《My Bully Lover *Completed*》Chapter 2


He moved the clothes apart, as soon as he did both his eyes and my eyes widen. I'm dead.

"Who are you?" He reached his hand out for me to take. I took it and he pulled me out of the closet.

"That's Nina." Asher answered for me.

"Why were you in his closet?" I scratched the back of my neck. I didn't know what to say, I was speechless.

"u- um.." is all I could get out of my mouth. Just then Asher answered for me... again.

"She was doing my homework." He said before i coukd say a full word. Did he really just help me out? I looked back at the mysterious guy, I noticed he looked like he was our age. I wonder what school he goes to, I've never seen him around our school.

"So that's why it looked like you were studying." Jayden said as if he had just put a puzzle together.

"But it was actually geeky over here doing your homework." Brandon jumped in gesturing to me when saying geeky.

I was just standing awkwardly, wondering when I could get out of there.

"So you can get out, while we hang out." Brandon said rudely handing me the study book. The mystery guy walked me out to the living room couch. I smiled at him instead of thanking him because I was still kind of speechless.

"By the way my name is Marcos." He smiled at me. He seemed really nice. He then walked away leaving me with Ashers homework. I sighed, better get to work.

30 minutes passed by and I was already finished with his homework. I put some of the wrong answers, because the teacher is smart enough to figure out it wasn't him who did the work, if it was all right.


I also wrote it different from my hand writing. I write big, but on his work I wrote small, which was difficult for me, but I managed to finish.


*Beep beep*

I woke up slamming my alarm clock. Great another day at school. I rolled out of bed lazily, and hopped in the shower.

I hope today goes by fast.

I get out the shower putting my hair in a messy bun. I got dressed, and exited the bathroom, walking to the kitchen.

"Nina." An annoying voice calls out, disturbing me. I realize it was my 7 year old brother, Jimmy. "Mom said you need to drive me to school." I can't drive him to school, they took the cars, and I don't own my own car.

"I don't have a car." I said in a duh tone as he grabbed a set of keys that, I didn't recognize from, the counter.

"Where'd those come from?" He ignored me, walking outside as I followed him. What I saw was amazing. It's the car I've always wanted. Tears of joy rolled down my cheek.

"Mom said that's your present, but I'm not mad because mines is better." I rolled my eyes and ran to my car.

I can't beleive they got me a car! I have to do something extra special for them.

"They got me a Xbox one." He stuck his tongue out and I just laughed. Just wait till he gets older.

We pulled up to his school and I dropped him off.


I was at my locker grabbing my math book. As I closed my locker I was startled by Marcos who was leaning against the lockers next to mine.

"Hey, you know, your really cute. I didn't have the chance to tell you yesterday." He smiked making me blush, he thinks I'm cute?


"Your even cuter when you blush." He winked as I began to blush even more and turned around so he couldn't see me.

He turned me back around to face him. He reached for my hair and pulled out the bun leaving it down.

"Your so pretty, why do you let them bully you?" He asked moving a strand of my hair behind my ear. I shrugged as he sighed. I was about to put it back up, but he stopped me.

"I'm new here, so do you mind showing me to class?" I nodded my head as he handed me his schedule. I have most classes with him except for 3.

"How come you never talk?" He asks a lot of questions. I sighed might as well start talking.

"I don't know what to say." I responded as we walked to class and he smiled at me as I returned it.

"You have a pretty voice." I opened my mouth to thank him, but then closed it once I seen Asher, along with Brandon and Jayden walking up to us.

"What are you doing with the geek?" Brandon was the first to speak. Marcos looked at me and then back at them.

"She's showing me to class." With that he grabbed my hand and we brushed past them. As we walked past them Ashers eyebrows furrowed and he clenched his fists.


I sat next to Asher since he sat next to no body. I was gonna sit with Nina, but somebody else had already token that seat.

"Why are you always making fun of Nina?" Asher shrugged, he almost looked... jealous.

I've known Asher since we were little kids. I know everything about him. I know when he's lying, when he's jealous..... again, I know everything about him.

"Why are you even talking to her?" Asher completely ignored my question. If you asked me, he looked extremely jealous. "Just leave her alone." He didn't even let me answer.

"Are you jealous?" He looked at me and gave me a death glare. I put my hands up in surrender.

"No I'm not." Let me say this again, I know everything about him, meaning I know he's lying, but, since he says he's not jealous that means he wouldn't mind if I asked her out... right?


"Hey." I swung my arm around her neck and she giggled. "Can I sit with you at lunch?"

"I don't know, don't you want to sit with Asher?" She opened her mouth to add to that, but then closed it.

"I'll take that as a yes." She sighed as I chuckled. "Who all do you sit with?" We walked in the cafeteria.


Hmm... no body? It looks like she has friends with everybody who greets her in the hallways. Why wouldn't she sit with somebody?

We sat down at her usual table and started talking. We laughed so much telling each other stories. Her laugh is amazing. I don't know why Asher decides to bully her.

She stops laughing when Asher walks up to us, and so do I. "Are you gonna go outside with us?"

"Naw, I'd rather spend some more time with Nina." He rolled his eyes and walked away clenching his fists.

"Umm... I was wondering if you'd want to go out some time?" I scratched the back of my neck nervously as she gave me a curious look.


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