

I fell back as the glass in all the windows shattered.

I was still in a daze.Her eyes..they glowed red..those tears..Was that blood..?What the fuck is going on..?

A piercing wail erupted shattering the chandelier above and I ducked in time to help Dane away from her.A red miasma surrounded her and every scream contained more pain.The extent of her hurt was visible to all but none could sooth that hurt.

Dad was busily giving orders to evacuate the place immediately.But everyone was in awe of the power that was filling each one with fear and anxiety.They didn't move unable to take their eyes off the grand event unfolding.

I couldn't stop myself.She was fucking bleeding right in front of my eyes.How could I have stopped myself..?

I rushed forward .Rave stopped me holding me back .I growled.My wolf was out for blood.His mate was crying , hurting .

No one is allowed to keep her away from ME.

"Come and fucking hold him back.His wolf is gonna be out ."

Everything went blank in my head when she let out another blood curdling scream of pain for her mother.I couldn't stop myself this time.Not caring who's holding me back.How many hands were on me to keep me back.Who was ordering me to stop.

I struggled free of their hold with such force I heard sound of bodies falling behind me in my rush to get to my mate.

She's in pain.

"Aeran get back." Ignoring everyone and everything I continued taking steps towards my mate.

My mate.It was crushing me inside to see her like this.I had never seen someone in so much pain before.It was like she was killing herself bit by bit.She was suffocating and that was not because of the lack of air.


She was destroying everything around her ,including herself.

There was a blast and suddenly the air became thick with smoke.Heat enveloped us.


"Aeran ,this is a order from your Alpha.Get fucking back."

I couldn't reach her fast enough.I was fucking dying to be near her.To comfort her.To be a barrier for keeping her safe.There was fire around.Every piece of glass was shattering with her every scream.She'll get hurt if she's not removed from her place.My wolf was taking over completely but I still held to my human form.She needs to be carried away and it'll be impossible if I am on four legs.I continued taking steps towards her when I realized I wasn't reaching her.I was still so far from her.

"Aeran you bastard your skin is peeling off.If you don't stop now you'll die.Just step back."

"Aeran listen to me.You can't help her.She's so much deeper in her pain.Her power is really taking over her and she'll hurt you if you don't step back now."

"She can't ever hurt me.I know her." I mumbled.I knew it was heard by all present.

My mind was epiphany of voices.They were trying to keep me away from her .How can they think that I'll leave her there alone.Can't they see she's hurting so bad.She fucking needs me and I'll not leave her alone this time.I won't.

I'll fucking kill myself before I let anything happen to her.The fire was growing more.My wolf senses were full on.I knew the house was gonna blast any time now.I have to take her to safety.Or else I'll ...

No don't fucking say that word.My mind was still pulsating with vibrations of sound.But I couldn't hear anything except her painful heart wrenching screams.I couldn't see anything other than her prone figure bend over her mother ,with bloody tears flowing down her cheeks.She's losing blood.With those tears her life force is also escaping out her body.She's killing herself.I have to stop her.


"Aeran she's lost to us.She can't sense you or anyone.She's destroying everything around her and you are no exception.If you get any closer you'll die.Your skin is already peeling away .In no time you'll be all bones and nothing else.Your regenerating power is slowing down because you are in her power field.She's killing you.You'll die and then you'll be no use to her so just leave her and let us handle this shit."

Dad's voice filled my head. Didn't I block my mind.?

"Yes you have.But Sabrina is here and she's the only one who can help Zairiya so please step back and let her reach Zairiya. So you have to get away.Right fucking now."

'No.She needs me."I growled back in answer.

I reached her and crouched down behind her.My feet collapsed and I fell to my knees on the ground behind her.

I lifted up my hand to touch her. I was shocked to see the skin over my bones disappearing and reappearing. I didn't pay it much heed and struggled to touch her.To bring her back from the place she was heading to.

I tried with all my might to wrap my arms around her even though it was killing me to do so.A dark layer of crimson red surrounded her.It was protecting her.My hand continued their ascend on her shaking shoulders.

My hands were shaking too.The energy of the protecting layer was too much.It was impossible.

I focused all my energy in my effort to touch her.

Just a bit more.Just a single inch more.I kept on chanting ordering myself to not lose all hope.

After what felt like hours but was just minutes I was able to finally able to get past the red layer.The pain that assaulted me was unimaginable.I didn't think it would be this harsh.Just as someone was pouring molting iron on my hands.It was becoming excessively difficult to even lift my hands but I carried on my attempts to touch her.My burned skin aiding me.

My hands were shaking badly and the pain was excruciating.I was surprised I was still able to have any movements in my hands.All the skin on my hand was peeling with each ascend in her direction.

It seemed as if the outer layer of my body,my skin was being peeled off by some really sharp knives as if making me realize my mistake of touching her.The punishment I'll have to pay, for even thinking about such a thing.

My wolf was howling.His need for his mate was compelling.Nothing and no one could stop us.

The scalding heat was making it impossible to see clearly.

Another blast erupted.More flames licked the once intricate architecture of the Great hall.

Fuck.I have to hurry.

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