
"Elder Kurona don't you think we should go and get Zairi back home.?"

I stopped outside Granna's room. Aiinata's voice filtered out clearly.I waited to know Granna's feelings.She didn't talk to me anymore.I knew what I did was not good but I couldn't fucking handle this silent treatment any longer.It had been days and Granna refused to even look at me.I wanted to mend the fences .If she wanted to have that witch back here,then fine.If it will make her start talking to me again then that's what I 'll fucking do.And the others ,they'll just have to deal with it.No fucking arguments.

"No,Aiinata,I have already put that girl through so much.I cannot make her go through all this again." Granna's sad whisper reached my ears and something inside me broke.I have never once heard such despair in her voice."It was all my fault."

No Granna. It was all mine.I am responsible for breaking your heart.

"Oh Aiinata.I want to go and bring her back here so bad but I know I cannot.I don't have the right anymore.I promised her mother that I 'll look after her but I failed.I failed her mother and I failed that girl,Aiinata. How can I face her now..?"

"I am sorry too Elder.I hid things from you.I should have told it all to you sooner.May be then things would have turned out different.But she made me promise and how could I have broken her trust along with everything else."

"I know. Aiinata.I know.You cannot just break the trust after gazing in those sky eyes." I heard Granna's sad chuckle."I wanted her to be happy.You know.I thought I was giving her that happy place to begin with.How could I have been so wrong..?It feels as if all my dear and loved ones have betrayed me.They have broken my trust.The faith I had in them.Gone.To know what she was going through and right under my nose.It hurts me so much.And even then she never pointed fingers at me.Not once did that girl showed me or even hinted at the lesser side of my own people when I kept on bragging about the mightiness and the kindness of the pack.Never made me so inapt like I am feeling now.So unworthy of all her trust and love."


Granna was quiet for a while.I could hear her rage through her next words. Granna seldom got angry anymore.So what happened to that witch really bothered her.And I regretted being the main cause of it.

"Why didn't she get angry at me,why didn't she shout.?Express her rage.?I wouldn't have loved her less then.I wouldn't have blamed her.She had all the right."Granna was silent for a moment again.It showed her distress. Granna was an eloquent speaker.When she spoke then you paid attention,hanging on to her each word.So this breaking speech made me wonder about her emotional state.She was more than upset with me,with all of us.I desperately wanted to find a way to rectify it.

So I stayed and listened.Then her small voice whispered the words that killed me right there "Why did she had to go away like that ?Why didn't she take me with her.?If only she had asked.I would have left it all."

To hear her words were like a physical blow to me.I staggered back to the wall opposite Granna's door and slid down.

Did she mean this much to Granna..?

In that short time ,had she managed to make her place, this big in Granna's heart that even my existence didn't matter to Granna..?

Have I ruined it all.?

"I should have told them all,right from the beginning.I shouldn't have hidden it." I heard Granna sobbing and everything in me screamed to go to her.But my legs were leaden.They didn't cooperate when I struggled to push my body up.

"I should have told them .It was my selfish request that ruined her life.And she did it all for me without shedding a single tear,without a single complain."

My head jerked up.My eyes widened and my mouth hung open at the truth, Granna revealed.

"I asked her to marry Aeran."

Oh Fuck.

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