

"Can you not tell Stephen about this?" I requested, "This can be our secret."

"Mhmm," Diego hummed, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel.

He was enjoying this, wasn't he?

"Diego?" I pushed for a response.

"If you are so scared of his reaction, why did you run from school in the first place?" He asked thoughtfully.

"I-I had reasons I can't say right now." Or ever.

Diego looked at me from the corner of his eyes, already expecting my response. "I won't tell Stephen anything."

I narrowed my eyes, it can't be that easy with Diego. I was waiting for the but in his sentence.

"But," he started. "Only if you promise to never talk to that scrawny boy again."


Excuse me, he's the hottest boy in our class.

I bet he would even beat you in terms of looks. But of course, I didn't say that out loud. Diego was extremely narcissistic and this was not the time to poke insults at him.

"I promise." I instantly agreed. Ethan and I weren't even friends to begin with.

"You promise what?"

"I promise I won't talk to Ethan if you don't tell Stephen anything." I complied.

"Done," He grinned. "I won't tell a word to anyone."

I sighed, relieved.

"Oh, also, Stephen already knows. He's the one who told me to pick you up from there." He added. "And as our promise entails I won't be telling him anything so you can't talk to that guy anymore."

"You tricked me!" I shouted, enraged. "The promise is invalid now!"

"That's not how it works, Lili." He shook his head.

"I decide how it works." I huffed, turning my head away from him.

He thinks he's so smart, doesn't he?

Well, I wouldn't have kept my promise in the first place anyway.

The car went silent after that. I used that time to come up with an excuse that would least implicate me.

I had already come up with a semi decent lie when Diego decided to break the comfortable silence, "Lili?"

I ignored him. One, because I was angry at him and secondly because he insisted on calling 'Lili'.

"Lili." He repeated louder than before.

I ignored him, again.


Was Ethan angry at me for being manhandled by my brother?


I hope not. It would be a pity if I have to apologize for something Diego did.


"Yes?" I responded.

"Why are you so stubborn?" He glowered.

I wouldn't have to be if you just called me by my original name.

"Why were you calling me?"I asked,instead.

I was actually curious to know what he wanted to tell me considering how serious his face turned.

He didn't speak for a whole minute, debating with himself whether he should say it or not.

"Will you, will you call me that again?" He asked nervously.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

"Uh-that, that, you know, you called me last night." He stuttered out.

He looked almost afraid of my response. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth.

The boy I feared my whole childhood was stuttering because he was afraid of my response?

"You want me to call you 'Big brother'?" I voiced out.

His face flushed at my direct speech, "I-I mean only if you want to."

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes." He said in a tone so soft it came out as a whisper.


"Do you remember that time when I was four and you pushed me in the pool in the middle of winter because I called you 'big brother'?" I reminded.

The color drained out of his face as I helped him take a stroll down memory lane.

"I didn't know swimming back then. Of course, you knew that as well but you still stood there and watched as I struggled to stay afloat."

Ezra had managed to save me in time, which I'm sure Noah had called him. Diego had then claimed it was me who jumped willingly. He didn't face any consequences for it. He never did for any of his actions.

Stephen taught me how to swim after that, to not let a repetition of that incident happen.

"So, no, I don't want to call you that."

Diego didn't respond. His hands controlling the steering wheel were trembling profusely.

Maybe I should have recounted the incident after he stopped driving.

He was going to cause an accident at this rate.

"Diego, calm down." I told him. "Why don't we walk rest of the way?" I proposed.

"I-yeah, let's walk." He abruptly pressed the breaks and turned off the engine.

I had never been to Stephen's office before. It was better than my expectation. I had thought it would be just like any other huge skyscraper in the city. But the unique design made it stand out. In a good way.

"Did Stephen design this?" I asked Diego, gesturing to the building before me.

Stephen was an architect so it seemed plausible he would do it himself.

"Yes, he renovated it after he inherited the company." He answered. He seemed to have calmed down, his hands weren't trembling anymore. But he still avoided eye contact with me.

"Who will inherit it after him?" I asked, curious.

Would he get married and have a child, who in turn would become the heir?

I was sure Stephen would make a great dad.

He was my father figure throughout my whole childhood. I never really yearned for my father's love because I had Stephen. He was enough for me.

Despite his few flaws, I would forever be grateful to him for teaching me everything I knew.

He had taught me and Eve how to read and write. From riding a bicycle to flying a kite, he had taught us everything.

Maybe, I keep deluding myself when I say my childhood was nothing but a nightmare.

Because there were warm moments with Kai, Stephen and Eve. Maybe even with Noah and Ezra if I looked hard enough.

"Whoever shows interest among our siblings." Diego answered. "I doubt anyone will though."

That made sense. All my siblings had chosen to study majors that were far from business. Except Eve. So maybe it will go to Eve. I honestly don't know what she's interested in.

"Estrella, is Stephen in?" Diego asked to who I think is Stephen's assistant. I didn't even notice when we reached his office or took the elevator to reach the top floor.

"Yes." She answered.

"Go in, I have some work to deal with." He told me before taking the elevator to go down.

I took a deep breath before raising my hand to knock on the door.

"Come in," Stephen's firm voice ordered from the other side.

"Hi," I greeted once I pushed open the door.

"Take a seat." Stephen gestured to the chair, not greeting me back.

I complied, looking around his office. The walls were a combination of light grey and white, giving a calming effect.


I observed his expression. His face was blank but the veins popping out in his neck told me exactly how angry he was.

Stephen didn't say anything but instead passed me a tab. A video was paused in it.

I pressed play only to find a footage of me and Ethan breaking the lock, followed by us climbing over the wall to leave the school premises.

"I can explain," I rushed to say.

"Please, do." Stephen folded his hands together, placing his chin over them. His eyes carrying a dangerous edge, warning me not to lie.

"I wanted to try something adventurous for the first time in my life." I lied.

Of course, Stephen didn't believe me. I knew he wouldn't.

"Aylin." He warned in cold voice.

I faked slight hesitance before adding in a nervous tone, "I-I like him. It was supposed to be a date because you won't let me go on one if I had asked."

I knew Stephen could tell almost everytime I was lying.

He knows that I'll lie. Which is why I wanted him to lower his guards after my first lie. And after that I would throw another lie which would be almost equally detrimental for me but still throw him off track.

"You like Greyson?" He confirmed, massaging his forehead to stop the incoming headache.


I thought his surname was Greyhorn or something like that.


"And you want to date him?"

"Yes, I like him a lot." I admitted. Of course, it was a lie.

As if I could ever like him!

"Was I not clear enough when I said 'no dating'?" He asked.

"Ezra has a girlfriend. Noah has one, too.Why can't I date then?" I frowned at the obvious difference in treatment.

"They're already adults, Aylin."

"Oh, so I can date him once I turn 18?" I echoed. "Fine, then. I can wait for a year."

"Sure, come talk to me then." He agreed but his eyes told a different story altogether.

He was just agreeing on the surface.

"That still doesn't explain why you were in the hospital." He added.

"Ethan was hurt." I answered. "Wait a moment. How did you even know I was there in the first place?"

"Do you have someone following me?!" I narrowed my eyes in disbelief he would that.

"Don't be ridiculous." Stephen denied. "There's a GPS installed in your phone."

And that makes it any better?

"You're tracking me, seriously?!"

"It's for your own safety, Aylin. Don't try to turn this against me."

"If you ever pull a stunt like this again, I'm going to have you homeschooled." Stephen promised.

"Also, I'm confiscating your phone for a week as a punishment." He stretched out his hand for me to handover my phone.

I gave it to him without hesitation. "Keep it, I don't need it anymore."

I wanted to throw it against the wall and break it to pieces. But with great difficulty I controlled that urge because Stephen had paid for it and I had no right to break it.

"Can I go now?" I demanded.

"I wouldn't mind if you stay for a while longer." It came out more as a request than statement.

Seeing my uneasiness to stay he sighed in resignation, "You can go."

I didn't wait for a second after that just in case he changed his mind again.

When I went out Diego wasn't there. I didn't want to wait for him but I didn't know the way back home.

He came back in less than half an hour. He was slightly panting, his forehead sweating from running. "Did you wait long?" He asked wiping his forehead with his arm.

I shook my head. I didn't feel like talking right now. Thankfully, unlike Stephen, Diego didn't mind my non verbal responses.

"I'm sorry. I had to deal with something." He confessed, forcefully taking my school bag from me. "I will carry it." He added with a smile.

I shrugged in response. Do whatever you want, I don't care.

"We can take the bus." I offered once we were in the parking area.

Diego chuckled at my hesitance to get in a car with him, "I'm alright, Lili."

If you say so.

Halfway through the ride, I realized the roads were getting more unfamiliar as time passed.

"This is not the way home, is it?" I narrowed my eyes.

'Maybe, he's planning to kill you?'

I highly doubt that.

"It's not," Diego affirmed, looking straight at the road. The trembling in his hands almost invisible to my eyes.


Was he truly planning something sinister?

He wouldn't. He is not dumb. And as powerful as Stephen is, even he can't get away with murder.

The car stopped abruptly.

"Can you get down first?" Diego asked.

I complied and got down. What other option did I have?

I looked around to realize there wasn't even a single person in the whole vicinity.

We were standing in a deserted bridge, a sea before us. A couple seagulls shrieking in the distance.

An ideal location to kill someone and hide their body.

I looked behind to see Diego was still in the car. He had his back turned, searching for something in the backseat.

I bet Stephen knew about it, too. That's why he took away my phone from me so I won't be able to contact anyone.

Walking forward, I leaned against the railing of the bridge. Some parts of the railing were missing and the fallen leaves beneath my feet told me how abandoned this place was.

Diego stepped down from the car and approached where I was standing. He had his hands behind his back, hiding something.

His gun?

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I followed his trail of vision to find him looking at the sea in awe.

"It is," I agreed.

"I like coming here." He admitted. "Helps me calm down."

The sound of waves crashing against the land was soothing.

"I don't like seas." I revealed.

"Mhmm, I know." He nodded. "You're scared of water."

I was a little taken aback at his knowledge. My fear of water wasn't that extreme which is why I never really showed hesitance in joining them in the beach as a child. I didn't think anyone other than Kai knew about my dislike towards swimming.

"You like mountains. But you never had the opportunity to go to one." He added.

Now it's becoming creepy.

Not even Kai knew about my interest in hiking. And I don't think Diego can read me when even Stephen couldn't.

"You hate cats with a passion. But Kai likes them so you pretend to do the same." He commented. "You like puppies. You always wanted one as a child."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked. "I know what I like and don't like. I don't need to hear it from you."

"You're left handed." He continued. "But you forced yourself to use your right hand because you thought everyone will call you weird."

"Stephen used to scold you a lot for your poor handwriting. But you still insisted on going against your reflex." He reminded.

"What's your point?" I scowled.

Why did he have to bring this up? Did he want to brag about how observant he is?

"It's simple." He shrugged. "You've spent your whole life trying to impress others, to fit in their standards."

"I don't, not anymore." I stated, resolute. "It's in the past. I was naive and didn't know any better."

Diego chuckled at my response. "Correct me if I'm wrong, you still write with your right hand."

"I have gotten used to it."

"You have gotten used to it," he echoed. "Then why do you swap to your left hand the second no one is watching?"

My cheeks turned scarlet in embarrassment.

He paused, letting all that sink in. "When will you realize you don't owe anyone anything?"

"You don't have to fit in. Its okay to be different. Its good to be different."

I didn't respond. Who did he think he was to advice me on anything?

He's the reason of half my misery. He's the one who made me insecure. He's the reason I felt the need to change all that about me.

"I have something for you." He stated. He brought his hands from the back to show me the contents he had hidden.

It was a small bouquet of daisies. Even the wrapper it came in had cute daisies drawn in them. Accompanied with it was a medium sized chocolate bar.

"This is the first time I am gifting you something." He admitted, avoiding my eyes. "Accept them, please?"

Should I?

"No." I refused.

Diego didn't insist.

He placed the bouquet of daisies in the hollow space between the railings of the bridge. He leaned against it and slowly unwrapped the chocolate bar.

He started eating the chocolate himself, looking at the sea with intense but gloomy eyes.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"You really need to ask me that?" I scoffed in disbelief. "After all that you've done to me?"

"It's more than that. You hate me for something else, too. Something worse." He pondered.

"What is it, Lili?" He asked, his voice cracking. "What is it that I've done that you don't even consider me your brother anymore?"

He was looking straight ahead, not turning to look at me, even once.

But I still saw it. The silent tears streaming down his red rimmed eyes.

"I needed you." I said, "But you weren't there. You never were."

I didn't elaborate on the circumstance in which I needed him, a small part of me wouldn't let me break his heart.

"It's snowing," Diego commented.

It was indeed snowing. It was the first snow of the year.

Diego took off his coat and wrapped it around me, "Don't go out in such light attire. You'll catch a cold." He scolded, proceeding to wrap his scarf around me.

I stood there, letting him do as he pleased.

To give him a chance to act like a big brother. Just for today.


"Mhmm?" He hummed.

"Do you regret it?" I asked, wanting to know. "Do you regret hurting me?"


I didn't doubt his words for his eyes held nothing but honesty.

"You didn't apologize. Not even once."

I know an apology won't change anything. But I think I still deserve one.

"Because I'm not worthy of your forgiveness." He said. "I never will be."

"But for what it's worth, I am sorry. I'm so fucking sorry I hurt you. And I'll apologize a million times more if that's what helps you feel better."

"It doesn't," I said honestly. "You were right, Diego. You will never be worthy of my forgiveness."

"I know, Lili. Trust me, I do. But I'm shameless enough to still want you to love me. And I'll do everything in my power to make that dream come true." He promised, his eyes firm.

My body trembled, not from his words but because of the cold. The snow hadn't stopped falling, creating a fine layer in my shoulders.

Diego noticed it as well and offered to go back home. I easily agreed, wondering how he wasn't freezing even after giving me his coat and scarf.

I looked back one last time, my eyes zeroing over the daisies still resting on top of the bridge.

Should I take it with me?

If I leave it here, it will wilt away in the cold weather.

But if I took it with me, I would be able to keep it blooming for a few more days.

In the end, I chose not to.

I left it there.

Just like Diego left me that day.

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