《PJO Truth or Dare》Travis


It's like there's some kind of protection squad for Nico. It's crazy, dude. Anyway, I was glad nobody hurt anyone else. Hazel's pretty cool.

Well, I thought that until she turned to me and asked the 'fateful question'.

"Um... Travis?"

"Yes?" I sighed. I hoped she couldn't come up with anything too bad for me, I mean, she hardly knew me and she was only 13.

"Truth or dare?" She asked. She seemed kind of scared to ask, as though I would seek vengeance if a question was too prying or a dare was too bad. I mean, if it was someone I knew properly, like Percy or Leo, then I would. But, Hazel? Nah.

"Dare, I s'pose," I said, shrugging.

Hazel smiles slightly and giggles when Piper suggests something. I sigh, knowing that if its Piper, I hold be worried. "Ask Katie out."

I feel my face burning red. "No."

"Yes, Travis," my ever-so-helpful brother said. "A dare's a dare, you have to do it."

"Fine," I spat. I stomp off to the Demeter cabin, knowing that she would be in the garden round the back. I knocked on the door.

"Yes?" A boy with pale hair answered. I sighed.

"Could I speak to Katie, please?" I asked. He regarded me cautiously, as though I was about to set off fireworks in their cabin again (long story).

"Fine." He said. He opened the door and let me in, leading me to the garden. I saw Katie, then grimaced slightly.

"What do you want?"


"So... you... like me?" Katie said, frowning slightly. Please don't reject me, I thought.

"Pretty much, yeah."

"And... they dared you to ask me out?"

I was silent.


I sighed. "Yes."

"Well then," she shrugged. "Sure."


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