《My Bully Lover *Completed*》Chapter 12


"Please mom." Asher and I have been begging her for about 10 minutes now.

"Ask your dad." She turns back around and continues washing the dishes.

"Dad!" I yell as I run to the living room. Asher follows me walking.

"What?" He turns down the volume on the tv. "Did you get you stuff packed, we leave tomorrow."

"That's what we wanted to talk to you about." I sat down on the couch next to him.

"What about it?" He sat up and looked at Asher with a face. "Who's he?" He points at him.

"My friend, Asher, but that's not what we're here to talk about." I felt a dent in the couch and looked to see that it was Asher.

"Well...." okay here it goes. I exhaled. "Can I please stay with him and you guys can go without me. Please." I waited for an answer.

"No." Just like that are you serious. He couldn't have said it nicer.

"But I'm 16, I can take care of myself." I beg hoping for a change in answer. "Please dad." I give him the puppy face.

"No." He turns around and faces the other way. I felt footsteps behind me and I'm pretty sure it was my mom.

"Just let her stay, she's old enough to take care of herself." My mom says as she sits next to me.

After a few minutes my dad finally said yes. Thankfully I had my things already packed so I grabbed them with the help of Asher and put them in my car.

"Bye mom, bye dad, I'll miss you." Tears start to sting my eyes.

"No llores mija."

She pulls me into a hug along with my dad. We stay like this for a few minutes and finally said out byes. It's not goodbyes though.


The good thing about moving to Ashers house is that, he always has food.


"I'm gonna grab some snacks." I hop off the couch and run to the kitchen. I jumped on top of the counter and looked through a pile of snacks. After a while I found some Oreo cupcakes and pulled them out.

"Jackpot." I whisper shout with a smirk. I grab the oreo cupcakes and put them down on the counter so I get could off.

As soon as I got down they were gone. I looked on the floor to see if I dropped them, but they weren't there.

"Looking for these?" He startled me, I didn't even here him come in. I turned around to face him and he had the Oreo cupcakes in his hand.

"Hey! I was gonna eat those." I complain. I try to snatch them, but he was to fast.

"These are mine, you can't have them." He smirked, keeping them behind his back.

"Say who." I try to grab them again, but fail. "Says me." He then moved them above his head.

"I'm gonna get those one way or another." I jump for the Oreos cakes but I'm to short. "Give me them or else."

"Or else what?" He smirked. "Trust me you don't want to know." I smirked back at him.

"Trust me, I do want to know." Okay he asked for it. I jumped on top of him making him fall.


We ended up sitting on tbe couch and had the Oreo cupcakes. He sat next to me with a mad face as I had a smirk.

"Lets watch a movie." I smile completely ignoring the fact that I tackled him for the cupcakes.


"Really." He asked with a plain face. He looked like he was still mad.

"Yup." I popped the 'P'. "What do you want to watch?" I ask.

"Wonder woman." He put on Netflix and we watched it. I rested my head on his chest and he rested his hand on my back.

Half way through the movie I fell asleep. I felt arms pick me up and took me upstairs.


I slammed my alarm clock and took a quick nap. It's to early to get up.

"Nina, get up." He slightly creeks the door open.

"I'm to tired." I mumble waving my hand for him to go away. Thankfuly he does leave the room.

After what only seemed like a few seconds he comes back. "Go away I'm still sleep." I mumble again.

He walked up to me as I closed my eyes trying yo ignore him. All of a sudden I felt cold water hit me.

"Are you kidding me." I jump up out of my bed which is now soaked.

"Should of got up." He shrugged like it was nothing. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom.


"Hey." Taylor waved at me. "Hi." I waved back at her. "You doing anything tomorrow?"

"Nope." I pop the 'P' as I begin ti walk to my class. "We should hang out." She smiles.

"Umm.. ok." We exchanged numbers.

"See you tomorrow!" She smiles as she walks away.

"Hey, Nina, it's been a while." Marcos walks up to me swinging his arm around my neck.

"It has." I smile as he smiled back. I haven't seen him in a while now.

"We should do something one of these days, with Asher of course." I nod my head in agreement.

"I'm gonna hang out with Taylor tomorrow, we could all hang out." I suggest shrugging my shoulders.

"That's a great idea, we could go to the lake, I have a boat." He says as we enter the class

"I let every one know after school." I whisper as I sit down behind him.

"Okay." He smiles and turns around facing the teacher.

I hope the lake will be fun.

"Hey." I turn around to see who said hey and it was the guy from the party. Crap I forgot his name... umm... Chris!

"Hi." I smile back. Maybe he'll come to the lake with us. "You still up for hanging out?" I whisper.

"Yea, what you got in mind?" He whispers back.

"The lake?" I whisper. "That sounds fun, but when?" He says making sure the teacher isn't looking at us.

"Tomorrow." I turn back around and face the teacher.


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