《Interwoven ✔️》46~ Motives


"They really think they're close to finding an antidote?" Tzuyu's eyes widened.

It was dinnertime and Krystal and I were sitting with our roommates, Tzuyu and Irene, along with Yeri, Suho, Yuta, and even Wonwoo, who'd surprisingly joined us last minute.

The cafeteria was large and filled with loud chatter and clinks of plates and cups. Trainees and trainers alike all sat together in groups. The trainers usually sat near the front of the room at the tables most accessible to the exit.

I found my eyes darting over to the table where a certain silver-haired Outworlder usually sat and where we'd exchange the briefest of glances. Tonight however he was nowhere to be found. I didn't mind much though; I was excited to relay the hopeful information to the other trainees around me.

"They're going to be running a final test tonight," I said at all their wide gazes.

"And Jiyeon and I were invited to watch firsthand," Krystal boasted smugly.

Envious rumbles rippled around the other trainees.

I'd convinced Jungkook and Hoseok to let me watch the final test of the possible counteractive against the Moonsbane that Namjoon might've created. It was partially because of genuine curiosity and partially because seeing Jungkook and Hoseok made me miss the other members.

I wanted to see both Jin—with his worldwide handsome cerise Marks and corny puns he liked to pull— and Namjoon—his bold cut mauve Marks and the calm, knowing aura that surrounded him.

Taehyung was still on his mission as far as I knew. He, along with many other Outworlder spies, were being discharged to infiltrate the Reformists' known hideouts to exploit weaknesses. There had been a few other attacks and counterattacks between the opposing forces, but at the moment, everything seemed to be unnaturally calm.

Something deep within me warned it was the calm before the storm. Something was brewing, trouble and tensions were rising. It was just a matter of time.

But perhaps... just perhaps tonight would prove to be a major game changer for Outworlders if the antidote proved to be successful.

"I'm curious." Yuta leaned on the table, his voice pulling me back to the present. The russet orange Outworlder was gazing curiously at me and Krystal and Suho— the only humans at the table. "Why are you guys fighting on our side? I mean, I appreciate it. I truly do. But I'm just curious if you have backstories on why you decided to join the Outworlders' side."


Suho shrugged but Krystal's expression darkened. There was clearly a story behind her motives. And it wasn't a very happy story from the looks of it.

Suho was the one who spoke first though. "I had, and have, a lot of Outworlder friends," he said. "My family is really accepting of the extraterrestrials from the very beginning. I used to play with Outworlders when I was little. Your guys' morphing is perfect for so many games to play. So when the Reformists rose up, I was appalled and knew instantly what side I'd choose. The Reformists are wrong in so many ways. Humans can grow up peacefully with Outworlders."

"Did you have an assigned Outworlder under Order #327?" Inquired Yeri.

"Of course." Suho grinned but it was a sad grin. "We got along wonderfully. But... we lost contact after the Reformists rose up and became really volatile. I want to believe he's alive somewhere and safe, maybe just in hiding."

The unspoken words dangled in the air as Suho fell silent. There was a much higher chance his former assigned Outworlder had fallen victim to the Reformists.

"I wish I got along as well with my assigned human," Wonwoo piped up, regret filling his words. "He... didn't like Outworlders. We barely got along and he upped and packed the moment our six months were over."

I glanced down at my plate. I was lucky to have Jimin, I suppose. Not only because of this relationship that had bloomed between us, but we were both open-minded to each other and accepting of our different species.

"Krystal?" Irene gazed softly at Krystal who still wore that stormy expression upon her face. "Do you want to share?"

"It's okay if you don't want to." Tzuyu quickly jumped in worriedly.

Krystal shook her head. "No it's okay. It's just..." She swallowed hard and I tightened my grasp on her shoulder. Silently sending comfort from me into her. "My little brother... was a hybrid."

My brows flew up at that. My surprise was reflected across everyone's expressions.

Krystal took a deep breath. "He had a lot of health issues like most hybrid children do. He needed special help to morph, he couldn't run or over exert his body because of his weak heart, and he was blind in one eye. His mother... she was an Outworlder and she didn't tell us who the father was. It was too painful of a memory. Because of that, along with all his health issues, the mother didn't want to keep her hybrid child. So, my family took him in. We adopted him."


Everyone had fallen quiet as we solemnly gazed at Krystal— Krystal who was always so fiery. Tears formed in her eyes and she angrily blinked them back.

"He was the sweetest boy though. Hybrid or not. He didn't deserve the hate he got, the judgmental stares he got from everyone. Everyone. And then... then the fucking Reformists came in." Krystal choked and a single tear escaped down her cheek. She angrily wiped it away. "We found his mutilated body in the middle of our street. Like he was some piece of roadkill. The Reformists just left him there!"

I wrapped my arms tightly around her shaking shoulders as her voice rose to a shout. People at surrounding tables stopped to stare, but quickly looked away when Suho met their gazes, challenging them to say something.

"I'm going to avenge my baby brother," Krystal whispered hoarsely. "I won't hesitate to kill as many Reformists as I can for what they did to my brother."

"Careful Krystal," I murmured. Her words echoed too closely to what my parents had said. What my mother had said. Pain shot through me as I thought about my parents. "Don't let vengeance blind you and turn you into a monster, or else you're no better than the Reformists."

Krystal took several deep breaths and slowly nodded. "You're right," she mumbled. "It's just... it's so easy to become the very monster that you hate."

I nodded. "I think we can use a little cheering up after this," I said soothingly. "I don't think Jungkook or the others will mind if we arrive at the science ward a few minutes early. Let's go see this antidote they were talking about, okay?"

Krystal nodded and we excused ourselves from the table. Both Tzuyu and Yeri had stood up to hug Krystal briefly and Suho and Wonwoo had murmured brief words of comfort to her.

Then we were walking out of the cafeteria. My eyes glanced over at the trainer's table one last time but there was still no silver-head among them. He must be busy doing other tasks.

As we walked down the halls Krystal slowly regathered herself and by the time we reached the science ward she almost looked perfectly normal save for the slight red in her eyes.

The science ward was loosely named since most people didn't want to call it the bioweapon ward. It was where people like Namjoon worked on investigating known bioweapons as well as experiment with possible new ones. It was a dangerous business and a delicate topic. A war with bioweapons was not to be taken lightly, however I guess the Infinity Council didn't want to take any chances.

When we entered the ward, however, I instantly sensed something was off.

It was quiet. Too quiet.

Jungkook had texted me the room number in the ward and when Krystal and I entered we both came up short.

There was no sign of any experiments taking place. Instead there was a large table in the middle of the room where several people were sitting quietly around. And not just any quiet. A heavy silence that only settled after a disaster had taken place.

My mouth dried as I spied Jungkook, Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon crowded around one section of the table, their heads hanging low.

Jin was the first to look up when Krystal and I approached the table. My mouth dried when I saw his puffy eyes. He'd been crying. His very pink Marks were dim, reflecting his distressed emotions.

"What happened?" I whispered.

Jin had to try several times before he could get the words out.

"The spy unit that Taehyung went out on just came back... and...they were attacked." Jin swallowed hard. "Three people have gone missing in action. Taehyung is one of them."


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