
I made my way back home.

It was getting a bit congested and difficult to stay cooped up inside, all day long.It helped to get some fresh air as Ma recommended.It changed my mood considerably bringing some light into my dark thoughts that were a regular constant in my life nowadays.Being near Ma helped but they were always there hiding in some corners, ready to spring up on me.I had nowhere to run.The torment seemed never ending so it was a good idea to get out and bring the things happening lately into perspective.But no matter how hard I tried to sort them out,I just landed back to square one.

Tending Ma's herb garden brought some of the regularity,some routine in the too long days.Time seemed to move at a snail's pace and kept me waiting.For what I didn't know.But this wait was endless.Exhausting.

So to be thrown out of my own house by Ma was a shock at first and then it changed into a delight.I enjoyed the time away from the depressing thoughts that plagued me day-night.

I was about to open the door when Ma's distressed voice reached me.

"Sekra you know I cannot tell her." I stopped.

"You know that you cannot hide this from her forever. Zairi needs to know it."

Hunh..?! What are they talking about.?

There was some shuffling inside.I wanted to go inside and announce my presence but something told me to stay where I was.

"I cannot bear to see that hurt in her eyes.She will never forgive me for this." Ma's sad voice couldn't stop me any further.

I opened the door and it banged in my haste.Ma's tearful face had me running to her.

"Ma..What happened.?" I sat down by her legs and gently wiped her cheeks."Why are you crying Ma..?" I looked at Sekra for some sort of explanation. Sekra averted her eyes and turned away from me.

I looked back at ma who still had tears in her eyes."Ma,what's wrong.?Please tell me.?!"

"I think you should tell her now before she hears it from someone else." Ma looked at Sekra and wiped her tears.Nodding her head she turned to me with determination in her eyes.Pulling me up by hands ,Ma made me sit on the chair before her.

Taking both my hands she started."Zairi,you are my most precious and important one.I love you more than anything in this world.It has been my utmost and joyful pleasure in raising you.To have been a part of your life.It means more to me than you think.So before I tell you anything ,I want you to remember this.Always." Ma looked at me for confirmation.I was terrified.I didn't want to know whatever she's going to tell me.I had a bad feeling regarding it but I also knew I couldn't run away from my problems any longer.This time I had to stop and listen to her.Face it head on. I couldn't handle any more secrets.

I nodded my head slightly although afraid.Ma squeezed my hand in response and continued.

"To make you understand, I have to start from the beginning.

My Papa and Mae were young when they died in an accident leaving me the only guardian in my younger sister's life.I was eight and Trina was 2 years younger than me.We had no relatives who were willing to take the extra burden of raising two young girls in their lives so we were left behind to fend for ourselves.After the funeral no one stayed back.Apparently everyone was too busy, to deal with the hassle of the orphan children. The unwanted burden.I remember huddling with Trina,sitting in our big house all alone.It was raining heavily that day.It was so dark.Heavy dark clouds filled the sky.I had gotten up to close the window which had banged open, prying Trina's fingers away from my shirt."


I saw Ma reminiscing that day clearly .

"We were so scared that day.There was no light in the house and the occasional lightening made those shadows on the wall.I was crying myself, unable to stop Trina's tears.We spent the whole night just like that,shivering and crying,calling for Mae and Papa.But the prayers of two blubbering girls was never answered until the next day when she arrived."

Ma's eyes found me then."

My eyes widened at the familiar name. Granna..?What.?I opened my mouth to speak but Ma shook her head not yet ready to face my questions.

"It was the first time I met her and even then I was aware of the power she had.The aura of authority that cloaked her.She was so beautiful.She came inside,took one look at us and smiled.And that smile held so much warmth that it forced me to accept her hand when she extended it towards us.I was responsible for my sister as well now.I knew that hand was the only source of security I could offer my sister so I plunged in head first and let my fate decide.I still wonder why I was never afraid of her and accepted that hand so readily but that decision turned out to be the best one I had taken."

Ma took a deep breath reliving her past and I let her.

"Later we came to know that Kurona was a dear friend to my Mae and had willingly accepted the charge of her best friends only children,the evidence of Mae's existence. I was terrified of this huge man who came with Kurona. Marcus,Kurona's husband,the Alpha of the pack was huge and towered over kurona as well and you know how tall Kurona is." Ma snickered at that.

"Glaring around with those calculating eyes,surveying the surroundings.I distrusted him instantly.But then he looked over to Kurona and I saw the love shining in his eyes for her. Kurona held his hand and the frown on his face was replaced by the most dazzling smile as if that was the only thing that he needed to erase all the problems of this world.He changed right there in front of my eyes.Those eyes then found us and the same smile enveloped this huge man's face.I knew then we were safe at last.We were not alone.And we will be alright.Marcus was quiet taken with the little Trina hiding behind me and he didn't help Trina's infatuation as well.Holding her and carrying her all the way to his place. Marcus brought us to this really big house,with so many people.All were big and strong.I can still feel their curious eyes on us.I was afraid of the welcome we will receive in this strange place.But I couldn't have been more wrong.In no time we were accepted and welcomed as a part of the Kranis clan. Trina never left my hand those first few days.She followed me everywhere.Years passed and we grew up never wanting for anything . Kurona and Marcus treated us as their own, looking after all our needs.If anyone could replace our parents,it was them-Marcus and Kurona.

Ma smiled at her memory.I was too busy taking in everything.Digesting this new information Ma was giving.A frown marred Ma's smile and I listened attentively.

"I was not aware of them being different from us , at first.For the longest time I thought them the same but slowly things started becoming clear.The world is full of wonders.We cannot even fathom the extent of the miracles that keep on taking place every second on this green wonderland.I got to learn more about the creatures that inhabit this small planet.I was growing up faster than I realized.Changes were taking over my body and it was the Pack's Healer and Psychic,Sabrina who helped me understand them.Trina was adapting much better at the powers we discovered than I was.She was a fast learner.Absorbing everything Sabrina taught with so much eagerness.She was a better pupil than I ever was.And that made me so proud of her.Of everything she had grown up to be.She was showered with so much love from everyone.Our little princess.That's what she was.And she never took advantage of the trust and faith we had in her.Never took it for granted.So polite,always willing to help and heal.Sabrina's little apprentice."


Ma 's eyes filled with tears at the memory of her sister.

"And then it was time for her to go and expand her knowledge more.Sabrina had some friends who dealt with magic and sorcery.White Witches.Trina was so excited when Sabrina informed her of the year long education she'll be getting from the very best teachers in the world.Trina wanted to excel in this field of healing.Me, on the other hand, was just content with what I had learnt from Sabrina.I didn't want to leave the pack just yet.Trina left not long after, taking all the love and happiness of the pack.I saw Marcus,the big and strong Alpha crying for the first time.He loved Trina the most,his little princess.Even that stubborn old hag Kurona had tears in her eyes.That was how much Trina meant to us."

Ma titled back in the chair and closed her eyes,stopping to take a deep breath.Then she whispered in a small voice.

"A year turned into two and then three,Trina didn't return.She wanted to stay there.Her thirst for more knowledge preceded anything else in her life.Even us.So we let her stay with the witches where she wanted to be.Trina's disappearance from our lives left a gaping hole in our lives.But we continued on,time healing all wounds and filling the small punctures left behind.I was moving on like every one else.Meeting people,enjoying life and falling in love."

Ma's face took a whimsical look and small smile came to those lips.I smiled as well thinking of Ma falling in love.

"Jarus Claron. He was the most handsome man I had ever lain my eyes on.He loved me like I loved him.I could see it every time he looked at me. I knew he was my forever.But Jarus wasn't my mate and I was aware that our love won't last long but I wanted to enjoy it as much as I could.I was being selfish Zairi." Ma opened her eyes and looked at me with that small smile on her face."I wanted to be selfish for once."

The smile I had started dimming.I averted my eyes not willing to let her see the pain shining in them.I had been selfish as well and look where it got me.

Ma knew my hesitation and thus continued without my encouragement.

"Everything was going smoothly and well until the day Trina returned.You cannot imagine the shock I got when I saw her.The first time in three long years.My sister had come back but she had lost her soul .She had changed so much.The kindness in her eyes had dimmed.Something else altogether shined in those eyes.No smile decorated her face.Only sadness and despair clung to her like a cloak."

Ma's serious eyes roamed over my face as she whispered .

"And The big baby bump she was trying to hide behind that cloak.We were all very wary of the this new Trina who had returned to us.She wasn't the same.We were all curious of this new development in her life.The life she had lived for the last three years but she never answered our questions.So many times I tried talking to her but it was like she had just shut us all out.It affected Marcus the most.He considered her his own child,so to have that child not reciprocating that same trust and love nearly destroyed him.It was Kurona who held us all strong,keeping our bond intact.Trina always stayed silent.We accepted her silence.Giving her time and space.Never smiling or engaging herself in any conversations.My sister had lost her will to live.The only thing that connected her to this world was the child she was carrying.Her protective streak over that child was unsurpassed. It was clear to anyone who saw the love she held for the small bundle of joy she carried.The only time I saw her eyes come alive was when she talked about the small child in her womb.That's the only thing that could get her attention.The baby.And we all anticipated that our Trina will be back when this baby enters our lives.We will get our old Trina back in no time at all.We were all excited for the new arrival to the pack.Even Marcus started having hopes. Kurona didn't let Trina do anything.Our little princess was coming back to us.We were busy preparing for the new addition.And then that night came soon.Too soon." Ma looked so lost."The night when we lost everything."

Ma started shaking.I held her hands tightly in mine afraid."Ma..?!"

She shook her head "I cannot.I just cannot." Ma placed her hand on my head and stroked my hair. She looked at me so tenderly.Tears made their tracks down her cheeks and I started to wipe them when Ma suddenly got up and ran to her room and locking it as it banged close.I stayed where I was ,too stunned by this reaction of Ma.

Never have I seen her like this.

So broken.

I didn't knew what to do or say anymore.How to fix whatever was troubling her.Only one way.

To know the rest of it.To understand it.

I turned my eyes to Sekra "Tell me everything."

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