《Rheostat》29.Venus pt.2


I stomped to the living room to find Diego and Stephen playing chess.

"Did you ask Noah to convince me to see a therapist?" I asked, trying my best to sound calm.

"Yes." Stephen answered, studying my expression. "I don't think he did a good job at it though."

"So you think I'm crazy?" I asked.

"Noah sees a therapist." He said instead. "Do you think he's crazy?"

"It's different!"

"How so?" Stephen inquired in a calm voice. He wasn't even the least bit affected at my anger which only added more to my rage.

"Are you planning on sending me back?" I asked directly.

"I told you numerous times and I'll tell it to you again. I won't send you back there." He stated.

"Then why are you doing this?" I asked infuriated.

"I just want the best for you."

"Funny, I remember father saying the exact same words before he sent me away."

"I'm not father, Aylin."

Before I could reply with something hurtful, Ezra entered the living room. He was wearing scrubs under his lab coat which meant either he recently came back from the hospital or he was going there now.

But that's not what caught my attention. Rather my eyes fixated on the the bottle of anti-psychotics in his hand.

"Where did you get them?" I bellowed, trying to snatch it from his hand but he held it up, beyond my reach. Why was he so tall?!

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Ezra shot back. "Where did you get them, Aylin?"

"Were you looking through my stuff?" I turned to Stephen in disbelief. "Did you ask him to do that too?"

"No." Stephen curtly denied, his attention on the chessboard.

"They fell out of your school bag when I went to your room." Ezra explained.

"Why were you in my room? Doesn't matter. Give it back." I told him.

"What are they for, Aylin?" Ezra asked, his voice firmer than before.

"Can't you read? They are vitamins." I shrugged, trying to sound casual but the tremble in my voice gave me right away.


"And where did you get them?" I panicked at his question. Did he find the prescription too? But I don't see that in his hand.

"I always had them." I lied. "The doctor in my boarding school prescribed them to me."

"She's lying," Stephen stated in a cold voice. "I received her medical records. She's not on any medications."

"Oh, so now I'm crazy and a liar?" I snarled at Stephen.

"Ezra, do me a favour and check what they really are for." Stephen instructed, completely ignoring my words.

"You don't have to check." I told Ezra, my hands were staring to sweat in panic. "I already told you they are vitamins! Don't you believe me?"

"Why are you getting so defensive?" Diego asked, confused. "Are you hiding something from us?"

"Ezra, they're mine." I insisted. "Give it back."

"No." Ezra refused. "I can't do that."

"I'll stop taking them, okay?" I tried to compromise. "Just give them back and I'll throw it."

I could just buy new ones with the prescription I still had. But leaving this with Ezra was equivalent to digging my own grave.

"Please, Ezra." When he wasn't moved by the tears in my eyes, I knew it was a lost cause.

... ... ...

"I hate them!" I complained to Kai.

I was in the library with him. I had stopped forcing myself to read books to stay by his side. Instead, I was sketching while he read.

"They weren't exactly wrong." Kai stated.

"I know." I sighed. I knew Stephen had the best intentions in his mind when he asked me to see a therapist. But I didn't want to risk it.

The professionals were experienced and there was a high chance they would find out what was wrong with me.

Besides, I had already gotten a sneak peak of their reactions if they actually do find out about my secrets, thanks to Ezra.

"How many tattoos do you have?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Two." He said pointing to the tattooes on his left arm.

"Looks good. I should get one as well when I turn 18." I commented.


"Don't even dare," Kai warned.

"I was only joking." I defended. I wasn't joking. But he doesn't need to know that.

"Do you know Diego is married?" I disclosed, resting my head on his lap.

"No." He shook his head, keeping the book in his hand down so he could run his hands through my hair instead. I shifted closer to his touch, feeling the migraine fade away.

"He is." I shared, excited to tell him something new. "Well, he was. Her name was Freya White."

"Was?" He echoed, his shoulders tensing up. I could even hear a slight tremor in his voice.

"Yep." I nodded, a little hesitantly, not sure why he was getting riled up. "Diego said she died in his last mission."

"Oh." He sighed, sadness flickering in his eyes. "I met her a few times."

"Really?" I sat up, gasping at the new piece of information. "What was she like?"

I instantly regretted the question. It was insensitive of me to ask that to him when he might not be willing to tap into past memories.

"She was great." He responded. "Diego didn't deserve her. Not by a long shot."

I knew he was just saying that because he hated Diego. I personally believed he loves her a lot. And there's no such thing as undeserving if he truly loved her.

I found him talking to his locket every solitary moment he got. It was either he was still madly in love with her, unable to move on or he was a creep.

"Do you like it here?" Kai asked suddenly.

I bit my lip, stopping myself from saying something I would later regret. I hadn't given much thought to that question. I was just so glad for leaving that institute that anywhere in comparison felt like heaven.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. I liked staying up late watching movies with Stephen. Or beating Noah and Diego's ass at video games, albeit the rare times I won was because they let me.

I liked letting Eve experiment on me with makeup or when she and Ezra would cook something new and I would be their first victim. But most of all, I liked being back with Kai and I wasn't sure I wanted to leave all this behind.

But on the other hand, seeing Diego's face every day was torture. I hated how Stephen tried to control my every step all in the name of protecting me.

"We can leave." Kai offered, reading the dilemma on my face. "Just you and me. Somewhere far from here. Close to the mountains where we can go hiking every other week. We can adopt a cat."

"Really?" It was so hard to believe my perfect fairytale was that easy to get.

"Really." Kai smiled. "We can leave right after you graduate high school. What do you say?"

"Yes." I nodded eagerly. "But what about your university?" My excitement dimmed a little at the thought. I wasn't going to agree if it meant he was going to drop out.

"I can transfer my credits to another university. Or take an online course."

I still felt bad he would have to uproot his entire life just for me. "What about your life here though? Won't you miss it?"

"You are my life, Lili."

I hadn't realized how much I needed to hear those until I did. "And you're mine."

"I don't feel so good. I think I'm going to go sleep." I told him.

I went back to my room but the nausea and headache wouldn't let me sleep.

I had taken one of those anti-psychotics last night. I should have taken one before going out with Noah today. I was regretting not doing that so much right now.

It's like they were trying to get out after being repressed for a week.

The headache didn't stop even after I took a pain killer. If possible it intensified it. The ringing in my ears stopped just as abruptly it had started.

'You can't get rid of us, little Lili.' The voices laughed in my head.

They were worse than ever before. I couldn't focus on anything other than their malicious laughter and taunts.

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