
"Trina was a very powerful witch.We all knew it from the start.May be her powers have passed down to her daughter .I don't know how we missed that.If the incident of the Great Hall was any indication.I guess we need to ready ourselves.Who knows what other power that child has inherited..?!" Dad was right in his worry.No one knew how the witch would act when she wakes up.

We still sat in the living room.I was anxious to get back to her.But leaving Granna felt wrong too.So I stayed.My eyes checking the clock again.I was already missing her.

"Sabrina believes her Ma kept Zairi's powers in check.Some kind of spell.Now that she had died ..the future is blank.I am unsure of what will happen.But I won't leave that child alone when she deals with it.I think it is as new to her as it is for us." Granna was solemn.

"I agree with you Ma.We need her to stay close.We have to keep a watch over her.It will be better if she stays here before our eyes." Dad nodded her head at Granna.

She wasn't some strange animal to be kept watch over.?!! I wanted to yell as my wolf growled in anger.

"I suggest you mind your words ,son.That girl is very dear to me.I won't tolerate any insult towards her." Granna scolded dad before I could say a word.

My wolf was not appeased.It wanted to tear my walls and come out.

It won't do good to disrespect dad like this.

I restrained myself.Letting my wolf calm down by having thoughts of her.

I should head back.She must be lonely all there by herself.

A disturbance from outside had my ears perking.I looked over at dad to see him in the same state of confusion.


"What is this ruckus..?"Granna asked alarmed.

I stood up and prevented Granna from doing the same."I'll check it out.You stay here.You need your rest."

Granna harrumphed and stood up as well."Don't order me around,boy."I shook my head and taking her hand in mine proceeded out. Dad had already crossed the distance outside to see about the commotion.After the Great Hall event he was much more alert and on guard than before.

I followed slowly with Granna. A small group of people barred the entrance to the door.

They were all looking at someone.I saw dad inching his way amidst the group to know about the source of commotion.

"What is all this..?What is going on..?" Despite her old age Granna's voice rang out clearly and I saw the guards standing before me flinching from the sound.Very slowly the crowd parted.The atmosphere changed.A new wave of tension surrounded me.I didn't wait for the last person who blocked my view to move.My feet automatically started walking leaving Granna's side.A strange sensation started gripping me. I took steps down the stairs and kept on walking.I saw dad standing a few feet before me.I didn't stop and plowed forward,sidestepping his huge figure.

And there she was.Standing just a few steps from me.My steps halted before they could reach her.

Was she always this beautiful..?

It hadn't been that long .Those eyes had been closed when I last saw her.May be it's them.They beckoned me closer even when they didn't meet mine.My body felt alive.My senses completely honed on her.All my protective streaks ready to play.My mind didn't register the others,it was focused on her as if the whole world had disappeared leaving only her and me.

There was this urgency to touch her. To embrace her in my arms,to shield her from all the pain and cruelty of this world which had made her cry those red tears.


Was the witch casting some alluring magic on me..?Why can't I keep my eyes away from that stone face.?Why is this ache inside intensifying the longer I stood away from her..?

Mate.My mate.Back .

My wolf rejoiced in her presence.Happy that it's mate was finally home.Where she belonged.Now if only she'll revert those blue eyes to me once.I can maybe try...to do what exactly I didn't knew.

I thumped my chest once where my heart was beating erratically.There was no hesitancy in touching her ,in gazing at her when she was asleep so why was this new fear taking hold of my senses now..?Wasn't it just this morning when I held those soft hands in mine.?!

Those blue eyes still weren't on me.They were busily staring in the direction of where the once Great Hall was.May be lost in the history that had destroyed her not once but twice.

"Zairi..My child..you have returned." Granna marched past me and hugged this new strange girl.

Something was different.She wasn't the same.

Granna enveloped her in her arms waiting for her to do the same.She didn't comply with Granna's silent request.Her arms hung limply at her sides.And her eyes didn't lose their focus still glued to the burnt remains of the building.

Aiinata stood beside her fidgeting nervously.Her gaze moving from her to Granna and back again.She was afraid of something.Something was making her jittery.

"I am so glad to have you back,Zairi. So glad.Come now child.Come inside.You can rest and then we will talk." Granna pulled back and cupped the witch's cheeks in her hands.This finally brought her eyes back to Granna. She stayed silent.Her face void of any emotion.Empty.Not giving any kind of indication that she had even heard what Granna said.

"What is she doing back here..?" A high pitched voice pierced the silent reunion.


Zairi's eyes moved from Granna to somewhere behind me.Not once looking at me.

Why is she not looking at me..?

Leann parted the crowd and came forward to stand closer to where I was.

"Leann.Keep your lips sealed." Granna admonished Leann who remained unperturbed and continued foolishly.

"But Elder Kurona,you cannot allow her to come back.You know what her.."

"Don't complete that sentence Leann.If you know what is good for you." Granna's anger was escalating.Leann shut up knowing Granna's patience was running thin.

But that wasn't what surprised me.It was her.

The witch's eyes had flashed red at Leann.It returned back to its usual blue instantly but I didn't miss the murderous glance.She had lost that empty mask for a moment there.I don't think anyone else had noticed the rage in her red eyes,everyone too busy in the altercation between Granna and Leann.

Without further ado,Granna started dragging the silent witch inside.She complied this time. Automatically my body chose the side where she would definitely pass by me.

I waited as she came closer with abated breath.Will those blue eyes finally gaze at me.?

She passed me not sparing a single glance at my direction.I didn't let my annoyance show at her blatant display of ignorance towards me.

I heaved a breath angry at her.At myself for craving those blues.Her scent filled me up.I closed my eyes to breath it all in.Already forgiving her.I restrained my wolf again as it clawed at my insides to come out and welcome it's mate properly.I held tight.

There's time for that. I reminded.

Lots . Was the reply.

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