

"You're fired."

I looked up from the double espresso coffee I was making for the customer to find Lacy, the owner's daughter standing before me.

"Have a nice day!" I smiled at the customer after handing him his order.

"It's new year, Lacy. Not April fools day," I deadpanned.

"I'm not joking, kiddo. You are fired." She passed me an envelope.

"Why?" My head shot up in shock when I saw the envelope had a severance check inside it meaning she was indeed not joking.

"Uh-Its complicated." She scratched her head, trying to put together words.

"You can't fire me without a valid reason!" I protested. I never missed my shifts, always was on time and I treated the customers nicely. She can't just fire me out of the blue like this.

"I just did." She shrugged, not apologetic at all.

"I'm not moving until you give me a reason!" I didn't want to part with this job. I hadn't yet saved nearly enough to live separately after graduation.

"You offended a big shot. We can't let you work for us anymore." She said in all seriousness.

I offended a bigshot?

"A bigshot named Stephenzo Black, I assume?" I asked, my fists clenched by my side.

How could he?

How dare he?

"Well, he did ask me to be discreet about it." She shrugged, neither denying or agreeing to my claim.

"He's my brother, Lacy. You know he won't do anything!" Lacy already knew about it from my resume and Diego also frequented here a lot to annoy me during work.

"Sorry, honey. I can't risk offending him." She gave me a guilty smile.

"Go home. You don't have to work the rest of the shift." She added.

Is he really going to stoop this low as to blackmail my employer?

Was this supposed to be another of his lessons, too?

I went back home, the anger still coursing through my veins.

Don't fight him.

I will be on the losing end like every other time.

But when I saw him in the living room, watching a movie with everyone while stuffing popcorns in his mouth without even a speck of guilt in his eyes, I lost it.

"HOW DARE YOU FIRE ME FROM MY JOB?!" I screamed, turning the movie screen off.

"Hey, hey, cool down." Diego tried to pacify the situation in vain.

But the man in question, Stephen remained silent as if he couldn't even hear me scream.

"Are you really going to play clueless?!" I shouted, my tone lower than before.

"I thought we don't talk anymore." He shrugged, throwing my words back at me.

"You think you're so much better than everyone just because you have a little more money than them?" I scoffed at his nonchalant expression.

"I'm so fucking tired of your arrogance and your obsessive need to control every aspect of my life." I added.

"You would better watch that attitude around me, sweetheart." He warned. "I can do things much worse than making you jobless."

"I can't imagine anything worse than having you as my brother." I spat out.

"Is that so?" Stephen snickered. "Want me to help you broaden your imagination-"

"Stephen, shut it." Diego interrupted, nudging his shoulder.

Diego was the only one who could go against Stephen and walk out harmless.

"Go to your room, Aylin." Stephen instructed.

"I am not your puppet who you can just order around!" I hissed.


"Aylin, let's just go upstairs, okay?" Eve offered in a soft tone, holding my hand to lead me upstairs.

"Stay out of this." I snapped, harshly snatching my hand out of her hold.

"You don't have to be rude to Eve just because you are angry." Diego frowned.

I smirked, his big brother instincts are coming out?

"Forget it, I can't bother wasting my time on you monsters." I scoffed, wanting to leave.

It was pointless arguing with them. I just need to tolerate them for 10 more months anyway.

"Why are you always so bitter to big brother?" Eve asked, her tone hesitant but firm.

How cute.

Defending each other. Some things truly never change.

"Eve, it's fine. I deserve it anyway." Diego told her gently.

"No, you don't. You have already apologized so many times. What more does she want?" She asked, her eyes tearing up at thought of her dear big brother suffering because I refused to forgive him.

I laughed at her question. It sure brought back memories to see them fighting for each other.

"Why, you ask?" I repeated after her. "Ask me that after you come back from spending nine years in isolation."

"After you understand the pain of not being able to see the only person who truly loved you."

"Do you think an apology can fix everything I had to go through because of your dear big brother?" I snapped.

"Well, think again, which I highly doubt you are capable of."

"Big brother and I went to bring you back home." Eve argued. "You're the one who didn't want to come back."

"Eve, don't." Diego's face paled at her words.

"What is she talking about?" Kai caught on, narrowing his eyes at Diego.

I honestly couldn't tell if she was plain dumb or so unbelievably naive.

"Why don't you elaborate for us, Eveline?" I encouraged, pleased at Diego's panicked expression.

"There's nothing to elaborate. Eve, forget it." Diego insisted.

"She can't always blame you for everything. Its not fair--"

"You're right. Its not fair." I interrupted her. "It's not fair how you get to be happy while I am the only one suffering."

"What is it that you have that I don't?" I screamed, a traitor tear falling down my eyes. "Why does it have to be you?Why couldn't he have chosen me that day? Why?!"

"You-you know?" Diego's eyes widened in shock.

"Of course, I know." I scoffed. "Father told me all about the little game you two played."

"What game?" Eve asked, finally catching on.

"You don't know?"

You don't know that the castle of happiness you live in is made on the foundation of my broken bones?

"I'm so sick of your ignorance, Eveline." I spat out.

Why was she allowed to be ignorant while I was forced to grow up at the age of only seven?

Why did she get to enjoy a happy childhood while I had to spend it in a dark basement being tortured by a psychopath with God complex?

How was that fair?

It wasn't.

But I knew if it was me in Diego's place I would have chosen to save Eve as well. Thats the thing she had that I didn't.

One can't help but love her with all their heart. And I was no exception.

But it still hurt that Diego chose her over me.

I turned to leave, I no longer had the will to retell past incidents. But like every other time, I was stopped from taking another step.


Surprisingly, it was Eve who had stopped me. I wondered how she managed to hold onto me with those twig-like hands of hers. In terms of strength, I was way superior to her.

"Finish what you were saying." Even though her words were uttered in a mere whisper, it was firm and imposing.

"Why don't you ask your brother?" I shrugged, gesturing to Diego.

"I am asking you." The hard look in her eyes almost mirrored that of Stephen's.

Was she taking training from him on interrogation?

"Look, it's not a big deal. Now let me go. I am tired." I told her.

"Tell me." She repeated, more firmer than before.

"Alright." It's not like I had any harm in doing that.

"Father told Diego to choose who to bring back home between you and me. He chose you. End of story."

"You're lying." She mumbled, all her previous resolve gone. "Big brother wouldn't do that. He wouldn't."

"Sure," I hummed.

"She's lying. Right, big brother?" Her voice desperate for him to deny my claims. "You didn't leave her, right?You wouldn't."

"I had to Eve." He clarified, wanting her to understand. "I didn't have a choice."

What a joke.

"You had a choice!" Eve shouted at the top of her lungs, tears streaming down her eyes. "You could have chosen to leave me! You should have!"

I was a little taken aback at her self sacrifice. Not that it was unexpected.

Eve was kind. Too kind, sometimes.

Thankfully, her cowardice made up for it.

I was slightly amused at the shocked expressions of my siblings.

Except Stephen. He was casually scrolling through his phone, not the least bit affected at the turn of events as if he had already foreseen it all.

Of course, he knew everything from the start. When has he ever not known anything?

His know-it-all attitude seriously got under my nerves. I looked forward to the day I would break this confidence of him. The day he would realize not everything was under his control or already anticipated by his calculations.

"Eve, it's not as easy as you think." Diego refuted. I knew where he was coming from. But like hell I would cut him slack for it.

"You-you have no idea what you have done." Eve stated.

And you do?

"What would you have done?!" Diego turned his attention to me. "If you were to choose between Kai and Eve?You would choose Kai, wouldn't you?"

"For starters, I wouldn't abandon one of them to die. And then proceed to make them believe they deserve it."

"You did what?!" Eve's head shot up, her eyes almost fearful of hearing the response.

I felt satisfied at sight of Diego and Eve fighting. Diego had always tried his best to drive a wedge between me and Kai. It was only fair I return the favor.

"Nothing much." I shrugged. "He just told me father was showing me enough mercy by keeping me alive. And if it was up to him, he would much rather have me dead."

"You-you didn't." Eve flinched back in disbelief.

Diego's silence was enough confirmation for her.

Wasn't she getting a little too riled up?

I was expecting a less mild reaction. But this works, too.

"I-I am so sorry, Aylin." Eve apologized, staring at me with her tear stained face.

Why was she apologizing?

Yes, a part of me was bitter towards her for having everything I didn't. But it's not like I actually blamed her for my miseries.

"It's not your fault." I stated. "It's my fault. I should have never been born."

From the corner of my eyes,I saw Stephen smirk at my claim.

I obviously didn't mean it. I just wanted Diego to feel more guilty. It worked, for a slight layer of water appeared at the edge of his eyes.

"Don't ever say that again." Kai finally spoke. His eyes were red as he clenched his fist trying hard not to punch Diego.

"Take me to my room?" I requested, wanting to get him out of Diego's sight. If they started a fight, it would only be Kai getting hurt.

Kai complied, taking me to my room after turning to glare at Diego one last time.


I was woken up by the sound of glass breaking.

I opened my eyes only to tightly shut them again. The lamp beside my bed was lit, the bright light assaulting my eyes.

Why were the lights on?

My eyes surveyed the room only to stop at a silhouette towards my right.

All the sleep from my eyes was gone as my sight fell on Diego.

He was sitting on the ground, broken shards of glass surrounding him. I assumed he had knocked off the jug in my bedside table resulting this scenario.

Why was he in my room so late at night?

But my focus was mostly on his pale expression. His eyes were wide open with horror, all the color from his face gone.

Did he see a ghost?

"Y-your b-back." He pointed towards me, his raised hand trembling profusely. I had noticed it was something we both had in common. Our hands trembled when our nerves were stimulated.

I raised a brow at his stuttering gibberish. My back?

Belatedly realizing what was happening, my face mirrored his shock.


He saw the scars.

"It's my fault. Its all my fault. My fault." He chanted in a trance, burying his head in his hands.

"Diego, calm down." In my rush to reach him, I accidentally knocked off the bedside lamp. Instantly the room was engulfed in darkness following a loud crash.

I ignored it all and crawled to where he was sitting. I could feel something sharp pricking my knees.

"It's my fault. I did this." His breathing was shallow as he continued to chant, "I-I did this."

"Diego, breathe." In the darkness, my hands found his face. I cupped his face in my hands, "It's not your fault."

"It-Its not?" He repeated, desperate for my confirmation.

"It's not."

Just as his breathing was going back to normal the door to my room opened.

"Aylin, is everything okay? I heard a crash." Eve's head peeked in through the gap.

"Big brother?" She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing wrong. She turned the lights on and rushed to where we were sitting.

"Oh my God, you are bleeding." I looked down to see my knees were indeed bleeding. I felt a dull pain there after finally acknowledging the wound.

"Is big brother okay?" She asked, panicking. "I have to go call Stephen. No, I should call Ezra first."

"You're not telling anyone!" I threatened, grabbing her wrist tightly to stop her from moving.

"What-No! You two are not okay. I have to inform Stephen." She struggled to get free from my hold.

"Leave me!" She demanded after repeated failed attempts.

"No!" I just needed to stop her for now. I can convince her into keeping quiet about it after I deal with Diego.

"What's the ruckus about?" Noah appeared on the doorway.

Why did these two had to have a room beside me?!

"Call Stephen!"


Noah's eyes travelled between me and Eve, contemplating on whose words to follow. Until his eyes fell on a still chanting Diego and he knew just what to do.

He sprinted out of our view and not even a minute later he came back with Stephen following him.

Stephen didn't waste a second and came straight towards me. His eyes fell on my bloodied knees as a frown marred his features.

"Bring Ezra. Tell him Aylin is injured." He ordered to which Noah quickly complied.

"Eve, honey can you bring a glass of water for Diego?" He smiled at her. "Also, close the door on your way."

I had already left her hand after Noah brought Stephen here considering it was pointless to hold her captive any longer.

"What happened, sweetheart?" He asked, his eyes on Diego.

"I-I don't know." I lied. "I found him like this after I woke up."

Stephen sighed, resigned, "You're going to lie in a situation like this as well?"

"Diego, what's wrong?" He placed his hands on his shoulders.

"I-I...her back, Steph." Diego managed out. "If only I fought harder. I shouldn't have left her there. I shouldn't have. Its my fault."

Stephen turned to look at me, his eyes cold, "Show me your back."

"No!" I protested. "You can't just ask me to take off my top like that!"

"Don't make me use force." He warned, his eyes promising me he would if needed be.

"That's sexual assault!" I shot back, throwing in any justification my mind could conjure up.

"First child abuse and now you are accusing me of sexual assault?" He rebuked. "Are you going to charge me of murder next?"

"I'm not--"

My speech was interrupted by the door opening again. Ezra walked in, a first aid box in his hand. Noah standing behind him.

"Where's the injury?" Ezra inquired, glancing through the mess of broken glass in the floor.

I was a little glad at the interruption, at least now Stephen was no longer focused on my back.

"Don't move," Stephen ordered when I attempted to get up to move to a cleaner and much safer place.

Stephen scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the couch in the left corner of my room.

"Is it bad?" He asked, his brows knitted in worry.

"No, its only a superficial wound." Ezra stated, sterilizing the cut. "Luckily, none of the shards went in."

While he was busy bandaging my knee, my eyes fell on Diego. He was no longer in a trance.

The color was still drained from his face but at least he wasn't going on like a broken tape record.

Eve was sitting right beside him in the bed, her hands tightly clutching his. She was probably still in shock.

Noah on the other hand was worriedly watching Ezra do his work on me while leaning against the doorframe.

Ezra looked the most calm out of everyone. I liked that about him.

He had the ability to stay calm in almost all the time. A quality every doctor should possess.

Granted, Stephen also was calm on dire situations but most of the time he would just be burning in cold fury behind his calm exterior.

"What's happening?"


Who called him here?!

"You are hurt!" Kai exclaimed, rushing to where I was sitting.

"It's nothing. I fell, accidentally."

"Did you do this?" He growled, glaring at Diego. "I'll kill you!"

Diego neither denied or accepted the fact, instead he looked away like he had a guilty conscience.

"He didn't." I answered in his place.

"Is it done?" Stephen asked.

"Yes." Ezra responded,placing the antiseptic back in the first aid box.

"Noah, Eve wait outside." He ordered. "Kai, you too."

"Like hell I'm going anywhere." He said, refusing to budge away from my side. I was grateful, I didn't want to have a clash with Stephen with no one on my side.

"Kai, get out." Stephen repeated.

"Make me." Kai challenged. I admired his courage, if it were me in his place I would already be running out of here.

"Diego." Stephen's one word was enough for Diego to get the hint. He stood up and grabbed his arm before harshly pulling him away from me. It didn't even take him a moment to throw Kai out.

Why did he have to be so strong?

"Now," Stephen started, his eyes looking straight at mine. "Do you want me to exert force?"

"You won't do that to me." I stood my ground. If he wanted to forcibly make me take off my top, he would do it way earlier. He's not someone to waste his time.

"Do you really want to bet on that?" He spoke patronizingly. "I'm done being the nice guy, Aylin."

"Didn't you say your kindness is not a facade?" I couldn't help but laugh at how quick he changed his words.

"Its not." He shook his head. "But my kindness has a limit, sweetheart."

I matched his stare. His eyes held a promise. He would go to whatever lengths he had to, to get past the walls hiding my secrets.

My eyes went to Diego, he was leaning against the closed door while Kai was repeatedly banging against it, shouting to let him in.

Diego already saw the scars, so what was the point of hiding them anymore?

It was his fault. Everything always was.

Why did he have to come to my room this late at night and that too without my permission?

He always had to ruin everything for me, didn't he?

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