

I ran down the stairs and in my haste to get out the door. I almost missed Granna if not for her calling my name.

She hobbled up to me and I stopped to take her state in.She was looking frail.The events of the fast few weeks were taking their toll on her.

The whole pack was in uproar.The tragedy that had befallen on their heads was not something to be taken lightly.

I grabbed her hand and guided her to sit down on the chair nearby.

"Granna you shouldn't be out." I saw her heaving deep breaths. The short distance she had covered proved the bad state of her health.

"What are you doing back..?Who's with Zairi.?" Granna fired her questions as soon as she had settled and I smiled warmly at her worry.Her love for that witch was visible to all with eyes.

And I didn't fault her for that.We should have looked at her through Granna's eyes a long time ago.

"Aiinata is with her.She pushed me out the door and closed that door on my face when I argued with her.I really needed that shower I guess." And who knew it better than me.It was the first time in a week.But I couldn't leave her side.Something in me rebelled at the mere thought of leaving her alone.Although Aiinata had tried several times to cajole me in going home, I was adamant. I guess Aiinata had gotten the message the last time when my wolf had practically shouted at her.But this time I let my guard down and see where that got me. It wasn't like I didn't trust her.It's just that I didn't want to leave.I wanted to spend my day staring at her.I found it gave me peace to see that she was still breathing.It calmed me like nothing else.That is why I wanted to be near her so that I could touch her , to reassure the beast inside me .


Granna chuckled."Yes,yes she can be quite cruel like that.But I guess she's not wrong.For so many days she has been trying to take the place you have occupied,snarling and stomping at anyone who dared to say otherwise.The Alpha included.She really is a mother bear where Zairi is concerned." The smile remained on her face even as she seemed lost in her thoughts.

All the laughter vanished from her eyes as she pointed that stare at me."She is really alright,isn't she..?She'll wake up soon,right..?You are not just saying that for me ..?"

I couldn't lie to her when those eyes demanded truth.I looked away from those probing eyes.

The truth was I didn't know when she'll wake up.The doctors shared that information after I had resorted to assaulting one of them.Pack doctor or not.I wanted answers.No matter how stubborn that old man was.

They didn't know.Nothing was wrong with her.They couldn't find anything abnormal.After all the tests came out normal and after they had tried everything to wake her up,they had finally given up their hopes.They had no other explanations to give.

"She'll get up when she wants.When she's ready." Sabrina had stated at last when everything else failed.The Pyshic had offered a sad smile in my direction.She tried touching Zairi but had as quickly jerked her hand back as if electrocuted. Her eyes had widened with fear.I wanted to ask her about her strange behavior. But she couldn't have rushed out the hospital any faster.Her fear speaking volumes of her state.We didn't see again.

"Aeran,I am glad you are home.I have something to discuss." I turned my head to my father.Finally able to ignore Granna's inquiries.


Alpha Zed had lost weight.His face looked haggard and tired.

Placing a kiss on Granna's cheek he took the other chair and sat on it heavily rubbing his face.

"We aren't any closer to finding the culprit than we were a week ago.It seems as if all the traces have just been erased.There's nothing to lead us on.I guess the fire helped in it.But still we couldn't find anything on the cameras placed outside the Great Hall.I just don't get it.Who would commit such a crime against her.?"

Dad shook his head in confusion and looked at us "It doesn't makes any sense.I can't find any motive behind it.It was the first time that she even entered these grounds..?Who could have held such animosity towards her.?To stab her that cruelly."

I agreed with this.The stabbing wounds had been inflicted quite painfully.More than once and on the same place.To not risk her survival on that ordeal.Dad and the others had managed to get out all the bodies before the fire had engulfed the whole building. The explosion had resulted in erasing all the evidence that could have helped in the search of the perpetrator.

"The Patrol teams confirm that no outsider had crossed the Miyuri boundaries that day. Everything happened so quickly.I don't even know when and how she reached that Great Hall.?What was she doing here exactly..?And why didn't we know about it.?How come no one knew she was present here..?All these questions with no answers is making me suspicious."

I frowned at dad as he contemplated his thoughts."Suspicious..?About what dad..?"

He looked at me straight "Not what but who..?" He stopped and graced Granna with another glance then turned back to me "May be no outsider was responsible for this.May be someone inside,someone from the Pack itself was responsible."

My shock couldn't be contained inside.My eyes widened. Dad really believed this.It was clear in his eyes.He really believed that someone from the Pack was responsible for the cruelty.

The murder had happened before the arrival of the guests.The fresh flesh wounds and the blood that was still leaking when we found her body ,adhered to that fact.The ceremony was cancelled and everyone else had been notified of the change.As soon as the murder had been reported,my dad had ordered complete enclosure of the pack territory.No one was allowed to come inside and no one was allowed to go out.Nothing turned out of the thorough search conducted by the best warriors present.

So was it possible..?

Was it an old rivalry .?

Was what happened all those years ago still affecting our lives..?

If it was what did it mean for the pack..?For me.?For her..?

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