《Interwoven ✔️》52~Warrior's Blood


"I-I can't do this anymore!" The little boy collapsed, his entire body shaking on the ground. Tears burned in his eyes but he knew better not to cry. Especially not in front of the man before him.

Said man towered over the little boy, face twisted in disgust and anger. "Get up!" He snarled at the little boy. "I can't believe I got a weak son as you! Get up I said!"

The little boy barely choked back the sobs as he shakily clambered to his feet. His legs trembled and it was all he could do not to collapse again. He wanted his mother. He wanted her comforting strokes and gentle kisses.

But his mother was gone. Scared away by this man before him whom he called Father.

"This is for your own good, Jimin," the father growled at the quivering little boy. "The blood that flows in my veins runs in yours. You know what blood that is?"

The little boy already had heard this enough times. He didn't dare speak back to his father though.

So the father continued like he always did. "That is Exclusive blood of the Konu family line!" The father roared like a lion.

The little boy shriveled down. He wouldn't cry. He wouldn't cry. The father got angry and trained him ten times harder if he cried.

"Warriors blood," the father continued furiously. "You have one of the strongest fighting blood running in your veins. And you can't even complete hundred push ups! Pathetic!"

The little boy tasted blood. He'd sank his teeth so deep into his bottom lip he'd drawn blood.

"The legacy of the Konu family lies on you Jimin! And you disgrace the family name! You're an embarrassment!"

The little boy didn't reply. The burn of tears in his eyes were fading. Instead, a dull, resentful anger was replacing the pain of disappointment and anguish.

The little boy decided he would never be a Konu. He would never be known as a Konu; to hell if his father was a Konu. He would be gentle, like his mother. He would be merciful, loving, like his mother. He would take his mother's family name. "Park," the little boy whispered to himself. "My name is Park Jimin now."

"What did you say?" The father roared.


The little boy slowly looked up to his father. His eyes were dry. His mind clear. "My name is Park Jimin," he declared clearly. "The legacy of the Konu is dead. It's long since been dead before me."

Shock crossed the father's face. It was the first time the little boy had seen that expression upon his father's face.

It emboldened the little boy. "The legacy of Konu is dead," he declared again. "It died the moment you destroyed our planet. It died the moment you destroyed our home and forced everyone to flee and find a new place!"

The father began yelling, but the boy continued to cry out, "You destroyed our home! You're the reason we had to find a different world to live in! It's your fault. It's all your fault!"

Jimin jerked awake, breathing hard. The room was dark and on the chilly side, but sweat poured down his back and made his shirt stick to his skin. His hands immediately moved to the other side of the bed. But his fingers met bare sheets.

His heart twisted painfully as he remembered everything. She wasn't there beside him any longer. He swore and his body curled forward; he wanted nothing more than to hug her until his heart stopped pounding, to cling to her and feel her solid, steady body against his. But he was all alone. All alone.


The voice broke from the darkness of the room. Right. He wasn't alone. A figure shifted in the bed next to his. Jimin didn't reply at first, his emotions still ravaging him.

The figure slipped out of bed and pattered over. Jimin felt the mattress sink next to him as the figure sat down. "Are the nightmares back?" Jin asked quietly.

Jimin swallowed hard. He hadn't had a nightmare for so long. The nightmares had disappeared around the same time he'd first moved into that beige Sharehouse. But now they were coming back. Nightmares of his father training him mercilessly, yelling at him about the Konu family name and legacy, trying to shove the burden of the family name onto him.

"I..." Jimin swallowed hard. "I dreamed about the day I was thirteen."

"The day you told your father you wouldn't bear his family name?"


Jimin nodded. "Except... I dreamed that I was also yelling at him. Yelling at him, hyung. Yelling at what he did to our planet. Blaming him...."

Blaming him. It was his father's fault that their planet was destroyed. It was because of his father's stubborn spirit. The Outworlder's former world had been ravaged in war. And General Konu had refused to surrender; he'd sent troop after troop, soldier after soldier into battle, only for all of them to die.

The planet had become too destroyed to be livable. That's why the Outworlders had to leave. That's why they had to search for a new home.

Because war and hate had utterly destroyed their real home.

Jin laced an arm around Jimin tightly. "It was just a nightmare Jimin. Leave the past in the past. You're here now."

Jimin shook his head. "My father broke me so many times," Jimin whispered, resting his head against his hyung's chest. "I disowned him in front of his face. So why... why am I so scared for him?"

Jin exhaled heavily. "Because he's your father Jimin. He's the only parental figure you had growing up. No matter how strict, and even cruel he was to you, he was still your father."

Jimin realized his shoulders were trembling. "I'm so scared, hyung. For all of them."

Their faces flashed through his mind. His father. Namjoon. Hoseok. Jungkook. Jiyeon— his heart gave an especially sharp stab as her face flashed across his mind. All of them were trapped.

Jimin's unit had learned the news yesterday. They'd all been deceived. The "message" that the Infinity Council had intercepted, the one that had supposedly held the plans to lay siege on the North City, had been a ruse. And everyone had fallen for it.

No wonder the troops had only encountered tiny numbers of Reformists in the city and not the massive rebels they'd been expecting.

The Pure Reformists had been hiding near the base, waiting as all the troops shipped out leaving the place unprotected. They'd laid siege to the very garrison where the Infinity Council members were, and now occupied it.

The Reformists had sent a message to the Infinity troops in the North City, showing clear footage of the devastation the Reformists had wrought on the base. The piles of dead bodies, the blood on the walls, every gruesome detail.

And finally they'd shown the Council members, specifically Jimin's father. All tied up and beaten bloody. The Outworlder members were covered in Moonsbane to prevent morphing.

The Reformists had made it clear that if any of the troops even tried to make a move to come to the hostages' aid, they'd all be dead in a heartbeat. If they detected one plane or aircraft, or any suspicious activity alike, coming towards the base on the radars, it was the end for everyone.

The Infinity army was scrambling to figure out a way to get into the base. But the base radars had been specially designed to detect everything, even an Outworlder morphed into something tiny. Their very technology had been turned against them, and the unit leaders were trying to find some loophole.

"We're in a tough spot alright," Jin murmured. "We're going to figure something out, okay Jimin? We're going to get them back."

Jimin swallowed hard and buried his face into his knees. He'd been part of the counterattack planning team for a little bit, but they'd sent him out of the room 'to rest'. In reality, it was probably because Jimin had lost it when one of the unit leaders had suggested they just wait to see if the trainees might manage to get out themselves.

Like the hell he was just going sit on his ass. Every single fiber in his body was screaming to go back to them. Go back to her. To be beside them. To be beside her. If he could, he'd bring hell itself down if only to know if she was alive or not. The photos of the dead bodies kept searing through his mind. Deep inside him, he knew that if she was one of those dead bodies, he was going to lose every last shred of sanity in him.

"Jimin?" Jin rubbed Jimin's back soothingly. "Let's just—"

The door to their sleeping headquarters abruptly burst open without warning. Jimin leapt to his feet in defensive at the same time Jin morphed into a snarling tiger, claws out and lips peeled back to reveal lethal fangs.

But it wasn't a Purist. It was another Infinity soldier, his eyes huge. "Sir, Park, Kim," he gasped out, "you're not going to believe this...."


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