《Interwoven ✔️》61~ A Formal Introduction


"Well, well. You certainly look much happier than when I last saw you."

I whirled around as a smirking Krystal ambled up to me.

A knowing smile curled across her lips. "If I took a wild guess, I would say something quite... extraordinary must've happened to you last I saw you." Her eyes widened in mock surprise. "And don't tell me that's a little limp in your—"

I flung my arms around her, half tackling half pulling her into an embrace. "Shut up!" I laughed, hugging her tightly.

She was laughing too and hugged me back.

Jimin and I had flown in last night to the North City in preparation for the official signing of the surrender today.

We'd booked our room in the same hotel as last time and Jimin had insisted we uphold tradition and go into the hot tub. Things became much more heated than was appropriate for a public space, however. We were able to restrain ourselves long enough to get back to our hotel room, aside from a little session in the elevator as it rose all the way to the twelfth floor. The moment we were alone in the suite he'd pounced on me and, well, the rest was history.

Now it was about ten o'clock in the morning and Jimin and I were meeting several of the trainees and even a few trainers in the hotel lobby. The plan was to head to the Infinity Council headquarters together. Even though the building was within walking distance from the hotel, for professional and publicity reasons, we were to take a car in groups.

"Well it's good to hear you laughing again," Krystal said when we finally finished embracing each other. "My goodness, I love your dress."

For the ceremony I'd decided to fancy it up. I couldn't remember the last time I'd worn a dress. The dress I wore was a simple silver wrap dress. It was light and not over the top, but fitting for the cameras and the ceremony.

Krys herself wore an indigo slip dress that confidently hugged every curve of her body with solid four inch heels. She looked ready to walk and own a runway show.

She smirked at me. "I can probably guess why you chose that color for your dress."


I blushed at her words, not even trying to defend myself.

"Where is that trainee-head-shooting-trainer boyfriend of yours anyways?" She glanced around. "I've never properly met him and I demand a formal introduction after all I've heard about him."

I gestured behind me. "He had to grab a few extra things in preparation for the ceremony. He'll be down soon."

"Why didn't you stay with him?" She leaned forward, winking. "Too afraid you guys wouldn't remain dressed if alone together for longer than three seconds?"

"Good grief, Krys," I groaned. "I came down because I wanted to see you and the others as soon as I could." I paused and looked around. "Where are the others?"

Krys rolled her eyes. "Taking their merry time, as always—"

"Hey baddie!"

My eyes snapped past Krys. A wide grin split my face when I spied Suho walking up, one hand gripping the crutch he needed for support. Beside him was Tzuyu, her long midnight violet hair flowing out behind her.

Tzuyu squealed and ran up to me and threw her arms around my neck. "I'm so glad you're here," she grinned, eyes shining and Marks glowing luminously amidst the bright sunlit hotel lobby. "You look great!"

"So do you," I immediately responded. And she did. The haunted look in her eyes had died down significantly since I'd last seen her almost a week and a half ago. Though if I looked closely there was definitely a more mature, reserved gleam in her eyes that hadn't been there before.

My eyes also caught sight of pale scars, the aftereffects of Moonsbane, lining her bare skin exposed from the lovely pink dress she was wearing. Something in my throat clenched when I immediately recognized the significance of the color.

A sad look passed across Tzuyu's eyes when she saw the shift in my face. She smoothed down her skirt. "I wanted to do something... to recognize her sacrifice," Tzuyu murmured. "Even if it was just... wearing the same color dress as her Marks."

I swallowed hard and nodded. "I'm glad you did that."

Tzuyu stepped aside to let Suho limp up. I smiled warmly at him.

After the severe injuries he'd suffered, the medics had worked furiously nonstop on him to save his body which had been beaten almost beyond hope from the Purists. He'd slipped into a coma and his heart had stopped twice during the procedures.


Though he was okay now, he'd never be able to walk without a support for the rest of his life because of damage to his spinal cord. Suho had taken it into stride though, merely grateful that he was at least alive.

Of course, myself as well as many other trainees and trainers had been relieved that he was alive as well.

"Suho. How've you been?" I embraced the boy who I'd fought ferociously beside against the Reformists to save the Council members.

Suho leaned against his cane, grinning as good-naturedly as I remembered. "Never better," he grinned. His eyes raked shamelessly down my body. "My, you look ravishing, baddie." He threw a wink.

"She does, doesn't she?"

A brand new voice piped up behind me. I saw all three of my friends' faces go slack with surprise, nor did I miss the way they all snapped involuntarily to attention.

I gazed calmly over my shoulder as Jimin— clad in his trainer clothes with full glory— came up to my side and boldly wrapped an arm around my lower waist; making it utterly clear what was going on between us.

I casually rested an arm on his shoulder. "Krys, come here. I thought you wanted a formal introduction to my boyfriend," I grinned.

Krys uncomfortably swallowed and took a stiff step towards us. "S-sir," she mumbled, her trainee side kicking in full drive.

When Jimin didn't answer fast enough I nudged him, hard. He chuckled. "Don't worry. All of you can just call me Jimin."

Krys opened her mouth to say something but the voice that floated into the air was not hers.


This time I stiffened along with everyone else. We all turned and just barely managed not to gape as no other than General Konu appeared behind us. Jimin's arm tightened almost painfully around my waist at the sight of his father.

"You brought him here?" I hissed at Krys.

She quickly shook her head. "I didn't even know he was here," she whispered back desperately. The fear and wariness in her eyes allowed me to believe her.

"Father." Jimin swallowed hard. "What are you doing here?"

For the first time I'd ever seen General Konu, the crimson Marked man shifted nervously. "I needed to talk to you... eventually. If you're busy with your friends right now then I completely understand."

I stared between General Konu— who was actually stumbling over his words— and Jimin, who was just barely keeping his emotions in check.

General Konu had been in the intensive care unit for almost as long as Suho had been in the hospital. The Council member of warfare had been brutally tortured and broken that not even his Outworlder healing factors were able to heal him.

He looked frail before us. So delicate part of me thought that I could actually win a fight against him.

Maybe that's why Jimin replied steadily with, "Yes. I am busy. I can't talk with you."

General Konu nodded uncertainly, looking lost. Almost helpless. Pity bloomed in my chest at the father's predicament.

I bit my lip before jumping in. "Anyways, I think we should get in the cars and start heading over to the headquarters, wouldn't you guys agree?" I shot a pointed look at Suho, Krys, and Tzuyu.

They all caught on and nodded vigorously, though only Krys managed to gather the guts to give a verbal affirmative.

Jimin squeezed my hand briefly, gratefully.

General Konu nodded once before turning and walking out of the lobby. We all slowly followed him. Three black cars were parked in front of the hotel. General Konu climbed into the first of the cars. Tzuyu, Suho, and Krys climbed into the second car; and Jimin and I entered the last car at the end.

The cars immediately set off once we were settled.

I briefly thanked our chauffeur before gazing in concern at Jimin. He was unseeingly staring out the window. The dimness inside the black vehicle painted his face in dark shadows that contrasted with his Marks. Through it all I never once let go of his hands.

We were drawing near the former Infinity Council headquarters and Jimin had still yet to say anything. I took a deep breath, about to break the silence.

That's when the leading vehicle— the one that General Konu was riding in— detonated.


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