《My Bully Lover *Completed*》Chapter 11


"Stop... please...." I laugh in between words.

"Take it back." He started to tickle me even more. "N- never." I laugh.

"I guess I won't stop then." He smiled as I kept laughing. "Ok, ok, I take it back." He then let me go and stopped tickling me.

"What do you want to do?" I asked as I sat up on his bed. "I don't know.... watch a movie?"

"Let's watch fist fight!" He turned on his tv and went on netflix. "You got food?"

"All the snacks should be in the top cabinets." He turned back to the tv and paused the movie.

I ran downstairs to go get a snack. As soon as I reach the kitchen I open the top cabinet, which revealed so many snack.

There was Oreos, which is my favorite, nutella, chocolate chip cookies,... whipped cream! Yes! I hit the jackpot. I tried to grab all of them, but I was to short, curse my shortness. I jumped on top of the counter and then grabbed all the snacks.

I grabbed the whip cream and spread some on my hand. I walked upstairs and ate a little as I entered the room. A smirk free on my face as I quietly walked up to Asher.

I smashed it on his face and ran out the room as fast as I could. "I'm gonna get you for that." He yells out.

I run down the stairs and I could feel him running after me. I sped up and ran to the living room on the other side of the couch.

"Your trapped now." He smirks. I look to the other side where the kitchen is as he looks to. I'm gonna have to take the chance.


I ran as fast as i could and I could here Ashers footsteps chase after me. I tripped and he fell along with me. I turn over laying on my back and start laughing.

"We should get back to the movie." Asher faced me and took the strand of my hair that was in front of my face and put it behind my ear.


"But mom, that's not fair!" I complain. I can't believe this. She has got to be kidding me.

"We're going whether you like it or not." She gives me the death glare all mom's do, making me shut up. "Now go pack your stuff, we leave Friday night."

I stomp off to my room. I can't believe believe we're moving to Florida over some promotion that my dad got. I like my life the way it is.

I grab my suitcase from out of my closet and throw it on the bed. Today is Wednesday so that means I only have tomorrow to tell Asher.

Just the thought of telling Asher made a tear slide down my cheek. Why did we have to leave now?

I pick up my phone and call Asher. I start to tap my finger on the desk and wait for him to answer.

"Hello?" I say

"Hey we need to talk." I say

"About what?"

"Could you come over right now?"

"On my way."

I hang up the phone. I was going to tell him through the phone, but I figured it'd be better for him to come over, and then break the news.

A few minutes later

I hear the doorbell ring so I run to get the door before my mom did, but I was to late.

"I'm here to see Nina." Asher said shyly, scratching the back of his neck.


"Are you her boyfriend?" Ashers eyes widened and before he could answer my mom started talking.

"I can't believe my daughter has a boyfriend, come in, are y oh hungry would you like a drink?"

"Mom, he's my friend." I start walking by the door to where they are.

"Yea, ." She smirks. "He's not my boyfriend." I complain.

"Surrrre." She is so childish. "Lest just go upstairs Asher." I sigh. As we walk upstairs my mom shouts at us.

"Better not be doing anything up there." She chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"There's no easy way to say this, but... I'm moving." I frowned. He reached for my hand and held it in his own.

"I like you, and not just like, but like like." He gave me a sad smile and I have the same. I can't believe he likes me. I mean why would he like me? I'm nobody.

"I like you too." I said as he looked at me in shock. Maybe we can be together somehow.

"Y- you do?" He smiled. "There has to be a way for you to stay." He gets up and paces around trying to think of something.

"Don't you have a guest room?" He nods his head. "Maybe my mom will let me stay with you."

"But what if she says no?" He stops pacing around my room and sat down on the bed.

"We're just gonna have to persuade her." I shrug. Hopefully I can get her to let me stay.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat." Asher hops off the bed and runs to the door.

"Your always hungry." I complain, following him.

"So are you, but I never complain." He smirked as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You right." I smile. "Let's go." I run to his car and hop in.


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