

I was just inches away from touching her when another scream shattered the room completely.I could hear the grunts from behind me where several other members of the pack were trying to subdue the fire and the damage as much as possible.I knew that last blast was enough to shake the whole property.Just one more force out of her power and we'll be lying under the debris.I have to reach her or she'll get more hurt.

"Aeran..you fucking bastard ... Get back now.Let us help her...You'll kill not only her but yourself as well."

"Sabrina..do something .Help him.Reach her...make use of your fucking magic.."


I growled in anger to get them the fuck outta my head.. Bullshit magic....

Why are they making this more difficult.I have to be there for her.

She's my mate.

Ignoring the voices I finally landed my hand on Zairi.

The peace that came with touching her out-passed all the pain I was going through.

I have her.

But it took all my focus and strength to keep my hand on her.Some opposite force was pushing my hand away from her.Her power was reacting opposite to my touch, burning more fiercely , the red surrounding her turned more darker shade but there was no response from her.She continued her shrieks as if nothing else mattered anymore.

Not even living.

Each cry for her Ma sliced straight through my heart causing irrevocable pain course through my body instead of blood .

I have to make her come back or she'll leave me.

As this thought crossed my mind I doubled the efforts of my weakening body towards her.Gently I started wrapping my arms around her so as to not cause her any harm and snaking my other hand through the red envelop.

It was crushing me.She still didn't sense me.Her body not recognizing mine.

And it was pure HELL.

The worst tortures of hell couldn't be competed to what I was feeling at the moment.Mentally and physically I was growing weak and my regenerative abilities weren't kicking in fast enough.All the alpha power was of no use in forcing her back in my life.


She was blocking everything out.Our bond was still not complete but I would have been able to get in her head if I tried hard enough.But today no such luck was no my side. I was cursing myself for not completing the bond with my mate.

She'll be lost to me forever if I don't do anything.

As my other hand passed the haze and started coiling around her I started losing the feel of them.All my senses started shutting down slowly.My body systems weren't operating as they should.My breathing was labored and it felt as if molten iron was getting poured all over my body.I didn't knew how much longer I would last but I wanted her to be safe even if this was the last thing I do.She is worth it.

The image of her in front of my eyes was becoming blurry and there was a strange silence all around me.My lungs were hurting with the mere effort of drawing in air.

My heart was being squeezed inside as if someone was gripping it with a tight grip.Fuck.

I staggered forward towards her and then all hell broke loose for me.

The assault on my body increased 10 folds and it was a miracle that I was still alive .Through my bleary eyes I saw her and despite all the pain that I was encountering I squeezed her with the left over feel I had over my body.I focused all my energy by closing the distance between our bodies.I pulled her close to me and it was then all the bone started cracking in my body one by one.

I don't know how I was still breathing .It would be best if I just let go now.But how could I..?

She'll kill herself and there would be nothing worth living for then.

A fierce headache started pounding my temples making me bow to the Great power before me and let it be.

I can't loose now.

I worked my mouth but no words came out.I kept on trying to form the words but my muddled brain couldn't decipher anything.My tongue was stuck and my throat was scratching with each breath I took.


My hands were losing all their feel now.It'll be late if I don't do something now.

I prayed with all my might to The Lord above, to her Holy Mother to grant me some speech to make her come back.To force her to come back. Even if I lose all my speaking and hearing abilities in this life , Please help me to bring her back...

My eyes were closing of their own accord even when I was forcing them to be open.My hands were falling off her body and she was still mourning her mother , shedding that blood , killing herself .So gone in pain .

My eyes closed then.I started losing hope.She'll be lost to me.Gone forever.

I can't let that happen.I can't let her go.

My eyes felt heavy.I tried being awake.Nothing seemed to work.

It was then an image of a woman appeared.She was smiling and closing the distance between us, gliding towards me.I saw her then.

It was her.

Her Ma.

Zairi's Ma. In my subconscious mind I could see her clearly as if she was right in front of me .

I was paralyzed in this strange dream.I have to tell her to come back. Zairi needs her and if she doesn't come now she'll lose her daughter.I wanted to yell at her for leaving her daughter like this but I could just blink at her.My wolf was growling in anger bursting with fury even in this weakened state.

She hurt her.If not for her, our mate wouldn't be going through this pain.She's the cause.

I was beyond reason.The one who claimed to love her deeply hurt her the most.

She smiled shaking her head a little as if sensing the hostility I was radiating towards her .She came a bit closer and placed her hand on my head, my wolf head and whispered


Blue rays shot out her hand and were thrust in me.

My eyes opened suddenly and I saw Zairi there huddled.Even though my body was still shrilling from her power.I called out to her again.

"CCoo-mm-ee Bbbaaa--cc-kkk ."

My voice got out.It fucking got out.

Thank you...Fuck...

I kept on repeating the words not caring if the voice was coming out or not, if my flesh was burning or not, if this will be my last day.., if I'll ever meet her again.., if she'll ever forgive me.,, .........if if if..

I didn't knew if I was crying or not but the droplets which fell on her shoulder were proof enough.

Hear me this one last time please...

"I'll die without you."

Her body stilled.The time itself stood still.

It was then the red envelop started disappearing gradually .The screams stopped.The blast and the crashing came to a halt.

She fucking heard me.

The joy that I received at that moment was unsurpassed.I was drained out.No energy was left to even breath.I started falling back .Her body weight pressed on me.She had fainted.

Her precious body accompanied me and I was meeting the ground fast with her safely tucked in my arms.

Still I was happy. At least she won't hurt her head now.

My head landed on the hard ground beneath with a thud and I heard their voices then with my mate carefully encompassed in my arms.

She came back for me.

"Son..don't close your eyes.........We.. you.........Don't you .........fighting...."

"Aeran..son....Fucking get him out...........she's out.........The house's.... explode....."

"Take her body........... Sabrina .I'll take.......... both...."

"Aeran..you asshole...I'll .............. living shit......................... you .......................wake p.."

Incoherent words filtered my head .The darkness was overpowering.I gave into oblivion with the single thought .


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