《Daphné》Chapter 2 - Les Amis de l'ABC (part 1)


They continued staring at me with the same looks on their faces, prompting me to click my fingers at them, which successfully snapped them out of their dazes, although Courfeyrac was still in shock. "So...can I join?" I repeated, this time straightening my posture to appear more confident.

Courfeyrac stuttered for a moment before finally speaking. "I'd have to discuss this with Enjolras, he's our leader, but I think everyone would love to have you there!" This made me smile as I felt I was already welcomed. We turned around to walk to the cafe Musain, so I assumed that's where everyone else was. As we walked, I felt like a pair of eyes was on me once more and guessing who it was, I looked up to Musain's window and felt no surprise when I saw the same man eyeing me. This time however, I felt him staring me down, I would not give him the satisfaction of seeing me squirm under his powerful gaze. To my satisfaction, he looked pleased as a quick smile lit up his eyes, and it made me feel so beautiful and appreciated. However, this also prompted a thought, which had me thinking 'has he been standing there the whole time?' I chose to ignore that and focus on a more pressing question, 'who was that angelically handsome man?' I had to know.

The moment I stepped into the Musain, I felt so at home that I couldn't stop the smile spreading on my face. I looked at the empty chairs at the empty tables, and wondered where everyone (including that angel) was. The thought plagued my mind until I noticed Courf and Gavroche walking over to a back door, so naturally I followed. We found ourselves at a winding staircase and I heard loud chatter as we walked up the stairs. I smiled once again as I knew that this would be a lively atmosphere.


Courf had reached the top first and as I got closer I could hear him talking earnestly about a newcomer; me. I could hear people saying that it's a great idea to have me join, but my heart sank when one voice started fervently protesting. I sped up the stairs to see who it was and the room became deathly silent the moment I appeared. I felt a dozen eyes land on me, and once again I was caught in the crystal blue mirrors of that man.

Sensing the awkwardness, Courf cleared his throat loudly, which thankfully turned everyone's eyes and attention to him. "This is Daphne", he started, "she is here because she wants to show her support and help in the revolution". There was another pause before a drunk man in a green vest stood up and shouted, "I think it's a brilliant idea, let her join!' I gave him a grateful smile, which he returned before taking a swig out of his bottle. Another man piped up, "I think we should take a vote". This seemed reasonable so I nodded. The blond haired man stepped forward and said, "Mademoiselle...", before I cut him off with "Daphne". Another beautiful smile. "Daphne, as a woman we, I, simply cannot let you fight. There will be no voting."

This angered me very much so I looked him dead in the eye and said "a woman put you on this earth, without a woman you wouldn't even be able to do this." This shut him up but you could see the surprise in his eyes as he said, "fine, we'll vote, please wait downstairs." I si ply nodded my head and left, making my way to the downstairs part of the cafe.

As I sat waiting paciently, I could hear the muffled shouts and yells and for an unknown reason this made me snigger. After what seemed like forever, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Courf, who said I can come back upstairs. I felt so nervous as I walked up the stairs, but excited because I felt that I could get in.


There was a loud cheer as we entered the room and I heard my breath as a slim man with dirty blond hair stood up, and said with a large smile plastered across his face, "welcome to the revolution, and to les amis de l'ABC!"

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