

"They know," I heard a whisper from beside me. It took me a second to realize it was Norah.

"Who knows?" I asked, not turning to look at her. It was dinner time. I was in the line to take the fish soup from the counter when Norah interrupted.

"The authorities. Someone ratted us out." She elaborated.

"I thought only us two know?" I couldn't help but frown. Did she lie to me?

"That was the plan." She stated. "But someone must have heard us in the bathroom."

"Who do you think it is?"

"My bet is on Arisa Edwards. She has been looking at me weirdly since lunch."

"What do we do now?"

Why was she so calm about it?

"We stick to the plan. We run. Now."

"What do you mean now?"

She didn't answer instead went back to her assigned table to eat. I did the same. I couldn't risk raising any more suspicions.

"10 minutes. Back door." Norah shortly informed.

I did as she said and met her in front of the back exit.

Norah took out a bobby pin from her hair and unlocked the lock in seconds. This part of the corridor was empty most of the times.

But as soon as we stepped out in the dark night, a blaring alarm sounded through the institute.

We already knew the alarm would go off. Stepping out through the back door was strictly prohibited unless for emergencies like fire and earthquakes.

Taking a deep breathe, I climbed the huge wall before me.

"Here, take my hand." I reached out my hand for Norah to grab. I could see the guards from up here. They had two hunter dogs accompanying them. They were barking furiously making me tremble a little.

But the fear was momentary.

The wind slapping against my face had never felt so refreshing.

I was one step away from freedom.

"Ready?" I inquired, tightly clutching the belt of my parachute.

"Yes." Norah confirmed.

And with that we jumped.

The landing went smoother than I had expected. The guards weren't able to reach the other side yet but I knew it wouldn't take them long.

"Run, we have a headstart." Norah stated, stretching her hands after the fall.

And that's what we did.

We ran.

And we ran.

We didn't stop.

But the forest just wouldn't end.

"I can't run anymore," I gasped, short of breathe. "My legs are giving out."

"We can't stop now, Aylin." She said, turning back to see if we were being followed.

We were.

"Just a little longer," She encouraged. "We just need to reach the highway."

But we had overestimated our strength.

"I can't," I exclaimed, my whole body paining.

After an hour of endless running,our legs stopped coordinating. My vision had started to get blurry as I felt the world spinning around me.

Norah stumbled on a rock and crashed on the ground.

I paused, kneeling down to help her up. But her leg was sprained.

"Can you move?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"No," She yelped in pain.

"THEY WENT THIS WAY!" A shout came not far from us.

"Norah, we have to go right now." I insisted.

She tried to get up. She really did.

"I can't, Aylin." She said, helpless.

"Climb on my back," I told her even though I doubt I would be able to carry her.

I heard the distant sound of barking get closer as two uniformed men came in our view. They were armed.


But I knew they wouldn't shoot.

"Norah, now!" I urged.

"I will hold them off," She assured. "At least one of us deserves to taste freedom."

I didn't move. Was she going to give up? After coming this far?

"Norah, we don't have time to waste!"

She smiled at me. A single tear rolling down her eye.

"Run," she whispered, "Run and don't look back."

"I-I can't. I can't leave you here."

"You have to."

And so I did. I ran and didn't look back leaving her there, wounded, to face the aftermath alone.

She had been true to her words. She had held them off for long enough for me to reach the highway.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I finally reached the highway.

Norah hadn't shared the next part of her plan with me. I doubt whether she even had one.

The guilt of leaving her there was still heavy on my heart. But I was well aware that if I were to stay behind with her it would be pointless. We would both just get caught.

I clutched the backpack in my back tighter, determined to get out of here.

I walked straight ahead, even though my body protested I couldn't afford to stop. Not after getting this far.

I wondered where I will be going from here.


Do I even have one?

My throat was parched, the cold wind biting against my skin.

The fog was making it harder to see in the distance and the lack of moonlight didn't help much either.

Just a little longer, Aylin. I willed my legs to move.

My efforts weren't in vain.

I saw a car parked in the sidewalk. I ran towards it, my hope igniting back.There was no one around the car. But the headlights were on and so was the engine. Which meant someone had to be near.

I pressed my face against the window to get a look inside. The doors were locked. Even if they weren't it wouldn't help much for I didn't know how to drive.

"You lost?"

I jumped at the sound.

I turned back to find a middle aged man standing behind me. He looked barely thirty. He was tall, his fair skin a contrast to the darkness around us. His eyes hooded by the huge sunglasses he wore.

Why was he wearing sunglasses during night?

"I got separated from my parents." I lied.

"In the middle of nowhere?" He raised a brow at my pathetic lie, his voice carrying a slight accent to it.

I contemplated on running. Would I be able to outrun him? He looked athletic, his tall build giving him an advantage over me.

"Do you want me to drop you off somewhere?" He offered.

The warm and inviting smile in his face told me he posed no harm. And I instantly nodded.

"Will you?"

"Sure, get in."

He unlocked his car and I got in after him. The inside was warm, assuring me safety from the biting cold outside.

"You want some water?" The man passed me bottle of mineral water. I all but snatched it from him. I would kill for a drop of water right now.

I finished half the bottle with one gulp. From the corner of my eye, I saw him smile.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" I inquired, letting my guard down at his kind smile.

"You don't want to know, trust me." I frowned at his words.

I grabbed the door handle to recover my balance, feeling the surroundings spin around me as a wave of drowsiness hit me.


"Where did you get that scar from?" I hadn't noticed the big scar running beside his left eye before, due to the dark.

"You don't want to know that either, tesoro."

I looked out the window, tired of asking questions to which I got no answers.

I squinted my eyes, trying to focus. My vision had become blurry or was it the mist?

Something felt wrong.

The scenery outside was oddly familiar.

"Oh, how rude of me! I'm Azazel." He introduced. "It's nice to make your acquaintance, Aylin." He smiled.

His kind smile didn't look that kind anymore.

"I don't think I gave you my name," my voice came out shaking, my hands trembling.

"You didn't." Azazel's hold on the steering wheel tightened.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, the roads getting more familiar to me. I had gone through here not even an hour ago.

"Where you should be." He said, his voice void of the kindness he had been showing me.

I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"What did you mix in the water?" I panicked, my eyes getting heavier.

"Sleep,tesoro."Azazel whispered,taking his glasses off.

I wondered why someone would hide such beautiful eyes.

Both eyes a contrast to the other.

One was black, darker than coal while the other made of pure glass.

Was it pity that flickered in his eyes?


I wondered as I slowly lost my consciousness.

... ... ...

As soon as I woke up again in the morning, I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug.

"I was so scared." Kai told me clutching me even tighter. I felt my shoulders getting wet.

Was he crying?

"Don't cry," I patted his back.

He didn't listen.

After ten minutes he broke the hug, turning away from me to hide his red, swollen eyes.

"Don't be scared. It won't happen again." I assured him. I never had a panic attack before and the only reason I had one last night was because of trying to repress the voices.

"It better not. Now rest." He said tucking me in my bed again. "I'll bring your breakfast."

I felt warmth flooding in my systems at his caring side. I missed that. Ever since I came back, he had been a little closed off with me.

I was glad he was back to the Kai I knew.

He came back with a bowl of porridge in his hand. "I'm not sick, Kai." I groaned.

"Shh, don't talk." He reprimanded, sitting beside me. "Open your mouth." He ordered, putting a spoonful of porridge before my mouth.

"I'm not a baby. I can eat myself." I told him, trying to take the spoon from his hand.

He raised it higher, out of my reach. "You're still a baby to me. Stop whining and eat."

I complied, a part of me happy at being treated so tenderly.

"I'm going to school." I told him after he finished feeding me the whole bowl.

"Over my dead body." He scoffed.

"They will disqualify me if I don't. I really want to participate." I lied,my eyes downcast in mock sorrow.

"I haven't been to a cultural function in years." I added.

Kai sighed, giving up. "Okay, but promise me you won't overwork or take too much pressure."

"I promise."

... ... ...


"Yes, shortcake?"

"Can you do me a favour?"

"Will you make me more cupcakes?"


School hadn't started yet. Kai had just dropped me and Eve off when Ethan caught up and was now walking by my side.

"Help me get out of here." I demanded.

Ethan raised a brow at my odd request, "Why?"

"Can you do it?" I asked.

"Yes, but you have to take me with you."

"Okay." I easily agreed seeing there was no harm having him come with me.

Ethan was efficient. It didn't even take us ten minutes to get out of school. There was an exit at the back for emergency situations. The place was isolated and hidden behind a bunch of bushes so most students didn't know about it.

Besides, it was locked. But Ethan picked up a big stone and broke the lock with a bang.

"Where to?" Ethan inquired after making sure my seat belt was on properly.

I gave him the address to Ezra's hospital. He looked at me with a frown, "You want to go to a hospital?Are you hurt somewhere?"

"No, my brother works there. I have something urgent to tell him." I lied. Ezra was at home, sleeping in his room. He shouldn't be coming to work in a few hours from what I had observed in the past month.

He would either do the night shift and sleep during day or vice-versa.

"Can't you do that at home?"

"I told you it's urgent."

Ethan didn't argue after that and we reached the hospital in a comfortable silence.

"You can go back now." I told him. "I will go back home directly."

"I'll wait here." He firmly stated.

"Your wish," I shrugged.

Taking the elevator, I went straight inside Ezra's cabin. I just hoped there weren't any CCTV cameras around and even if there were I would think about that later.

I knew Ezra hadn't yet checked what my pills were for. If he did, Stephen would have already confronted me about it.

I had already checked his room after Stephen and Diego had left me alone. It wasn't there so it had to be here.

I rummaged through his belongings, careful to place it back exactly where it was. It was already half an hour and I still didn't find the bottle of anti-psychotics.

Where else could he have put it?

"Looking for this?"

I whipped my head around to find Iris standing in the doorway with an awfully familiar bottle in her hand.

"Why do you have this?"

"Your brother gave it to me. To check what it is." She answered, her eyes getting dark. "Why are you taking anti-psychotics, Lin-lin?"

"They are vitamins," I continued to refuse.

Iris sighed, contemplating on how to deal with this situation.

I knew there was no point in continuing this lie. So I went to the next best method.

Emotional manipulation.

"Please don't tell Ezra," I said, forcing my tears to fall down.

"I am sorry but I can't hide something so important." She refused.

At the sight of my tears, her eyes softened, "Why are you taking anti-psychotics Lin-lin?"

"To stop the voices in my head."

She paused, taking in the new piece of information.

"Does your brother know?" She asked, gently.

"No, please don't tell him." I pleaded. "They will send me back if they know."

"He loves you, Lin-lin. He won't do anything to hurt you."

"Iris, how long do you know him for?"

Iris raised a brow at my odd question, "5 years almost."

"Did he tell you where I was all these years?"

"He told me you were studying in a boarding school abroad."

"That's a lie," I said, biting my lower lip. "I-I want to show you something."

Taking off the navy blazer, I opened the first few buttons of my shirt. I turned around to show her the scars of my past.

Iris gasped, her eyes wide with horror. "Who-who did this to you?" She stuttered out.

"My family."

The horror in her eyes intensified.

"My oldest brother, he-he's abusive." I said, trying my best to show fear in my face. "I-I, he will kill me if he knows I told someone."

"You have to report it. Its child abuse." She stated, disgusted. "I'll help you. Those monsters can't roam around free like this."

"They claimed I was insane and sent me to a mental asylum after I tried reporting it. They will do it again if they learn about the voices." I said, my voice trembling.

I knew she would buy my story. I had my father to thank for it. After coming back home from my birthday party, I had verified what Jordan said. My father had indeed claimed he had sent me to a mental hospital.

"You have proof!" She gestured to the scars in my back. "They won't be able to get away."

"My-my brother, he is very powerful. He can bend the law just with a snap of his fingers."

It was the truth and Iris was aware of the fact too.

"Does Ezra know about all this?" She asked, her voice lowering by octaves.

I shook my head, "He doesn't know.So please don't tell him. You know how he is. He will only blame himself for it even though its in the past."

Iris looked lost. I decided to make it easier for her, "I will tell Ezra everything once I turn 18. My brother won't have legal custody over me and Ezra can keep me safe then."

"Can you please help me until that?" I begged, my eyes tearing up again.

"I still have to tell Ezra. I can't keep him in the dark. It doesn't feel right." She shook her head, her expression showing how helpless she felt.

"It's just for a few months. I swear I will tell him everything after that." I insisted. "I-I always thought of you as a big sister. Someone who I could share my secrets with."

"I haven't shown my scars to anyone before. Please don't make me regret trusting you." I told her honestly.

I speak from experience when I say, if you want your lie to be believable you need to mix a certain amount of truth with it.

She closer her eyes, taking a deep breath. I couldn't help but applaud her in my head. She had dealt with the situation much better than I had expected had her to.

I was expecting ugly crying, screaming and loads of pity in her eyes at the sight of my scars.

But she hadn't done any of those. Instead she was relatively calm about it. Her eyes held understanding instead of pity.

Almost as if she was accustomed with abuse.

"Does he still hit you?" She asked.

I contemplated on whether to say yes or not. Both answers came with risks. If I said no, the story could lose its credibility. And if I said yes, she might not co-operate anymore.

"Sometimes, but it's nothing extreme I can't handle." I chose to stay in the middle to stay safe.

"Lin-lin, I am only going to deny about the anti-psychotics. And for the time being, I'm ready to stay silent about the abuse."

"But the next time, he raises his hand at you, I want you to tell me. I will figure out a way, I promise." She said, determined.

"So," I drawled out. "You won't tell Ezra anything?" I asked to confirm.

She sighed, "No."

"Do you need me to drop you off?" She asked.

"No, my friend is waiting downstairs." I told her standing up to leave.

But on second thought, I ran back and hugged her tightly. "Thank you."

I truly meant it. I had seen the sincere intention to help me in her eyes. And it really meant a lot even though it was based on a lie.

"You look happy." Ethan commented after I went down.

"So do you," I shot back, feeling a bitter emotion rise at the sight of Ethan leaning against the reception counter, smiling as he joked with the receptionist.

Why was she flirting with a minor instead of doing her job?

"Let's go, we have to go back to school." I urged him, dragging him by his arm.

Just as we reached Ethan's car, Ethan was roughly pushed against his car.

"Stay away from my Lili!" Diego growled, pressing Ethan against the car.

"Leave him!" I shouted, furiously trying to push him away from Ethan.

Diego complied and removed his arm pressed against Ethan's throat. Ethan coughed, gasping for breath.

"What's wrong with you?!" I hissed at Diego. Why was he so fucking aggressive all the time?

"You don't know boys like him, Lili. He's only trying to take advantage of you." Diego stated.

"Oh, don't you worry about that." I told him, my voice laced with sweetness. "However he is, he can't be worse than you."

"Lili-" He started, his eyes filled with sadness, "I was just looking out for you."

"I don't need you to." I went back to Ethan. "Lets go."

"You aren't going anywhere with him." Diego interrupted rudely. "Stephen wants to talk to you."


In my anger, I had forgotten the fact that I was supposed to be at school right now. Not infront of a hospital with a boy.

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