《Hire an Incubus》2.


'We have reason to believe you'll be his next challenge.'

'What?!' Lisa yelped, starting to become a bit flustered now.

Debbie spoke softly as she look uncomfortably at the ground. 'We don't know how it happened, he shouldn't even be on the system, it's been years, who knows, he might not even receive your details and if he does he might not even bother to follow them up.'

Adam continued on, 'He disagrees with the way we do things here so Debbie is right, he'll probably disregard it completely but we wanted to inform you anyway.'

Lisa groaned, putting her head in her hands. 'I'm sorry about this but I'm still not completely following you, what's so dangerous about a sex demon to be completely frank?'

Adam and Debbie exchanged a look and then Adam spoke seriously.

'Well, we're only not perceived as dangerous because we don't act like it, we respect how humans should be treated but Achilles won't. If he were to find you, he'd undoubtedly try and seduce you and then make you his completely, have you under his control like incubi used to treat humans, back before paranormals went mainstream.'

Lisa felt her stomach plummet. This couldn't be happening. She'd literally just called for a harmless bit of fun and now she was sitting in a marble office in old sweatpants and a pajama top at half past twelve at night. This was crazy, she didn't want to believe it.

'What are the odds he'll come for me?'

'We really don't know, but we're willing to place you under some kind of protection if you want, it's in company policy. Since Adam and I are directly involved, we'd be able to help you.'

Lisa looked up at them both her expression still clearly puzzled.

'And how would you do that?'

'Well, we would have to monitor where you live, if he does come looking for you, it's the first place he'd go since that's all he'd have to go on apart from your first name which obviously doesn't really narrow down anything. We also have to consult our board of directors first but if the threat was deemed imminent enough it would be within our power to move you somewhere else temporarily until we have dealt with Achilles.' Debbie said very matter of factly.

'Is it really that serious? I feel like you're not telling me something.' Lisa narrowed her eyes slightly.

Debbie clasped her hands together and looked increasingly uncomfortable as she tried to find how to phrase what she was going to say next.


'Well the problem is, we're not at liberty to tell you all we know, it's against our policy, I'm sorry.'

Adam continued for her, as she was clearly quite embarrassed; 'Just trust us when we say that he is not someone you want to cross paths with and none of this should be taken lightly, I'm so sorry that this has happened to you.'

Lisa was starting to get annoyed, was there not any kind of protection they had against stuff like this happening?

'How was this allowed to happen, is there not anyone to blame for this?'

'I'm afraid not, and I feel your frustration, but it really was just an error on our servers.'

'So you're telling me that I'm just in grave danger and there isn't anyone accountable for this?'

They both just looked down and said nothing.

'Whatever, thanks for all the information, now I'm leaving if that's quite okay.' Lisa turned to leave and Debbie suddenly stopped. 'Wait, take my number at least, and contact me if anything happens.' She said with a sad smile, handing Lisa a slip of paper.

'Okay.' Lisa said quietly and then started to walk back the way she came. It was about half one in the morning now and stepping into a black car which she had been directed to by Adrian, she set off home.

The car pulled up outside her apartment and she walked slowly over to the door. Man that was tiring. After slamming the door shut and making her way into her bedroom, she quickly got undressed and fell asleep.

The next day, she stepped outside the apartment and saw a black car parked across the street and there was a man leaning against the side of the car. He started to cross the street as he saw Lisa come out of the door. Lisa noticed this and turned to open the door and go back in. She couldn't see his face, what if it was this Achilles guy?

'Lisa wait! It's Adam!' He called after her and she stopped and turned around again to face him. 'Oh, Adam, sorry, I thought you could have been-'

'Yes I know, Achilles.' He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. 'I...I just wanted to check if you were alright. Also there's one more thing I need to tell you, which I probably shouldn't be telling you so that's why I came here.'

'What is it?'

Handing her a slip of paper, he lowered his voice and said; 'This is the name and number of the leader of a group of hunters. They hunt down supernatural creatures who have become a threat to society. Please understand that I'm giving you this information on the condition that you never say where you got the details from, and only call these people if you feel you are in extreme danger.'


'Um..Thanks I guess.' Lisa replied 'I won't tell anyone it was from you.'

'Thanks Lisa, and if you do end up meeting him, please don't fall for him he'll only use it against you.'

'Okay, thank you Adam.' Lisa replied, going to leave. Adam disappeared across the street within seconds and was on his way in the car.

Lisa worked at a quiet little book shop on a corner of a street that was always very empty, she wasn't really complaining though as this lead to her not having a huge workload to do. The old woman that owned the shop didn't work on Saturdays, so Lisa worked there part time to make a little money.

While flicking through a book on the counter, the bell above the door rang and Lisa looked up to see who had come in. It was an incredibly tall man, dressed all in black, black jeans and a a black cotton t-shirt. Lisa didn't even have to see his face to realise he was an incubus. Oh shit she thought, the old book shop wasn't a place incubi frequented to be honest so she had only one idea who it was.


Ducking behind the counter so she was out of view, she could hear heavy footsteps make their way around the store. He didn't speak but she knew he was there, it was almost like she could feel his presence in the shop. The footsteps became softer as he walked between the aisles of books. Lisa tried to breath as quietly as possible, she thought about texting Debbie and telling her but it was no use, by the time anyone could have got there he would be gone.

She heard him approach the counter and she was certain he could hear her panicked breathing under the counter. He picked up the book she had been reading and she heard a low chuckle and then he put the book back down. He lingered there for a minute and then laughed softly to himself again. It was a deep and smug. Lisa wondered if he was going to come around the side of the counter. All he needed to do was walk three steps and her cover would be blown. To be honest, it probably already was. However, just like that, he turned around and started walking away from the counter. Lisa relaxed and breathed out quietly. She heard him laugh again. What was so funny to him? She heard the door open but just before it closed she heard a very clear and distinct accent say something.

'You can come out now.'

The door closed and Lisa flushed red.

He'd known.

Running out of the shop after closing time, Lisa desperately fumbled for her phone and dug around for the slip of paper Debbie had given her in her pocket.

She answered on the second ring. 'Hello?'

'Debbie, it's Lisa, he came into my work today.'

'What?' she replied, clear shock in her voice 'How did he find where you worked?'

'I don't know, he could have followed me from where I live but he didn't see me, I hid behind the counter, but he knew I was there.'

Debbie groaned over the phone. 'Okay, okay, calm down. So we now can establish that he is looking for you and now he knows where you live and work, which isn't good. When you get home, I want you pack a bag and wait, Adam will be there shortly to pick you up and will bring you somewhere you can stay, okay?'

Lisa tried to process the information, only twenty four hours ago she had been just going about her daily life and now she was in such a big mess. All because she made that stupid call, wow she was an idiot.

'Yes, I'm on my way right now.'

Running as fast as he could down the road in the rain, her bag was hitting repeatedly against her back as she was running that quickly, she reached her apartment building. She was soaking from the rain and as she closed the door shivering, she pressed her back against the door and groaned loudly. What a fucking mess.

She rushed into her bedroom and grabbed a bag from the wardrobe, quickly and carefully packing everything she needed into a suitcase. Just as she was pulling clothes out of her wardrobe she heard the door softly open.

Lisa spun round, flustered 'Oh Adam, thank God-' but she was cut off when she realised that it wasn't Adam who had just walked into her room.

Two grey eyes focused on her.

'Expecting someone else?' he said with a smirk.

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