
Aiinata was following me silently.

I knew she had been privy to what had happened downstairs.I could sense her hesitation in approaching me,in trying to talk to me again.

I reached the place I wanted.

Without further preamble I opened the doors and the familiar but still strange sight greeted me.

My old room.

I entered inside taking in my surroundings.Everything was at their usual places.Nothing was disturbed.I liked that.

A slow smile blossomed on my lips.

"Zairi..Are you really sure you want to stay here ..?" I turned my eyes back to Aiinata who hadn't entered inside,like always.

Some things never changed,no matter how much time has passed.

"What do you mean Aiinata..?Why won't I be sure..?" I quirked a brow at her.

Her face paled at my inquiry. May be what happened downstairs did affect her more than I had estimated.

"N-No..Its just that..Granna asked you to stay up with your mate..Umm.." She averted her gaze unable to complete her sentence.

"I have no mate,Aiinata." The anger started boiling inside again.I My fingers formed a tight fist.My nails digging in my palms."I hope you'll remember that."

The atmosphere around us tensed.I saw as her body stiffened.She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again,thinking better about it.

Very reluctantly ,she nodded her head once.May be gauging my volatile emotions.I knew she hadn't accepted my claim.But was willing to let it go this once.

I appreciated it.My fingers uncoiled as I saw her submission.Anger again fading inside somewhere.I could see that she was thinking hard about this.

"I want my belongings back here.Can you help me bring them down here." I said loudly.

Aiinata jerked back from the thoughts that plagued her.She looked at me again with apprehensive eyes.

"But,,shouldn't you.."


My hardened tone finally made her move.She disappeared swiftly.

I let the tension go from my body.Giving a chance to my muscles to relax.


I made my way inside the washroom.Walking over to the wash basin I stared at my profile in the big mirror there.Splashing some water on my face I gazed at it again.

Water dribbled down my face.I followed the movement of the droplet as it cascaded down.

She wants me to stay where..?With my Mate.?

Unbidden the thought entered my head and I saw the change in me.The anger which had dissipated returned back with a ferocity.

My eyes flashed red.

The red radiance flying out to the mirror before I could stop it.The mirror cracked .The crashing noise loud ,echoing in the silent room.I closed my eyes instantly,trying to calm myself.

I heard as the pieces of glass started hitting the ground one by one.One nicking me in process.The sharp pain made me open my eyes.The red gash on my finger was already bubbling blood out.My eyes remained on the small cut.I saw as it started closing back again.The blood no longer making a big line.I brought my finger closer to inspect amazed.The small gash had already dissolved back in the skin.A new layer of skin covered the small gash.My skin was smooth again.

It appeared as if no mirror had cut me.Ever.

I saw my distorted image in the mirror.They were blue again.I willed my eyes to flash red but nothing happened.

Why doesn't it change now..?

I saw my confused face staring back at me.My eyes still blue.I closed my eyes and thought about gathering that power back in my hands in the similar way I had done a while ago in living room.It had been easy then.No power circulated inside me.I couldn't feel anything.

How could I have easily accessed that power before.?And not now..?

I went through all the events that happened when that power had rushed to get out of me.

My eyes narrowed as a theory formed in my head.

I closed my eyes again and the first scene to capture my attention was my altercation with Leann.What did I feel then..?


Anger.Red hot anger.

I let this anger fester inside. Until it was the only thing I could feel.

I opened my eyes as they shone red.So this it it.

The power is directly related to my emotions.It is my anger that propels it forward.And the other emotions don't guarantee it's intrusion in my life.

This cannot do.I have to learn it.This power that flows inside,I have to make it my own.I cannot always depend on my anger alone.I have to master this art.To always be able to summon it out whenever I need ,irrespective of my emotions.

I have to test it all.I have to know more about it.I have to gather more knowledge,more information.I have to acquaint myself with this power ,only then I will be able to use it.

But where..? And who could provide such information.?

If only Sekra was here.I could have used her help now.But the guardian spirit had returned back to her world already.Ma had told me that Sekra was connected to Ma's life force.If something happened to Ma then the spirit would be lost as well.I mourned her loss.But there was no time to lose myself in this grief.There's so much to do.

I have to find the MURDERER.

First I have to understand this power .Think Zairi.

Ma always used to refer to those books which contained all her spells.Ma must have left something inside those big scrolls that occupied most of her room...I have to check them out.I'll have to go back there.

But that home without Ma...

Would I really be able to enter it knowing that Ma wasn't inside.?

"Zairi..?" Aiinata's voice pulled me back from the deep sorrow I was leaning towards.

I shook my head to rid those thoughts.I have to be strong.

Rubbing the extra water from my face with a small towel I walked out to see Aiinata placing my bag just inside the room gently.She still hadn't entered.

"Thank you,Aiinata." I said in gratitude.

She smiled at me,may be going back to the time where this was a normal occurrence.

"I want to ask you something.Are there any books here.?Something to read..?"

Aiinata's brows pulled together."Of course there's a library here.You should have known about .." She stopped suddenly.Her eyes widening as the realization slammed into her.."You won't know. Because no one had told you about it."Her tone had lowered.I knew she was beating herself over this.

I interrupted her again."Aiinata Its OK. You don't have to worry yourself about that.Just tell me where is it..?"

She nodded her head frantically."Its on the top floor.Just three doors down .."She stopped mid sentence,I frowned as she continued "..where you stayed earlier..Umm..you know..Your room there.."

My confusion cleared.I must go there.I have to find out.

" It was a reading room.Alpha Marcus liked to read.He always made time to research something that intrigued him.Alpha Marcus was an intelligent man,always ready to grasp more knowledge .With time he started gathering all sorts of books.After that all records of the Pack also started gathering there.So it became a sort of library here.Only family members and those who are close are allowed to enter , Elder Kurona's orders.She didn't want to taint her husband's memories by defiling it."

All the Pack's records.... may be I can find something interesting and helpful in there.Ma had told that Alpha Marcus loved my real mother.May be he kept some journal or something of my Ma's there.

"I don'think Elder Kurona would mind if you access it."

I smiled at Aiinata for the first time I came here.She returned it back.Excusing herself she went away.

I have to search this library.I am sure I'll find something useful there.

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