
I looked up at the knock on my door.I got up and opened the door to find Aiinata standing there.A smile blossomed on her face."Did you sleep well..?Do you need anything.?"

I raised a brow at that."No,Aiinata if I need anything I'll be sure to take it myself.I don't think I'll disturb you over something like that." I replied politely.

The red creeped up her cheeks."Of course you can." She smiled uncomfortably and I felt bad for a second to make her such.

"Is there anything particular you wanted or was it just to ask about my well being.?"I asked tersely.

She shifted and her eyes bore to her feet on the ground."Um..Everyone is having dinner downstairs. I thought you would want to join them as well."

My eyes narrowed at her.She still didn't raise her eyes from the ground.What is this..?She didn't invite me like this before so what is new today.?I was confused at her behavior. What is she planning by inviting me downstairs.?Am I missing something here..?

"Why do you want me downstairs Aiinata..?Is it Elder Kurona's order again.?" I asked more harshly than before.

She finally raised her head at my tone.Her frightened eyes stared back at me.Finding courage she continued "N-no,It's not Elder Kurona's orders.You have been holed up in your room for the whole day.I-I just thought you would want to..come and eat with everyone else." She twisted her hands in a nervous gesture.Her hands shaking."I am sorry.I'll get going."With that she hurried away with fast paced steps.

It was suspicious to have her behave like this.Was it really not Granna's orders.?I guess I'll have to find it out myself.


I called after the hurrying figure."Aiinata." She stopped hearing my voice."I'll love to come eat downstairs." She turned to me shocked.I smiled at her.

She nodded her head steadily and returned a weak smile "I'll prepare a plate for you."

I turned back to go inside my room.I should get dressed.After all it is a dinner with my favorite people in the whole wide world.

I smiled in anticipation.

Oh how enjoyable it'll be.

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