《My Bully Lover *Completed*》Chapter 1


There I am standing in front of 2 boys, Brandon and Jayden. They took my back pack from me and kept throwing it to each other. They were basically playing monkey in the middle, except I didn't want to participate.

"Give me my bag." I demand. They look at each other and laugh as I roll my eyes at them. "Just give it back."

"You want it?" Brandon teased as I nodded my head yes. "Then come and get it." Jayden raises my bag higher and because I'm shorter than him I couldn't reach.

I kept jumping and jumping for it, but I still couldn't reach. After a while Asher came, he grabbed my back pack and looked at me as if he were going to hand it to me. Jayden and Brandon kept cheering saying "Dump it! Dump it!

He was about to hand it to me, but right when I reached out for it he turned it upside down, dumping all of my papers and books. He then walked away with his friends just laughing. As they were walking he turned back around to face me. I gave him a death glare, clearly saying fuck you.

I hate Asher.


First hour

I went to my assigned seat and sat down as the bell finally rang. After a few minutes Asher walks in, late like always. I swear I've never seen him on time.

"I don't have time for this! There's an open spot next to Nina." The teacher pointed in my direction as I slumped in my seat.

Ugh why me?

He sat down and elbowed me in my arm. I then looked at him. "What do you want?" I looked at him in a disgusted way.

"What's the answer to 1?" He aseked as he looked at the teacher making sure he didn't see him talking. Does he really think I'm gonna give him the answer? I think not. He needs to learn himself.


"Do it yourself, I'm not giving you any answer." He glared at me as I glared back. I then continued my work.


At my locker

I was grabbing my books from my locker. Since my next class was history, I grabbed my history book. As I turned around Taylor passed by and said hi to me and I waved back shyly.

I was about to walk away from my locker, but then Asher came and cornered me. I was leaning against the lockers with my books in my hand, and his arm was rested above my head against the lockers.

"I need you to do my homework for me." He held out his book waiting for me to take it, but I glared at him.

"I'm not doing your homework." I arhued and he looked at me confused. I was about to walk away, but as I did, he gripped my arm turning around to face him.

"Your doing my homework." He tried to sound intimidating.

"No." I replied as he groaned.

"At least help me with it." He whined and I mumble a fine. Just then Jayden and Brandon came behind him. As soon as Asher seen them he knocked my books out of my hand and walked away. He asks for me to help yet he treats me like shit.

Why won't he stop bullying me?

I should have told him no. Now I have to help him, unless I give him all the wrong answers. A devilish smirk plastered on my face.



I sit down alone at my table as I put in some headphones and scan through my phone. A shadow comes from behind me I could tell it's a guy, but I pay no attention to it. The person from behind me puts a note on my table and walks away.


As soon as I feel that his presence is gone I slowly and carefully open the note. It had an address on it and at the bottom it was signed Asher. I look back and see him walking out the cafeteria with his friends. Probably went go smoke or something.


Ashers House

I took a deep breath as I approached his porch. I knocked on the door and heard shuffling. Asher came and opened the door letting me in. We walked up to his room which was really big.

"Nice room." I said looking around and admiring it. He looked at me and smiled as he pulled out a chair and pushed it to his desk along with the other chair that had wheels. He leaned against the desk and signaled for me to sit down.

I took a seat in the chair that rolled because... well because I like rolly chairs.

"Hey that's my seat." He nudged at me to get off as I smirk.

"We'll it's mine now." I said with a smirk knowing He wouldn't do anything fir it. He rolled his eyes and sat down on the other chair.

We studied for about half an hour, and then we heard a knock on the door.

"Umm... can you hide in the closet?... please?" Asher asks nervously as he scratches the back of his neck. I nod my head and walk to his closet as he goes and opens the door for whoever it was.

While I'm in the closet my mind starts to wonder. Is he embarrassed of me? Why would he ask for me to hide in his closet?

Those thoughts soon fade away as I hear them walk in the room. As soon as I heard the voices I knew who it was. Brandon and Jayden. There was a 3rd voice, but I didn't know who's it was.

"Were you studying?" I'm assuming Jayden was near the desk because of his question.

"Pfft, no." He lied. Hmm... what if I were to walk out this closet right now? After a few minutes of contemplating it I decide it's best if I don't.

"Hey bro, you got any more joints?" The mysterious guy walks to the closet and I can hear every step he takes. My heart begins to pound. What do I do? Do I stay here or do I move?

"Don't go in there." Asher said, but the mysterious guy clearly ignores him. I'm in trouble.

I quickly got behind all his clothes hoping he wouldn't notice me. The door opens and he starts looking through the closet. I'm guessing he hides all his joints behind his clothes because the mysterious guy makes a space and there I was.


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