

She was sleeping so calmly, so beautifully.It's really her.

I didn't think I'd ever be able to see her again.Its been a week since then.The destruction that wrought-ed our lives.

Especially her.

Even though no lives were lost still the wreckage had shaken everyone up in the pack.It was a miracle, they say, that I am still alive.Surviving the bone fractures and the torn tendons was one thing but getting my senses back was another .I got up in the Pack Hospital and I remember not being able to see or hear anything.It was the most horrific nightmare .That whole day still remains hazy to me.

My hearing and speaking capabilities had finally returned in half a day span time,the next day.How it did no one knows.I was hospitalized and was in constant attention by our pack and other pack doctors . No one was sure enough if I'll survive .That was the heavy blow to my family.For Granna.

I wish I could have done something different and not have them go through such awful experience.But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't come up with any alternative plan.If I had to do it again, I am sure I'll go do the same.

My father threatened to "tear down the whole hospital" if I was not revived back as is quoted by Argon.My mother cried until she could no more, until she had no strength left.And Granna..that was the first time the Pack saw how frail and old Granna really was.The whole pack survived the day without a single drop of water down their throats.Crowding the hospital and sleeping here for the Alpha's son.Of course who won't love them.Their dedication , their love , their care .So I tolerated their nosiness for a whole day with a sweet smile on my face.


Are you feeling better..?Do you wanna lie down..?Is it okay if we touch you..?It doesn't hurt somewhere does it..?Want me to go get some food you like to eat.?Want a hug..?

That last one was the most ridiculous one.I had gritted my teeth the whole time ,not to let that smile slip my face and had stopped myself time and again from snarling at their inquisitiveness.

I handled it all.

Only one thing ticked me. My wolf growled in annoyance and anger.

When they seem so honorable,so caring towards me.. how can they blame her..? What wrong did she do to deserve their hatred even after all that has happened to her?

It wasn't in her power to control herself..? She just lost her Ma. What did they expect from her.Instead of offering her all their care and love, they dare make her the culprit.For fuck's sake she was not even conscious and already they accuse her for what she's not even aware of.Instead of praying for her they fucking dare to curse her.

Motherfucking fuckers.

For the first time I became aware of the hypocrisy of my own pack,my own family.

She just lost her Ma, her only family and they want me to banish her as she wakes.How fucking dare they even make such a suggestion..?

Just because Granna was forcefully sent back home by me.. they got the balls to utter such nonsensical things.I bet if Granna heard this..she won't spare single one of them.

Send her away now that I finally realize what she means to me.?

No fucking way.

She'll stay here and she'll be by my side .And everyone else can go fuck themselves for all I care.My wolf purred at this.Of course it will.


I have got this chance to right what was done wrong.I won't let this chance go.She suffered and suffered.For me.For Granna. For my pack.

And now it was my turn.

She has no one left now.How can they expect me to leave her as well..?

I need her and I'll make her stay among us with all the respect and love she deserves even if I have to fight them all.

They'll have to bow before their Luna.

Taking her hand in mine I leaned forward to kiss her forehead. How can they accuse her..??

She looked so peaceful sleeping like that.I remember forbidding her to look at me with those blue eyes but now I'll give anything to have them stare back at me.

I did wrong by her.So wrong.

I stopped that thread of thought from expanding.It won't do good to wallow in self pity like this.I have to make amends by her.

Whatever it takes.

"Wake up.Please come back."

I'll beg if that's what I have to do but I'll gain her forgiveness.Her trust.Her respect.

But first I just want her to open those blue orbs for me.

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