

"Come and stay with me tonight."

"Oh..I so want to but you know I have to go to that show tonight.They won't like it if I miss as well."

I looked past her to the car pulling in the driveway."How the fuck am I supposed to survive without you for a whole week..?" Ravine flinched hearing the rage in my words.What did she expect that I'll go down with her on this.?

"Aeran. We both knew about it.You were okay then.?So what is wrong now ..?" She said in a small voice knowing I can never ever be angry with her for long.

"I don't fucking know.Shit." I raked a hand in my head.Pulling the hair on the back of my head I said "I don't feel like being alone now.Can't you cancel it." I pulled her closer to my body,pressing her to my chest."Don't go."I pleaded again making her breathing hitched.I knew her reaction to my body and I took full advantage.

Ravine wound her hands around me standing still for a minute trying to calm us both down.I bend my head to her neck and kissed her lightly.She titled her head to the side giving me full access but then suddenly pushed me away playfully."Stop it." She gave me that teasing smile.."Let go,Aeran. I have to go.Please I don't want to miss it.You know Sally had a hard time planning it and everyone expects me there.I really cannot stay.I am sorry.But I promise I'll be back as soon as I can. OK.?!" Puckering her lips she kissed my lips to appease me and ran to the car ,already engaged in a conversation with one of her friends.Not really caring what I thought about the matter.

I stood there and waited until the car pulled away from my sight,disappearing in the night.

My hands rubbed my chest again. It felt empty inside as if something had been misplaced. And I wasn't really liking it one bit.It's been going on for a week and fucking irritated me to no end.The restlessness that surrounded me nowadays was really fucking with my head.Now Ravine had gone as well.

A fresh bout of anger entered my veins and I stomped inside.

My gaze wandered over to the corridor where Granna's room was located.She wasn't talking to me now.This was another reason why I was so pissed off.I glared in that direction.Not finding any answers I climbed up the stairs making enough noise.

Reaching my room I opened the room and was met with darkness.No lights were switched on.There was no fire warming up the cold night.The patio doors were closed with the curtains drawn.I entered the desolate room and forgoing the usual routine of showering,took the few steps to the fireplace.

Did the room always seemed this empty..?

Shrugging I diverted my mind to the task at hand. I began to kindle the fire.Piling wood logs inside, I lit a fire.Light suddenly filtered the dark corners illuminating the room.As the fire roared I sat back down satisfied,on the carpet and stared into the fiery flames trying to find the fascination and the wonder in it.I lighted a cigarette blowing the smoke out into the fire.


Nothing interesting captured my gaze.

So what made her so entranced in it..?What delight did she find in watching those flames hungrily devouring the wood sticks.?

I stayed and kept my gaze on those yellow orange flames.It reminded of a same fire that had successfully destroyed the light in her eyes.The same fire that was comforting me destroyed her world.And I didn't do anything to help her.I stood and watched her crumble.Shrugging away from her touch.Pushing her away violently when she came at me with those blue fucking eyes begging for help.For some semblance of justice.And what did I do..?

Threw her trust ,her faith in me right back at her face.

Her face that spoke volumes of what we did to her.What I did.

My chest started aching.My wolf howling in anger as it remembered the humiliation,the disrespect his mate was shown, by their own pack members who were supposed to welcome her,nourish her.I smacked my chest in anger as the pain started intensifying.It didn't lessen.And after a few tries I gave up and tolerated it as best as I could.It felt as if the wolf was clawing my insides to get out.To go out and maim the ones responsible for her pain.To get her back here,where she belonged.My own wolf wanted to attack the ones it was supposed to protect.?What the motherfucking fuck was happening to me.?

I threw the half burnt cigarette in the fire and laid back down ,folding my hands behind my head.My eyes falling to the ceiling.


Her face full of hurt smacked me right in the face.

What did she expect..?How can I go against my own people for her..?She was no one.

A fucking outsider.

No, I can never accept her as my wife.As my mate.

That title already belonged to Ravine.And if I had any say in it,it will always remain with her.So Granna can pout and stomp around all she wants but I'll never fucking see that blue eyed bitch as my own. Granna played me.

And I don't know why the fuck I was still talking about those blue eyes.

My mood turned somber at that.

If the way she ignored me on the ride back to her home is any indication ,I should start rejoicing about the fact that I am about to be free from her creepy obsession soon.

And that line of thought was tormenting me to no end.Damn it all to hell.

Why was she chosen to be my mate..?Why couldn't it be Ravine.?

Life would have been so fucking easier.

I turned to my side staring in the fire.The events from that night were still out of my reach.I could remember some of them but the whole picture was still taking time to be regrouped together.

After the fire that had burned her garden to the ground,my wolf had started yipping and crying inwardly ,not ready to bear the pain that was enveloping me.A sadness so great entered my heart that it became difficult to face it head on.It was making me miserable.So I did what I could do best.I got wasted.So much that I couldn't even walk.That was when Ravine found me.I still remember basking in her familiar scent.The last thing I remember from that night is her helping me up to my room.


And then I saw her.

Her eyes wide with disbelief.Her mouth gaping open.I saw her falling down and I stretched my hands out to help.Trying to stop her as she hurried to get out of the room as if she couldn't bear the sight of me anymore.As if her whole world had collapsed right then and there.As if her heart was bleeding.So much grief in those light eyes.The complete heartache on her face had me struggling to take another breath.It made me want to crawl to her and hide her in my arms.Now that was an interesting thought .And now I was doubting my sanity to have such a repulsive and nauseating thought.

I saw her running out that door and an insane fear had gripped me.My world was falling apart and I didn't knew how to stop it.An exploding pain had started in my head.My wolf had wailed for its mate, calling her name to come back because it wasn't possible for me to deal with this pain alone.I needed her.With me.By my side.

I could still feel her running away.So far ,where I won't be able to reach her.I felt the thread connecting us breaking.The bond between the mate pair shattering and I was helpless to stop it from tearing apart our souls from each other.I tried.I called out her name.For the first time.I called her to me.I tested it again."Zairiya."

It sounded so good coming out my mouth.

But I had failed in keeping the two ends of the thread together.She didn't stop.That is when I lost my hope.All my energy had drained out of my body.The lights in my eyes dimmed.Everything blanked and I passed out.

The next morning I awoke with a severe headache straight form the deep pits of the hell and an empty shell of chest.I touched my chest to make myself believe that my heart was still beating.What was then making it so vacant..?So fucking empty.?

It was then this rubbing habit started.My wolf wanted to be soothed.He was no worse then Granna judging by the silent treatment I was dealing with.

I was shocked when Granna ordered me to take her back home. Granna refused to look in my eyes.That was the first time Granna actually ordered me to do something and that too in that very cold voice .I could feel her displeasure.I even asked her about it but she dismissed me.

I saw her crestfallen face,her eyes full of hurt.I wanted to console her but when she averted her gaze from me ,I knew it that any comfort form me would be lost on her.She didn't want it.And nothing fucking ripped me apart like that.To have her ignore me.It gutted me.

But I was wrong because that pain could never amount to the one I felt when I saw her.She stood there .Her appearance disheveled.Her clothes dirty.Her face so pale.She didn't raise her eyes when I looked at her and suddenly I missed those blues looking at me.I willed her to raise her head.Then she ignored to sit upfront with me choosing the back seat instead to stay as far as possible.I kept glancing at her from the rear view mirror but not once did she acknowledge my presence.The bond that used to vibrate in me was finally silent.My wolf not even once coming out to bask in her presence.And I knew that something was really wrong.It was all too fucking quiet for me to deal with.So I tried dispelling that melancholic mood.It didn't feel right.The way she sat.I couldn't take in the lifeless form sitting behind me.I called her name but got no response.She looked so lost sitting there,no emotions crossed that expressive face.Nothing shattered that blank mask on her face.I tried gaining her attention .Nothing .I swerved the car,It jerked her but she maintained her doll like mannequin position.As if nothing affected her anymore.That was disturbing me like nothing else.

I saw her house looming in the distance feeling dread all inside me.I pushed the brakes and the car came to a halt.She was sliding out her seat even before the car came to a complete stop.and then she was running.Before I could open my mouth to say something.Anything.

I saw her hobbling to the door.I sat and watched as her mother pulled her in for a long hug.She disappeared inside with her Ma and the door closed shut.I sat and watched the finality of it all.

She was going away. She had left.Gone from my life. My veins turned cold at the harsh reality I was facing.

Shouldn't I be feeling ecstatic that all my problems were vanishing with her.

Why did then this sudden rage take over the joy that I was supposed to feel.?

My eyes closed and my head started hurting like hell.I didn't move from the carpet.I slept there for the first time and felt the loneliness she felt everyday sleeping here.

And I didn't want to admit it but I wanted her here.The familiarity of knowing that she was near.

I could feel the things changing.

And I was afraid that she won't remain the same.

Any longer.

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