
"Zairi , my child, wake up.I wanna see your face one last time.Come to me,child.I don't want to go before I see you once more.Open your eyes."

"Ma What's wrong..?You don't sound good at all.Are you hurt.."

"Come here my dearest daughter.Let me see you."

"But where are you Ma .I can't see you.Its all dark here.I don't know where to go."

"Silly child.I am right here."

I searched in each direction.Looking here and there. I couldn't find her.There was darkness all around.Nothing was visible.Not even a single thing.Where's Ma..? I walked blindly in the direction of her voice.I started panicking.What is going on..?

Why do I feel as if I am losing something .This emptiness.

"Zairi. I am going.I don't have that much time.You have to be strong.I know I won't be there physically before you but remember I'll always be in your heart.I love you so much my darling.Be brave and never ever let the thought of being alone enter your head.Cause I'll always be there.I promise.Always child." The voice of my Ma filled my heart , my head.

"No Ma.How can you leave me..?There's no one for me here.If you are going....just take me with you please.I won't be able to survive in a world devoid of you.Knowing you are there makes it easier to breath Ma.You can't just go.Or else take me along as well."

But there was nothing, no sweet tone of Ma to fill up the vacant space this time.I was having this sudden urge to cry.I didn't know why..?I called her again and again.Running randomly in different directions.She is leaving me.The fact registered in my soul and it was terrifying.I shouted her name, begging her to say something to tell me where it is that she's going..?Why can't she take me along with her but nothing. No No No



Heart lurching I woke up with a start.

A dream.A bad dream.That's what is was.Why then was my heart crying then..?

Even as I was reassuring myself that it was just a bad dream I was already out of my bed and into the Hall.

Ma is alright.She's supposed to be sleeping in her room.But somehow I knew she's not in her room.

The nightmare still haunting me I stumbled in my haste.But instincts pervaded and I righted myself.The whole house was dark.No light flickered.Ma always let one of the lights on.Not particularly interested in this new tidbit I opened Ma 's door slightly and peeked into her room to make sure Ma was alright,that she was just sleeping safely tucked in her bed.

That it was just a nightmare,a figment of my imagination.

I banged the door open full when I saw that the bed was empty not really caring about the noise it made.The bed remained untouched as if Ma hadn't slept on it,not once.The covers still pulled back.The sheets unruffled.No head indentation marked the pillow.

I searched back my memory.Did Ma say she had to go somewhere..?Was she supposed to be somewhere else..?Did she inform me about it and I forgot about it.?

I jogged back my memory.

I remember our heavy talk and then I had extracted that promise from Ma to not ask more.We had both called in early.I was exhausted and Ma had announced the same.So after an early dinner we both had crawled back to our rooms to sleep.My body was bone tired and I had fallen asleep immediately.I thought the same for Ma.

So where is she now,,.?

I switched on all the lights in the house calling out her name.Hoping she was there in one of the rooms.May be the kitchen or the garden.Yes the garden.I ran out barefoot and switched on the light.No one there.


I was shaking now.The cold chill had nothing to do with that.

Where is Ma..?

As I rushed inside I saw Sekra who was cowering in the corner.She sported a worried look on her face.What had happened to her now..?I never saw her like this.

I ran to her and asked "Where is Ma..?"

Sekra floated above in air and shook her head "She went away."

"Went away.?" I repeated dumbly."Wh-where did Ma go ,,.?"

She was hiding something.She avoided my eyes and furtively looked around the house.

I couldn't tolerate it anymore.The way she was acting was weird. I was losing my patience.

"Sekra" I shouted and her eyes jumped to me.Her eyes glittering."She didn't stop Zairi.I asked her again and again.But she went away even after I threatened to wake you up.She just.."

"Where did she go Sekra, tell me." A shudder passed my nerves.My spine tingled.A deep root fear was taking hold of me.I didn't recognize my voice anymore.My trembling worsened.

"She went to them Zairi. To the ceremony." Sekra whispered out loud the fears that had started to rack my body.

My eyes darted around frantically.I checked the table top where the invitation letter was supposed to be.It was not there.

Not bothering to waste another second I rushed out the door and started running towards the pack house.I didn't stop. Didn't look back to see Sekra following.

Adrenaline was pumping my veins and my muscles expanded with the knowledge that they had to give their best today.There was no scope of failing.If I 'm late..

No.I pushed back the horrendous thought.May be Ma just wanted to talk. Granna would be there She'll take care of her. Granna knows how I can't survive without Ma.And Aiinata..Yeah..they'll look after her.What could happen..?

But why am I getting this horrible feeling inside then..?What is crushing my heart from inside.?What heavy burden is weighing it down.?

Was that nightmare a premonition to what was about to happen..?

I have to reach there.I have to hurry.Ma is there.

Something bad was about to unfold and I wanted Ma to be back in her bed.I increased my pace as the trees and darkness started melting together.The pack house was far away.But even that fact didn't deter me from my course.I ran in the deep forest, in the pitch black darkness.

My feet crossed the familiar paths that I had been following for the last few weeks.From the first day since I came back,unknowingly my body had started making tracks in the forest that could lead us back to where it belonged.Subconsciously I had started memorizing the way to the pack house.

So I ran to save the one thing that gave my soul life.

My heart led me back to the one place that had ripped it apart not once but twice.

Not prepared or even willing to have it torn apart again.

Because this time....

No one would be able to save me.



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