《w o n d e r f u l [f.w]》9.


"Hey, Y/N?"

I rolled over and covered the blankets over my head. I was currently lying in bed. I hadn't left my dorm since yesterday afternoon, and I skipped breakfast this morning. I wasn't in the mood.

"How did you get here Freddie?" I turned to face him. Fred was sat at the end of my bed, holding a plate of food. He got me breakfast. He didn't even have to - but he did.

"I have my ways Black." He replied, before continuing. "Now Y/N, you have to eat something, you never skip meals." There was a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'll just go to the kitchens later - you really didn't need to bring any food up. You still haven't answered my question too Freddie." I said as I propped myself up in bed, leaning against my pillows.

"I got a bit worried - everyone is worried for you Y/N. We know how much you care for Ced, but it's done, you can't do anything about it now." He told me in a soft voice. "And as for getting here, I climbed through the window." He said smirking.

I shot up from my bed. "YOU CLIMBED THROUGH THE WINDOW?!" I shouted in shock.

"Yeah it was a bloody challenge as well - imagine if the better looking twin had died and you'd be left with only Georgie." He mused.

"Not funny Fred." I mumbled.

"It is a bit." Fred winked at me.

"Okay a bit.. but never do that again - promise?" I said as I got up to him and hugged him.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back, pulling me close.

"I promise Black."

After I stuffed my face with some toast, got changed into my school clothes and washed my hair, we went down to the common room. Well, we slid down. The stairs realised Fred was there and immediately turned into a slide - it was quite fun to slide down to the common room. I had completely forgotten it was Monday, and that I'd already missed Herbology and Arithmacy. I'd go catch up on the work later. Now, there was a 15 minute break in between lessons, so everyone was in the common room.


Once we'd gotten up from our little slide adventure, all our friends turned to us and smiled. We approached them and sat down together.

"Did i miss anything important?" I asked

"Yeah actually Black." George said.

"What?" I lifted my head to look at everyone.

"Cedrics been outside the common room for the past 3 hours." Alicia said.

"Why doesn't he just come in? There's only a password - he know it." I asked.

"He didn't want to upset you anymore." Angel a said, nodding her head toward the portrait entrance.

I got up, opened the door, and looked down the corridor. And surely enough, Cedric was sat there, doing his homework.

"Ced." I muttered, waking up to him.

He looked up and smiled. I just gave him a massive bear hug.

"If you die in this I'll kill you Diggory." I murmured into his shoulder.

"Did you hear what you just said Y/N? That's not possib-" Cedric started.

"Oh you get what I mean Ced - I'm saying I'll support you, but you better be careful." I led Ced to the common room, and we just sat down and started talking.

Soon enough, break was over, and we went to our classes. As I was in a different year, I had no classes with any of my friends - except potions and herbology. I excelled at those subjects, so was put in classes with older year groups so I would be learning something new. I guess I got my skills and gifts from my mother - she was an apothecary before she died. Professor Sprout does always tell me how proud my mother would be of me.

I had potions next, with Lee and Fred, so we made our way to the cold dungeons. As we got inside, I sat next to Fred, with Lee opposite us - he was sitting next to the girl he liked. Fred wriggled is eyebrows at Lee upon seeing this and I giggled. Then Snape entered, and silence fell upon the class.


"Today, we will be studying three powerful potions." The whole class seemed fascinated.

"If there is any foolery on this class, you may be punished by having to take one of them, so I advise you behave today." Snape turned to our table and narrowed his eyes at me, Lee and Fred. I smiled back - which just made him glare more.

We had to brew a simple healing potion, but also take notes on the powerful ones too. One of them - Amortentia - made the whole room smell like Fred, and I immediately knew what type of potion it was. We began brewing, and suddenly, the Slytherin pair next to us, blew up their cauldron.

"10 points from Gryffindor." Snape said, approaching the table.

"But sir, it wasn't us-" I began.

"20 points from Gryffindor." He shouted as he came closer to the table.

"Professor, we didn't blow our cauldron up - they did." Fred said pointing at the Slytherin pair, who were now covered in soot.

Snape turned to Fred and stepped towards him.

"Are you questioning my intelligence Mr Weasley?" He hissed.

"Oh not your intelligence sir - only your eyesight." The whole class began to quietly chuckle.

"I believe you should go to Specsavers sir." He said - and every half blood and muggleborn erupted into laughter. Snape looked confused and humilated.

"Weasley and Black, the both of you - go to that cauldron there." He shouted at us. He was pointing at the amortentia. We quickly hurried over.

"Miss Black, what do you smell?" He was planning on humiliating me.

"I smell pine, campfires, honey, and fireworks." I said calmly , smiling at Snape. I wasn't going to let him win. He simply turned to Fred.

"And you Mr Weasley?"

"I smell cookies, honeysuckle and daisies sir." Fred replied, and he smiled a bit, before walking back to our table with me.

No one knew why Snape would do that as a punishment - but it was to personally embarrass ourselves without anyone else knowing what it meant to us.

Once class was over, I quickly rushed out towards the library. We were let out late, and I promised Cho I'd help her with our DADA project. I didn't see Fred look stressed and pull Lee aside to tell him that he was worried I'd solved his secret, or that Pucey was right behind Fred, and had heard every word.

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