《Interwoven ✔️》30~ Real Hard


"The boys are coming."

I was sprawled on the suite couch, flipping through a magazine with my head in Jimin's lap. I lowered the magazine to see the silver Outworlder scrolling through his phone. "What?"

"They're the same people who came in with Hoseok that night about a month ago." Jimin was holding a phone with one hand while idly played with my hair with the other. "Namjoon, Jungkook... the whole crew is coming to the North City. Even Hoseok."

My eyes widened. "Is he healthy enough?"

"Apparently so." Jimin shrugged. "Anyways, you can properly meet all of them."

"How many of them are there?"

"Six others, not counting me. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook."

"Are Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin and ... the other Kim related?" My mind already struggled to remember all the names thrown at me.

"No." Jimin laughed a little. "But we're all pretty close. We all met through the training program. I met several of them in different camps I trained at. They... they were the only ones that didn't judge me because of my lineage."

My brows arched slightly. Jimin already faced prejudice from humans because he was an Outworlder. But he also received prejudice and judgement from the Outworlders themselves because he was the son of General Konu.

"Wait, so they were all in militant camps like you? I thought Namjoon was a scientist."

"Namjoon is a bit of a special case. While he was trained in militant camps, he discovered his talents didn't lay with a gun, but with a brain and paper. He studied bioengineering and bioweapon research along with his physical training. But when he graduated from the training school he used his bio knowledge for the medical field rather than weaponry."


"Can't wait to meet him," I murmured. "He sounds very clever. When are they coming?"

"Later this evening. I was thinking we could go out to dinner so you can get to know them. Is that alright with you?"

I hummed an enthusiastic affirmative.

"By the way, I think I'm going to ask Yoongi to train you."

"Really?" I gazed up at him.

After the day at the training center I'd decided I needed to think a little bit more about enrolling in the training programs. While contemplating, I'd started exercising in the hotel room or in the hotel's luxury gym, now knowing how important physical endurance was going to be in deciding if I made it or not. It helped that Jimin was gone most of the day so I could work out in peace.

Jimin left every day early morning and returned late evening, always weary, and would always curl into my arms. Sometimes he would tell me what happened, whether a trainee broke or if a trainee managed to pass the endurance tests and move on to the next level, which was combative and weaponry. Other days he'd remain silent and just cling to me tightly. I never pushed him knowing that he just needed to be held in those moments.

Jimin nodded. "Min Yoongi is a trainer like me. He's actually quite a sensation. Almost all trainees in this entire country knows about him. He makes my training methods seem angelic."

Holy crap. "You're putting me in the hands of that heartless monster then?" I gaped. I didn't even want to imagine what this Yoongi might do to me if I messed up once.

"Don't worry." The silver extraterrestrial chuckled at my reaction. "Yoongi is far from heartless. And as he's my close friend, if I tell him to go easy on you he will."


"Still," I muttered. "He sounds scary."

"He's a real softie when you get to know him," Jimin reassured me.

"Like you?"

He offered me a wicked smile. "What are you talking about? I'm real hard."

"Eww Jimin, my head is literally in your lap!" I groaned, sitting up to save my precious skull from his crotch.

He immediately tackled me back against the cushions. I shrieked as I tried to fend myself as he attacked me with little kisses. Our tussle caused us both to fall off the couch onto the ground in a tangle of limbs.

I grounded my teeth, trying to overpower Jimin, but I was no match against him. Even worse, Jimin easily pinned me down, obviously not even using his strength much. Now that I thought of it, maybe I would brave this fearsome Min Yoongi if only to learn how to outplay Jimin.

In one crazy attempt to make sure he knew he hadn't entirely defeated me I turned my head and licked his arm. My intention? Gross him out enough for him to release me. What I actually accomplished?

A moan escaped Jimin. We both froze. I realized I'd licked directly up one of his Marks. In my attempts of repulsing him, I'd done the exact opposite. His grip on my wrists tightened.

"You—" he breathed, voice raspy. "You and that damn tongue of yours."

Before I could apologize or try finding a proper retort his was kissing me fervently. My body automatically arched against his and a groan of pleasure vibrated through him and I released my own gasp at the sensation.

Our already entangled limbs seemed to only become more twisted together. His hands were running all over my body and my own fingers was content on running through his hair and down his neck where consequently more of his Marks were.

He swore and heat flooded through me as he moved against me. He really was hard now.

A loud annoying buzz shattered the atmosphere.

Jimin pulled back, irritation shooting across his face. "I'm going to break my phone," he muttered, still leaning on me as he grabbed the cock-blocking device.

"Speak of the devil, it's Yoongi calling. Which also means I can't ghost him without endangering my life." He exhaled and reluctantly peeled himself off me.

"We'll pick this up later," he winked and I shivered as he walked away to answer the call.


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