
I scrambled out the cushion and stood up on wobbly legs.

"What are you doing..?You'll hurt yourself." Pushing Dane aside frantically I hobbled to the door to rush out.I fell down in my haste.A shrill leaving my lips as my ankle twisted again.He called my name again but I was too lost in my worry to pay him heed..I sensed him following but I didn't stop .My ankle throbbed but I didn't stop as I slowly climbed down the stairs and jogged into the woods dragging my injured leg.There was smoke rising from the forest in the dying light of evening.

I stopped when I finally reached my garden The fire was gaining momentum.The semi darkness was chased by the brighter flames engulfing the leaves and the plants inside.The once quiet night was filling rapidly with the cacophony of noises.

I was astonished to find several people of the pack already standing there.They stared at the huge fire in wonder not doing anything to douse it.They just stood there laughing and crackling jokes as the flames licked the thorny bushes.Pointing their finger at the burning cackling sounds emanating as the once living beings caught the flames,turning them to dust.

I rushed through the throngs of people."Stop that.Please help me." I pleaded as I ran further."Why aren't you doing anything.??Please bring some water.Do something."

I searched around for anyone among the sea of unfamiliar faces to do something.

I was very well acquainted of their hatred towards me but even they cannot be cruel enough to inflict such pain on the innocent ones.The living plants inside.

When no one paid any mind to my cries for help or even registered my begging,I took the matters in my own hands.I wracked my brain to come up with a plan.But no thoughts arrived.I was blank.I couldn't think of anything.

Adrenaline pumped my veins.My heart started thumping wildly.And propelled by the sheer will of my soul I tried hard to save what belonged to me.I saw the water bucket I used for watering, lying a long distance away from where I usually kept it.Far away from it's original position.Not wasting another minute contemplating, I grabbed it and collided with Dane who stood there looking at me strangely.


"Dane.Go bring some water.We have to stop the fire." I shouted at him.He didn't move."Dane,What are you waiting for.,.?Go.Get some water." He looked at me as if I'd lost my mind.He was the mad one didn't he realize that.Not even willing to try.When he still didn't move I pushed him.Hitting his chest insisting him to make some movement instead of just standing there. Didn't he realize what's happening. It'll burn to ground.Everything inside will die.He just stood there with tears now glazing his eyes.

Frustrated ,I shoved him aside and started for the task myself.He grabbed my hand again.

"Leave me."I commanded and knew immediately when he suddenly gasped and let go ,that my eyes were shining red.Not giving it another thought I reached the main house and made my way straight to the kitchen much to Martha's annoyance.

"Hey where are you going..?Get out." She screeched.I didn't deter from my task and started filling the bucket.

Suddenly she grabbed my shoulder and jerked me back.I stumbled on my injured leg and cried out as the pain reverberated in my whole leg.My eyes were fixed on the bucket.My thoughts on my burning garden.I didn't hear the curses she spewed nor felt the pain her shoving was causing me.I planted my feet on the ground and waited for the bucket to fill.As it filled.I threw her hands away from my body and grabbed the full bucket.I didn't linger when I heard her cry of pain as she fell backwards from my light touch.The only thought that raced my mind was that I had to protect what I had so endearingly grew. The heavy weight of the bucket was putting too much pressure on my leg.I didn't stop and took the brisk steps to the garden as another cackling sound shook the forest.I was getting tired.My breathing labored but I didn't let it slow me down.

Not paying any attention to anyone standing there, I heaved the bucket up high and threw the water on the thorny branches with all my might.The water ran over the branches but it didn't help in expelling the flames as much as I had hoped.The fire burned brighter after disappearing for a while.I hurried back to bring some more water and was met with many amused glances and laughing faces as if they found something funny in this whole scenario.


I didn't bother with them.

Only one mantra flowed through my head.

I have to stop it .I have to stop it.

The fire will burn everything.I cannot let this happen.

The bucket was suddenly snatched out my hands and thrown far away.My gaze followed the bucket and then came to rest upon the perpetrator responsible.

I sensed him before I even had to look up.


A sigh of relief whooshed out of me.I saw him as my only chance of hope.Forgetting all his cruel treatment and all his rules.I grabbed his hand and pleaded with him."Please help me.It'll destroy everything.The fire.It..it'll...spread to the whole forest.Don't you get it..?" He'll help me.He's the Alpha.I know he has a good heart.

I didn't dare look in his eyes for the fear , he'll know the truth that I was so desperate to hide.I willingly made the mistake to place my trust and faith in him again.For him to prove me wrong somehow.To do the right thing.To know if he'll care enough.

Even ready to accept his pity.

Looking at the ground I waited for him to issue some command and order his pack mates who were still engrossed in the burning show.When nothing passed from his lips I risked a glance up and saw him glaring furiously at his hand held in between mine.He jaw was clenched tightly.I let go of the hand instantly to drag his attention from this minor matter to the one that was currently destroying the small reprieve I had managed to find.His hand dropped down to his side and I saw his fingers clenching into a fist.I kept my head down not wanting him to get distracted by the red eyes.The garden was more important and I was losing it by the next second.

Disinterested by the whole event he turned and walked off.Keeping my pace with his,I grabbed his arm instinctively not thinking about the consequences.

I sensed that everyone's apt attention was now on the scene playing out before them.Everyone waited with bated breaths to know what their future Alpha will do.

"Don't go.Please save th.."He didn't even let me complete the sentence when he violently jerked his hand away form my hold.

"Fuck off."

I staggered back as if he had physically slapped me.

A huge cheer ran among the crowd who excitedly clapped and hooted at their Alpha's decision.

Without a single glance back ,he continued his long stride.A few steps ahead,Ravine came and joined him.I saw him linking his hand with hers.I didn't miss the sweet gesture he bestowed upon her by kissing her forehead absentmindedly as if it was natural.Not at all bothered by the horrible incident that was happening right before his eyes.This wasn't as important to him as it was to me.It didn't affect him as much it did me.It didn't held that much devotion as it did for me.It was nothing in his eyes.

Non-existent just like me.

My spirit broke then.All the fight left me.My body sagged.

It was then I gave up.

I stopped talking.Stopped asking for their help.

I turned back to the roaring fire and stared as my heart burned along with the plants inside.Everything and everyone faded except the burning hell in front of me.

I saw as everything I had worked for,everything I loved was turning to ash right in front of my eyes.I stayed even when the others couldn't find any more entertainment.They had lost interest and started leaving.

I stayed and resisted the efforts of Dane to make me leave .I stayed even when Aiinata came to drag me away from the gruesome sight.

I stayed to watch my whole garden burning .I stayed when the flames started simmering down and losing their heat.

I stayed and watched it all.Not missing a single moment of it.

As the fire lost it's ferocity, ready to sleep for a while ,now that it had accomplished its task.

I stood there helpless and let it all happen.

Right before my eyes.

Finally accepting my defeat before their hatred.

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