
"Is it true..?"Granna is what you just said ,hold any truth in it..?" I practically shouted,

Granna was startled by my appearance at her door.

I couldn't stay still after I heard those words leave her mouth.How could I..?

I was too far gone in my fucked up mind to analyse anything clearly.I needed answers and I needed them fucking now before I lose my shit completely.

"I taught you better than that Aeran." Granna's calm voice pierced my thoughts sharply.I bowed my head in respect.But couldn't get me out of the pit of self realization I was burrowing in deep inside. I kept my eyes down no longer able to bear that look in her eyes.I was ashamed and Granna was the last person I wanted to subject my shame to.If she comes to know what happened that last night,she'll never forgive me.How can she when I cannot myself..?

And now this..?

Was I too blinded by my hatred and anger that I couldn't figure out the reality in front of me.Was I that much of a fucking fool,.?

"Aeran,come here." Granna's silent command had my legs moving towards her.

I sank to the floor near her legs in the same manner I always saw her sitting here.I didn't knew what to think anymore.What I believed in was falling apart. "I fucked up Granna. I fucked up so badly." I whispered the words brokenly.

Granna pulled my ears to emphasize her point."Mind your language boy.I won't have it in here.But may be today can be your exception.Because you did Fuck Up."

I saw Aiinata leaving ,closing the doors without making any sound.Yeah no sound could be any louder than the ones making a ruckus in my head.My wolf pounding my conscience in a way that was giving me a severe headache.I closed my eyes unable to face this life where I was losing myself.Something felt empty inside and I didn't knew how to fill it anymore.My shoulders slumped as everything I had done made itself known pretty fucking clearly in my head in the form of the images that surfaced behind my closed eyes.I couldn't bear it.

"Yes it is true.I did what I had to do Aeran. I knew that she was your mate.I knew you loved Ravine but I did it anyway because that was the only way."


My head jerked up at her words. Granna knew she was my mate..?

The question must have been clear in my eyes because she nodded her head slightly to let me know."Yes I knew it.That is why I asked her to marry you in-spite of you telling her to reject this bond that was made for you by the moon goddess itself."

Granna sighed and laid back on the chair clasping her hands together ."The love that you hold for Ravine was momentary.It won't have lasted forever.Only the bond shared by your mate is eternal.Ravine wasn't chosen for you.And you need to accept that ."I cringed at her wisdom.The love I held for Ravine consisted of my entire existence .I have been in love with her for so long that I didn't knew how to un-love her now. Yes I was aware that Ravine won't be able to fill the emptiness that was left behind because of the mate pair love. But she was so fucking close and I could have lived with that.I planned my whole life around her,for her.So how am I supposed to just neglect her presence?.How am I supposed to erase her from my heart.?

"I knew that once your own mate arrives in your life.You will accept her and give her the same respect and love that you shower on that Ravine girl.But how wrong I was.Because from the moment she arrived you showed her how unwanted she really was.You misplaced your anger on her when I was the one who should have been punished.I am the one to be blamed.Not her.It was never her fault.I can guarantee you that she wouldn't ever have come into your life despite knowing what you meant to her if I hadn't intervened.And then you would have the lost that treasure forever.But you did it anyway isn't it..?" Granna looked at me with a sad smile "You lost her.The only treasure that was for you.The only love that could have saved your life."

When she put that into words my chest started hurting so bad I sagged further down into her knees and kept my head there.I couldn't even form any coherent thoughts together. I was rattled that much .No one could say it better that her.I had lost.The only one born for me.My chest constricted and I couldn't breath.The hollow-ness inside kept on expanding and the one who could fill it was so far that I won't be able to reach her anymore.I smiled sadly at my misery.At the irony of life.When she was near I pushed her away and now that she had left, I wanted nothing more than her to be near me.


I kept my thoughts to myself and Granna seemed to do the same.The room was filled with silence.And that silence kept on echoing the thoughts that were proving fucking difficult to swallow down.

After a while my panicked eyes found Granna again to continue what she wasn't telling me.It's better than quietude that was suffocating me. "Granna please tell me." The sane part of my brain pleaded with her.Not yet ready to disintegrate.

"You remember last year when I went away, to visit my ailing sister.That's not what it was all about.I went to pay a visit to Sabrina there as well."

I listened as each word from Granna shoved me further in the vortex that had me spinning in circles.

Sabrina the Pack Healer and Psychic. I had only heard about her from the whispered stories that regulated around now and again.She was famous for her future readings and once had been the pillar of strength for our pack.Helping us win the wars among the packs that plagued us during that time.

She had went into hiding after something happened that shook this place up.From the history of the pack I had come to learn.A terrible bloodshed had ensued the place which had resulted in the destruction of the whole pack.We had lost not only our livelihoods and households but also lives of many great warriors.One of them being my grandfather.The alpha Marcus Kranis. I wasn't aware of all the details.No one talked about it anymore. It was just the hushed versions I was acquainted with myself.It was forbidden to talk about that time.No one knew where Sabrina had disappeared to.But apparently Granna knew it all along.I wasn't fazed.There is nothing that she doesn't know about.

"The seed that was planted all those years ago had to be cut out.And I went there to find the cure that could help save lives this time around.Because I had this feeling that something more dreadful than last time is about to befall us ."

Granna kept on talking in riddles and I was too astonished and surprised at the turn of events that were coming into light after being buried for so long.

"I failed them last time and I wanted to amend that.So when this opportunity arose I couldn't let it go.I was surprised at first.Shocked that such a thing could be possible.That I would be able to right the wrongs I had done in this life itself.You have to understand Aeran. I never wanted to complicate things.I wanted to do what was best for everyone.What was best for my pack and for you."

I was not getting any nearer to the truth than I was earlier on.I wasn't able to understand Granna's truth.

"Granna I don't understand what you are talking about.You knew where Sabrina was all this time.?.?"

Granna closed her eyes and stayed silent for a while.And then continued in small soft voice."I brought her here to feel good about myself Aeran. To know that I could be forgiven. But I didn't knew I'd fall in love with her as well in the process. I never knew she would be able to make a place this solid in my heart.That's when I knew for sure that if she could break into my heart then she will definitely be able to carve her place in yours as well.Oh how wrong I was."

A single tear escaped those closed eyes and I couldn't stay still any longer.I wiped that tear carefully,gently.But more tears took their place and I gave up the task.Giving her a moment to grieve.

"You don't understand it Aeran. The extent of what you have lost.And I hope the past doesn't repeats itself this time around."

I was more confused than ever.The world I had constructed around myself was falling apart and I was given the front row seats to watch it all happen.

"You must know what you have lost.Let me tell you all of it.The beginning of it all."

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