last time.Today this feast is prepared in honor of the new arrival to the Pack." She titled her glass towards my direction and smiled warmly "Welcome to your new family Zairiya Rijvant Kranis. We weren't able to welcome you properly the last time.I hope you will accept this as a apology as well ."

Complete silence ensued.No one spoke.

My eyes narrowed at her.My body stiffened.So she wanted me to be accepted now.?Huh..?After everything that has happened she expects me to accept them.?To forgive them for what they did..?To me.? To my Ma..?

The rage I felt started flowing.I could feel the power passing through my veins.A molten lava burning my insides.The people sitting before me turned red.

"Zairiya Rijvant Kranis..?" I laughed hysterically at this."Really,Elder Kurona.?" The stricken expression on her face didn't fool me this time. "So this grand show was all for me.Adorable."My laugh filled the empty silence.

As abrupt as it had started ,my laugh died in my throat.My eyes narrowed to slits.

"No Elder Kurona. That's not who I am.Allow me to correct you.

My voice had deepened.

The whole table started shaking with my words.The glasses of wine cluttering among-st themselves.The food bowls and other crockery tumbling against each other. My eyes didn't leave Granna's. She kept staring back at me.I could make out the hint of fear in her eyes but she concealed it well.Trying to appear unaffected.

"Stop this.What the fuck are you doing.?"

".. stop it ..."

"Elder Kurona..stop her."


"As the Alpha of this pack I command your obedience."

I looked over at all of them "Stop it..?!"

I shouted. "" The glass over the dining table cracked.

I detected a movement on my left.The red floated out from my fingers before I called for it.I kept my eyes on Granna. Without even turning I flicked my two fingers.I heard a clashing sound not long after.

Averting my eyes at last,I looked at the fallen Elder. Blood seeped out from the wounds on his hands and back.I smirked at him as he stumbled back in his haste to get up.I turned from him to look back at Granna who appeared shocked and ruffled.Her tough exterior ,at last shaken.

I blinked my eyes.The red vision disappeared.The table stopped shaking.Everything returned back to normal except the crack in the glass.My rage diminishing.

"Don't talk about family ,Elder Kurona. Because you all are responsible for killing mine. I don't forget easily and I'll make sure that you won't either."

I got up and saw the ones near me flinch at the movement.I picked up the glass of wine and spilled it all over the floor by my side."I don't drink." I shrugged and kept the glass back on the table.

Making a deep bow before Granna,I smiled sweetly and made my exit as elegantly as possible.

"At least eat before you go.You must be hungry." Granna's words stopped me.My eyes widened at the concern I heard in her voice.My heart softened and my eyes closed at their own will .Why do you do this.?

An image of Ma appeared and everything went away but rage.

"I lost my appetite."

I walked away not yet ready to accept her love and warmth.

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