
Sekra hesitated looking at the closed door.She sighed loudly and turned to me with wary eyes.

"The day Trina was supposed to give birth had arrived.Your Ma stayed by her sister's side all day long and late in to night to welcome the new born. Kurona and others form the pack aided Sabrina in the birth.The happiness and the elation that had taken the pack by a storm was escalating as time passed.Before before the joyous occasion could swept us all,something happened.Nobody had paid attention to the sudden silent night that was enveloping us.The danger it represented.Marcus and the others had slackened the security for the celebration that was about to take place for the new born.And then it happened suddenly.One moment we were waiting for the new born and the next there were so many intruders in robes killing and maiming the pack members.The sudden eruption of chaos outside the main house alerted the wolf warriors and in no time a struggle had ensued.Marcus and the others ran out to inspect the violence that was taking place outside. Everything was happening so fast.We had no time to think or plan our next moves.The fighter's instincts helped them to stay alive for only so long.The assailants in robes were far too skilled and trained, for us to contain them.Their planned strategies were working well for them.And our numbers were dropping fast.The screaming of pain and cries from outside mingled with the ones inside the room where the birth was taking place.Your Ma didn't leave Trina's side.Trina was a crying blubbering mess asking your mother again and again to protect the child.To never have it taken away by them.To kill it rather than have it taken away by those monsters.You mother did everything to calm Trina but it didn't alter the fate that was written.Trina was hiding something horrible from us all and she knew that the end had come for her.The violent bloodshed outside continued.It was clear that whatever Trina brought back with her was killing everything around her.We knew Trina was a good witch.A powerful witch.But even we couldn't estimate the extent of her powers.Even after enduring the painful labor Trina was ready to protect her child from the evil lurking outside the door.Your mother and the others had all run out to aid the others but it was too late.Trina had collapsed after the birth,only semi-awake.And the baby lay in her arms protectively.Everything inside that room was in control.Safe.We didn't stand to think about it more and rushed out to offer any help. Barricading the door which contained our utmost treasure.The robed men were already inside the house searching for something.Or someone.Trina knew she didn't have long so she did what any mother would do.She protected her child the best she could.Casting a spell so powerful it muted the cacophony of the violent noises that had engulfed the night as instantly as it had started..A new energy surrounded us.An ancient magic swept over the land burying the evil.The robed bodies fell one by one littering the corridors.The fight had stopped.Wolves had won.Only because a powerful witch aided them.Your mother knew then that she shouldn't have left Trina alone.We hurried back only to find her,still in bed with her child cradled protectively in her lifeless hands,blood poured out the corners of her mouth trickling down on the small head in her hands,a smile so serene still on her face.Both their eyes were closed and it appeared as if they were sleeping peacefully. Such a beautiful picture it presented despite the blood .The motherly love that cradled the newly born.Your mother fearing the worst shook herself out of the stupor and rushed to the bed to cradle the child,who still took small breaths of life.Your mother confirmed what we all knew already.Trina had died.She had used her life force to cast the powerful spell to protect the one who meant everything to her.She gave her life to give her child a chance to live.Her sacrifice meant it all.The bloody battle ended with Sabrina's life,destroying the pack in it's wake.The aftermath was as gruesome as the battle itself.Marcus was lost to us. Kurona couldn't handle the grief well and the daughter she once cherished became the cause of her loss.Trina was blamed.The whole pack sided with Kurona ,who no longer held the same love she did earlier for the child,now cursed to be the cause of all the destruction and death around.It didn't take long for the miracle of life to turn into a bane of existence , for them.It was declared the child was the product of something unspeakable.So it was decided by the pack as a whole to banish it.Your mother wasn't spared.The grief of the loss had turned the otherwise amiable and loving pack horrendous.And the newly born and your mother were thrown out.Banished.Forgotten.To never be laid eyes upon again.Your mother was devastated at the loss.She lost not only her sister but the only family she knew,the only love she had for the one man in her life.That was the day your mother was left all alone.And the only hope she had of surviving was the child she had yet to put down from her arms.The only child of her sister Trina.Just outside the boundaries of the pack,your mother found the shelter she craved.She never wanted to be away from the only family she had but the circumstances forced her out.Never once she blamed Trina or the child for the misfortune that had befallen her and turned her life horrible.Not entertaining any other thought,your mother put everything she had,all the love in raising the child she carried with her,treating it as her own.The child was the only soothing balm to her soul.The only link to her sister.Your mother tried forgetting everything that happened as a nightmare and continued the upbringing of the child without any ill feeling.She didn't want to uncover the buried past and thus started her life anew.Leaving the past where it belonged.Fulfilling the promise she made to her sister.Protecting and nurturing the innocent child.The child who cried tears of blood.The child with the blue eyes."


Sekra's eyes bored into mine and finally I knew.

All of it.

And just as it is,I wanted to erase it all.

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