《Interwoven ✔️》Epilogue 1


"Number 34! I've called your number twice now. Ten push ups," I yelled at the trainee near the back of the group of trainees before me. The trainees parted in time to show the numbered trainee get on the ground and begin his punishment for spacing out.

It was nearing the end of the class, so in a way I couldn't quite blame them all for zoning out in weariness. But still, as a trainer, I had to maintain discipline and order. "Next time you space out it's ten pushups. Then double the next. Got it?" I told Number 34 when he finally finished his set.

The trainee nodded sheepishly and exhaled in relief when I moved on.

"To wrap up the class three laps. Go." I clapped my hands once, sharply. "The sooner you complete the laps, the sooner you can get out."

The unit immediately set off in a run around the large training room, eager to leave the session a few minutes earlier.

While they completed the three laps, a prickling sensation washed over me. It was not very good prickling sensation. I took a few steps back until I was leaning against the far wall.

A familiar trickle of anxiety shot through me as a wave of nausea hit me along with a head ache. I'd been experiencing the headaches the past couple weeks. They would strike out of nowhere, followed by nausea and fatigue.

I hadn't told anyone about yet. I was too scared. But as the fluorescent light of the training room was becoming too harsh for my eyesight I knew I probably needed to say something to someone, and soon. Better I tell them than they find out. I swallowed hard. The trickle of anxiety strengthened at the thought.

Just as the unit completed the second lap and began charging through the last, the door to the training room popped open.

My heart skipped a beat before a brilliant smile crept across my face at the person who came skipping in.

"Ah there she is!" The newcomer sang out happily, bounding over to my side. "The infamous Trainer Hwang Jiyeon, wife of—"

"Krys," I interrupted her quickly, embarrassment flooding through me knowing that all the trainees could hear every word spoken.

Krystal, who had become so close over the years since the base, was now almost like a sister to me. After we had completed our training and graduated from the program, Krystal had chosen to remain in the combatant units. Even though she was very cheerful, she still had a rough side filled with the need to remain in action.


I was still in contact with Tzuyu as well, maybe not as close as Krystal ever since she shipped out. Tzuyu had chosen the spying units after graduation. A very common choice for Outworlders and their morphing abilities.

Suho was no longer even associated with the New Order military. His injuries in the action prevented him from ever fighting again, so he'd left to help his family who owned a teashop in the South. The few times I talked to him he never lost his flirtatious spunk and was cheerful as ever.

Jungkook, Hoseok, and Jin were doing well in their respected units, every now and then checking in on Jimin and I. Namjoon and the team of scientists who had developed the antidote had been given a national prize for their life saving work. Taehyung, and Hansol, had also been given medals of honor since they were heroes in rallying and leading the trainees in the final fight that initially took back the Capitol Base.

Finally, as for myself, I'd decided to become a trainer. Two main reasons: one, I decided as a trainer I'd make it a goal to bring change to the ruthless training program. No more breaking trainees beyond their will and judge their success that way. It had taken several long months for my ideas to be heard and even longer for them to be implemented into the system. But now, the program was a point-based system. Everything the trainees did either gave them points, or took away points, and that was how they were judged. The lowest dozen or so trainees at the end of every month in the system were cut and sent back home.

Reason number two was because Jimin was now officially General Park of the Infinity Council. In the end he'd decided to accept the offer into the Council, if only to start bringing his own change into the government. There had been the expected outcry from much of the public about this decision as he was only nineteen when he accepted the offer, but he'd proven to be very pragmatic and a valuable member over the past five years. Because of his major position change, I'd taken the opening in the instructing unit and became a trainer.

"So how's this unit going?" Krys flung an arm over my shoulders. I stumbled. My headache flared up at the impact. Krys immediately frowned and laid off. "Are you okay?" She looked closer at my face and her eyes widened. "You look kinda pale. Jiyeon, are—"

I quickly stepped forward though when my trainees completed their last lap around the room. "Good job today everyone. You're dismissed."


The trainees all offered their usual formal farewell before eagerly grabbing their water bottles and head out. I didn't miss the few trainees that peered in slight awe at Krystal. It was all rather silly. Since Krys and I had been a part of the Pure Uprising, including the Capitol Base attack, it often put us on this high, almost legendary, tier in some trainees' eyes. Especially as we'd been trainees ourselves when it all happened

It was even worse at times, especially whenever I got a new batch of trainees. The trainees would outright ogle at me sometimes, knowing that not only had I fought in the Uprising, but that I'd been instructed by the famous Trainer Min Yoongi and was also the mundane wife of the Outworlder Infinity General of warfare Council member.

Krystal teased me relentlessly whenever she caught sight of some of those gawks. I couldn't tease her back though since she actually enjoyed the stares.

Like now, Krys fired a few winks at some of the wide-eyed trainees.

"Krys," I said, warningly.

She laughed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I can't help myself, you know that."

"Considering how much discipline training we went through, I'm surprised," I said dryly.

I immediately winced when she punched me playfully in the shoulder. At least for her it was playful. For me, everything about my body at the moment felt overly sensitive and I took a step back away from her.

Krys' expression grew grave once again. "Are you sick today?" She frowned. "You don't look very good."

I hesitated, watching as the last trainee finally walked out of the room. The door swung shut behind her. I needed to tell somebody sooner or later right? And I wasn't ready to tell Jimin. I took a deep breath. "Look, I've been feeling a little off this past couple weeks and...."

Krys' eyes slowly widened as realization clicked. Her hands flew to her mouth. "Oh my GOD," she squealed. "Are you pregnant?!"

"Shh!" My eyes widened. Thank God all the trainees had left the room. "Keep it down!"

"Did you test?" Krys demanded.

I nodded slowly. "Beginning of this week had been rough." I'd just barely managed to keep Jimin in the unawares and pretend I was fine.

"And?" She prompted

I bit my lip and looked down at my hands. The word escaped my mouth like a whisper lost in the wind, barely audible. "Positive."

Krys let out another piercing squeal and even jumped a couple times. "Have you told Jimin yet? Oh my god, I'm so happy for you! This is wonderful news!"

"Is it?" The bitterness in my words stilled her immediately. I looked up and met her gaze. "Is it really good news? Krys, the survival rate of a hybrid child is less than eight percent. And even if they survive, it's even a smaller percentage that they're born healthy enough to live past their first year!"

My voice had involuntarily risen to a shout and I struggled to bring it back down. To reign in my growing anxiety. Immediately Krys' expression became serious. She knew the statistics as well as I did. She had a little hybrid brother once after all. Of course her initial reaction would be jumping for joy at the prospect of a hybrid child.

"I haven't told Jimin yet because... because I'm too scared," I admitted quietly, shaking a little. "I don't know what to do."

"Jiyeon," Krys said gently, wrapping her arms around me. She nestled her head on my shoulder, pulling me close to her. "I understand your fear. It's definitely a high risk. And I'm honored that you told me first. But, you need to tell Jimin. You two are the ones who need to decide what to do."

I clung to her tightly with one hand, the other one coming to rest on my stomach. I'd just started to become bloated this week, though nothing too noticeable yet.

"You won't be able to hide it," Krys continued reasonably, catching my gesture. "Better tell him now than let him accidentally find out about it on his own."

Her words echoed my own exact thoughts.

"When should I?" I asked worriedly. "How do you even tell someone something like that? He's so busy as a Council member and I don't want to further burden him."

Whereas a pregnancy should be joyful news, warranting maybe even a party for some cases, between a human and an Outworlder it was heavy news. A mix of both joy and wariness. Some couples often just got an abortion, knowing how rare a healthy child was and they'd rather never get their hopes up.

Krys tucked a strand of hair behind me ear. "That's up to you, Jiyeon. I can't tell you when or even how you should tell him. Both of you are going to have to be real honest with each other. But I'm sure you're going to get through this and whatever decision you make I'll support you, okay?"

I nodded slowly. I hoped she was right.


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