《My Bully Lover *Completed*》Chapter 9


"Hi, I'm Chris." The guy sitting next me said as his game ended. He extended his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Nina." I smiled as I shook his hand. Not gonna lie, he's kinda cute. His e- My thoughts were cut off as he began to speak.

"Don't we have math class together?" He asked curiously. His brown eyes twinkled and his hair was almost as amazing as Ashers.

"I think so." The more I thought about it, the more I started to recognize him.

"We should hang out sometime." He smiled as he put the game console down on the table.

"Yea." I agreed with him. Maybe we could go with a group of friends and hang out some where.

"Could I get your number?" He scratched the back of his neck. We exchanged numbers, and he left to go some where else.

Who should I talk to now? I say on the couch scanning the room for somebody to talk to. All of a sudden there was a dent on the other side of the couch.

I turned to see who it was. It was a couple that were making out, once I seen that I got up to go some where else.

I walked outside, I didn't there was a pool. People were playing in the pool and the hot tub. I could see Asher from the other side of the pool and decided walk up to him.

This pool is really big.

"Hey." I waved as I walked up to him.

"Hey." He smiled as he got up from the chair he was currently sitting at. "Having fun?"

"Yea, but my feet hurt." I smiled nervously. These heels were killing me.

"Here let me carry you." Before I could object he picked me up bridal style.


"I have legs you know."

"So?" He started walking closer to the pool."1...." He swung me over the pool, but didn't drop me in. "2..."

"Don't you dare." As I finished that sentence he threw me in the pool. As I was I about to fall in, I thought of an idea.

As soon as I hit the pool and there was a splash, I acted like i was drowning. Asher panicked and jumped in, and when he did I stood up in the water. It wasn't even deep.

He got up and looked at me with a mad face.

Uh- oh.

He splashed the water to me and it caused a splash war. Everybody I'm the pool started to splash people. It was really fun.


"I'm gonna head home." I waved at Asher as he got up.

"Come on, the parties not over yet." I could tell he was drunk because his words were slurred but, how much did he drink?

"I have a brother to take care of." I was about to walk out, but he grabbed my arm and spinned me to face him.

"But I love you." He whined pouting his lips.

"Y- you what?" It's just the drunk talking, but then again some people tell the truth when their drunk.

He can't love me.

Or can he?

"Please stay...." He ignored what I asked and still had his pouted lip along with a was face.

"Fine." I sighed in defeat. "But only for a few minutes."

"Yay!" He cheers. I smile at him and he smiles too. He leans in a little and I do the same.

Our foreheads touching one another and our lips only a few centimeters apart. I wrap my arms around his neck as he rests his hands on my waist.


His hands travel down to my legs picking me up and slams me against the wall.

We separate from the kiss and catch out breath. I look around the room filled with other teens making out, talking, and drinking.

Did I really just make out with Asher?

Asher then started kissing my neck softly and as he was about to kiss my lips again, the door busted open.

Ashers eyes shot open. At this point he kind of looked more sober. There was 2 guys and a girl. I recognize those two guys from the last fight there was at school. Asher told me they were Ben and Troy.

But I don't recognize the girl at all.

Asher quickly stepped in front of me, blocking me from their view. "What do you want?"

"You know what we want." Ben snickered. I looked back at Asher who looked ay me with sad eyes.

What could these guys possibly want?

"There has to be something else. I'm not giving you your request." He gets more in front of me protectively.

"Give us the girl or well take her." Troy commanded getting ready to pull his gun out. Great another fights about to start.

"Over my dead body." He pushed me against the wall and was about to run and hit Troy, but he had already pulled a gun out, making Asher freeze where he was.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while now." Troy smirked. He slowly lowered the gun to where it pointed at Ashers leg.

Uh- oh

He's getting revenge from when Asher had shot his leg. This is gonna be a bloody mess. All of a sudden he shot the gun and the noise scared me making me jump a little.

Asher fell on the ground trying to cover his leg from blood oozing out. I ran up to Asher and tried to comfort him. I didn't realize that the girl had walked up to me, she kicked me straight across my face making me fall over next to Asher.

"I'm sorry." He looked at me with sad eyes. "This is all my fault." A tear slid from his eye.

I was about to get up, but I felt something sharp injected to my neck. I blinked a few times and tried to fight whatever it was, but my body went limp.


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